E.S. Moore is the author of the Urban Fantasy series: Kat Redding. The three first books of the series are: To Walk the Night (January 3rd, 2012), Tainted Night, Tainted Blood (July 3rd, 2012), Blessed By A Demon’s Mark (December 31st, 2012).
E.S. Moore est l’auteur de la série urban fantasy: Kat Redding. Les trois premiers livres de la série sont : To Walk the Night (3 Janvier 2012), Tainted Night, Tainted Blood (3 Juillet 2012), Blessed By A Demon’s Mark (31 Décembre 2012).

Choosing a Location
E.S. Moore
Every story takes place somewhere. It could be a single room, a town, an entire world. Where the story is set can sometimes be as important as the characters. It might even be a character in its own way, growing and changing as the story progresses.
The towns and cities in most of my stories come straight from my head. They may be based a little on what I know, but in general, I make them up. I’d much rather mold a fictional town to my liking than try to adapt a real world place to fit the story. It’s not because I think it’s easier that way; it’s not. I just like having more control. I can blow things up, move things around, and not feel guilty about it later.
Then I started work on the Kat Redding series. For the first time, I went with a real city instead of a made up one. I chose a place I knew relatively well, that had a big enough population to support the story I was trying to tell, but not so big that the characters would get lost in it. I wanted the story to be grounded in the real world to offset all the craziness happening.
I took Columbus, Ohio apart. I kept a few of the locations, like High Street and the Ohio State Campus, and completely reworked them to fit with how I saw the world evolving if there really was a supernatural Uprising. The library that becomes the Luna Cult Den in the story is a real place, but the inside was made to fit with what I needed, not what it really looks like. And, by the way, High Street is nothing like it is in the story. There are a few locations on the street that really are there, but it bears little resemblance to what you’d see if you were to go there now.
In the end, it was about balance. How could I take a city, one that people live in today, and turn it into something familiar, yet so radically different that it’s almost unrecognizable? I wanted people who have visited Columbus or who live there to feel like they are reading about a darker version of their city without me feeling as if I was being restricted by reality. If I needed a mansion or a mall somewhere, I put it there and tried to explain how it came to be there.
It isn’t always easy. There’s always a question as to whether the changes are believable or not. I could have left things as they are and tried to build the world around what is already there.
But really, I couldn’t; not if I wanted the city to grow.
And that’s what I hope it did. If you get a chance to visit, look around, see what is familiar. Maybe in some dark corner, you’ll see something that will remind you of a far darker world, one in which the vampires truly do walk the night.

Choisir un endroit
E.S. Moore
Chaque histoire doit prendre place quelque part. Ca peut être une chambre, une ville, un monde entier. L’endroit où est située l’histoire peut parfois être aussi important que les personnages. Ca peut même être un personnage à sa propre manière, évoluant et changeant tandis que l’histoire progresse.
Les villes et villages, dans la plupart de mes histoires, viennent directement de mon esprit. Ils peuvent être un peu basés sur ce que je connais, mais en général, c’est mon propre travail. Je préfère créer une ville fictive que j’aime qu’essayer d’adapter un endroit du monde réel à mon histoire. Ce n’est pas parce que je pense que ce sera plus facile comme ça ; ce n’est pas le cas. J’aime juste avoir plus de contrôle. Je peux détruire les choses, les bouger où je veux et ne pas me sentir coupable par la suite.
Puis j’ai commencé à travailler sur ma série Kat Redding. Pour la première fois, j’ai choisi une vraie ville au lieu d’une inventée. J’ai choisi un endroit relativement connu, qui avait un assez grand nombre d’habitants pour supporter l’histoire que j’essayais de faire, mais pas grosse au point que les personnages puissent s’y perdre. Je voulais une histoire ancrée dans le monde réel pour s’opposer à toutes les choses folles qui s’y passent.
J’ai choisi Columbus, Ohio. J’ai gardé quelques endroits, tels que High Street ou le Ohio State Campus, et je les ai complètement retravaillé pour qu’ils aillent avec la manière dont je voyais le monde évoluer s’il y avait vraiment une recrudescence surnaturelle. La bibliothèque qui est devenue le Den du Luna Cult dans le roman est un endroit réel, mais l’intérieur a été créé pour l’histoire, et donc très différent de ce que c’est réellement. Il y a quelques endroits dans les rues qui sont vraiment là, mais il y a peu de ressemblance avec ce que vous pourriez vraiment voir.
A la fin, c’était surtout un équilibre. Comment pouvais-je prendre une ville, une où les gens vivent aujourd’hui, et la changer en quelque chose que l’on connait, et en même temps si différente que l’on ne la reconnait presque pas ? Je voulais que les personnes qui s’étaient déjà rendues à Colombus ou qui vivent là, se sentent comme s’ils lisaient une version plus sombre de leur ville sans que je sois limité par la réalité. Si j’avais besoin d’un manoir ou d’un centre commercial, je le rajoutais et essayais d’expliquer pourquoi il en était arrivé là.
Ce n’est pas toujours facile. Il y a toujours la question de savoir si les changements seront crédibles ou pas. J’aurais pu laisser les choses comme elles sont et essayer de construire un monde autour de ce que j’avais déjà.
Mais je ne pouvais vraiment pas ; pas si je voulais une ville qui évolue.
Et c’est ce que j’espérais faire. Si vous avez une chance d’y aller, regardez autour de vous, voyez ce qui vous est familier. Peut-être que dans un recoin lugubre, vous verrez quelque chose qui vous fera penser à un monde beaucoup plus sombre, un où les vampires se promènent de nuit.
E.S. Moore was born and raised in Ohio where he still lives with his wife and son. He attended Ohio University, majoring in Electronic Media and then later, Telecommunications. Writing has always been a big part of his life, with paranormal and horror being especially important to him. E.S. Moore is busy penning more Kat Redding adventures.
Author’s website: http://esmoore.net/


Synopsis:In the darkness, it’s easy to lose your way…

Kat Redding is a vampire with a job to do—wiping out the vamps and werewolves who prey on Pureblood humans. Someone has to do it…as long as that someone is her. But suddenly Kat, also known as Lady Death, has competition, and it’s causing problems. Vampire houses and werewolf clans alike are blaming her for a spate of gruesome murders, and Kat needs to figure out who’s really responsible before she becomes the next target…

On the hunt, she forms an uneasy alliance with both the Luna Cult and a powerful rogue werewolf. But the truths Kat’s uncovering—about her enemies and her few remaining confidantes—are far from comforting. And when the chance comes to leave her life of vengeance behind, Kat must decide whether her real motive lies in protecting the innocent, or sating her own fierce hungers…


Thanks to E.S Moore for this wonderful post. You can win a signed paperback copy of Tainted Night, Tainted Blood (Kat Redding, 2). International giveaway. It ends on October 1st.

Merci à E.S Moore pour ce merveilleux post. Vous pouvez gagner un exemplaire signé de Tainted Night, Tainted Blood (Kat Redding, 2). Le concours est international et se termine le 1er Octobre.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Liste de tous les concours 


50 thoughts on “Guest Post with E.S. Moore and Giveaway

  1. Peili - Selene

    Je dois dire que le thème de la série d’E.S. Moore est vraiment intéressant et voir une vampire faire justice auprès des poilus et des autres vampires… Ca me tente, je participe ! Merci =)

    1. Melliane

      Oui! cette séries est pas mal, surtout ce tome là. Le premier est très action et peu de sentiments. Celui ci est génial. Bonne chance!

  2. miki

    I don’t know this series but it seem he thought well about the universe and such and i love that so if i have the opportunity i will try it ^^

    ( yes i will try to comment one day in french , one day in english ^^ support to bilingual blogs)

  3. Luna05

    Une série qui semble assez prometteuse, allez je tente!

    1. Inessa

      Bonne chance Luna05 😉

  4. Nyx

    Depuis que tu m’as dit que le tome 2 était meilleure je suis très curieuse !
    Et puis bon jusqu’à maintenant vous ne m’avez jamais déçue les filles ^^

    bisous bisous

    1. Melliane

      Oui tu verras il est vraiment bon. J’espere qu’il te plaira tout autant quand tu le liras!

    2. Nyx

      J’espère surtout que je serai tirée au sort mdr

    3. Melliane

      lol aussi!

    4. Inessa

      Bonne chance 😉

  5. Mel

    I agree that where stories take place can become characters – even in stories set in ‘real’ world places, the place can have a different character to reality – I love exploring those places! Great post – thanks. 🙂

  6. Sam

    Great guest post! it’s always interesting to find out how authors pick their settings. I’m not a writer myself, but if I was, I would definitely feel more comfortable making up my own place, using real places as inspiration. 🙂

  7. Vivian @ Vivaciously, Vivian

    Wow, this was a fantastic guest post! It’s really a great point to bring up since we readers just sometimes take the setting for granted, or complain about it when we don’t like it. I think the balance aspect of it is something I never thought about and it’s really awesome to know this from an author’s point of view!

    Thanks for sharing this~!! <3

  8. Brandileigh2003 (Blkosiners Book Blog)

    Thanks for guest post and insight.

    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  9. Tiamat Creations

    Encore une superbe interview riche et complète et un livre qui donne envie!
    Merci pour tout ça c’est géniale 🙂

  10. Barbara E.

    I haven’t had a chance to read the first book in the Kat Redding series, To Walk the Night, but it’s been on my wish list for a while now. I think I better get my hands on it and get started because it looks like I’m getting really behind. 😀

    1. Melliane

      It’s a nice series, I hope you’ll like it as well.

  11. Blodeuedd

    I do like dark places, well ok I like all kind of places when it comes down to it 😉

  12. marybelle

    I’m looking forward to reading “Tainted Night, Tainted Blood “. It looks amazing.

  13. Ashley @ Book Labyrinth

    Love this! I definitely think it’s interesting the differences between making something up and twisting a version of a real city. I wonder what it would be like to use a real city in a contemporary novel… probably just as much of a challenge, just in a different way.

    Great post. =)

  14. kayaluna


    Je connais pas du tout cet auteur, mais les quelques lignes que j’ai lu m’ont donné envie de le découvrir.
    Je participe volontiers à ton concours et espere gagner pour le découvrir sinon je me le procurerais autrement.

    1. Melliane

      pour participer il faut cliquer sur les “do it” dans la forme rafflecopter, je crois pas que tu le fais. Ou je ne vois pas ou tu es. Bonne chance en tout cas!

  15. nurmawati djuhawan

    i’d like to read this book…love the cover too!!
    thx u for the chance of win 🙂

  16. Aurian

    Thanks for the nice guestpost, you really gave a lot of thought and lot of effort for your settings. I like a great worldbuilding in a book, so I am looking forward to reading the series.

  17. Roxana Zuziac

    The cover looks amazing. I love this kind of guest posts. Thank you!

  18. Alys

    Très intéressant !!

  19. Claire

    This looks like my type of series. I shall put it on my tbr list. Thank you for the great giveaway.

  20. mariska

    This book sounds really fantastic! Thanks for a chance to win this 😀

    Hugs mariska

  21. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh I’ve been wanting to dive into this series. I especially like the sound of the world and you have to know a place to take it apart.

  22. BookaholicCat

    I haven’t read anything by this author… Yet. Thank you for the opportunity.

  23. Laura Hartley

    Ooh book reviews in French! Definitely going to help improve my french reading skills 😀 This book sounds hardcoree.. really want to read it!

    ~New follower~
    -Laura What’s Hot?

  24. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    Oh that is awesome to hear, tearing a city apart and rebuilding it to needed. Wonderful post. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

    And this is a series on the WANT list. 😀 Thank you!

  25. Ashley Montgomery

    Thanks for the giveaway. I couldn’t dare turn down a vampire story. 🙂

  26. Zendastark

    Cette série m’intrigue depuis pas mal de temps alors ej tente ma chance histoire de la découvrir!

  27. Ileana A.

    The books looks amazing! Thank you so much for the chance!

  28. Nina

    This sounds like a fantastic series! I need to read more books like this! 🙂

  29. Carmel @ Rabid Reads

    Oh geez, I didn’t realize that I’d fallen so far behind on this series! Thanks for the chance.

  30. Kristia

    I haven’t heard of this series before either.. Thank you for introducing me to so many new series.

  31. Dian Aesha

    i never read any series yet,,but iam interest for reading..
    thanks for the chance ^^

  32. Lyric

    J’aimerais beaucoup le lire, merci pour ce concours!

  33. Filia Oktarina

    I never hear about this series, but it’s look great.
    Thanks for introducting this series 🙂

  34. Faith

    This looks really good. Yet another for the TBR!

  35. Anonymous

    I would love that, thanks !

  36. Sasa

    good blog

  37. Diana_Dimovska

    Interesting book, would love to read it! Thanks! 🙂

  38. Meriem Lamara

    Great giveaway, thank you 🙂

  39. Fireolna

    It’s seems very intersting !! Well yes I found them all intersting, I’m beyond repair (I’m not sure I’m using it correctly ><)

  40. bn100

    Sounds like an interesting book.

  41. Cyr

    Je tente ma chance, merci beaucoup !

  42. Spav

    Sounds interesting. Thanks for the giveaway.

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