Mercy Thompson, Book 8

Synopsis: An unexpected phone call heralds a new challenge for Mercy. Her mate Adam’s ex-wife is in trouble, on the run from her new boyfriend. Adam isn’t the kind of man to turn away a person in need—and Mercy knows it. But with Christy holed up in Adam’s house, Mercy can’t shake the feeling that something about the situation isn’t right.

Soon, her suspicions are confirmed when she learns that Christy has the farthest thing from good intentions. She wants Adam back and she’s willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen, including turning Adam’s pack against Mercy.

Mercy isn’t about to step down without a fight, but there’s a more dangerous threat circling. Christy’s ex is more than a bad man—in fact, he may not be human at all. As the bodies start piling up, Mercy must put her personal troubles aside to face a creature with the power to tear her whole world apart.

Review: After finishing the 7th book, I immediately jumped into this eighth volume, knowing that I would love it (which is the case of course). I was really curious to see what Patricia Briggs would present this time and I can tell you that you won’t be disappointed.

New problems arise for Mercy early in the novel, the biggest one is named Christy, the Adam’s ex-wife. Trying to escape her new lover who killed a friend of hers, she seeks asylum to the werewolves in order to be protected and helped. You can imagine that this is far, but very far from pleasing our young heroine and we can easily understand it. It is rare that a character inspires me so many strong feelings… Oh yes because we viscerally hate this woman as soon as she sets a feet in the house of our heroes, trying to act as if she never left and manipulating everyone. It’s really impressive to see how she manages to get people to take her side without them realizing it and the only thing our coyote can do is to accept that and to try to stay calm in all circumstances. Mercy tries not to be hurt by the remarks, but I must say that it is very difficult and even though she knows that Adam does not like her, some actions are very difficult to accept. The fact that some members of the pack greatly appreciate Christy really does not help at all for that matter, but fortunately for her, she found in others unexpected allies. In the end, I still find that Mercy had come to manage this unmanageable situation perfectly well. But having Christy with them, does not change the fact that the man still wants to recover her and he does not take “no” for an answer. However, beginning as a fairly simple matter, it may well be that everything is much more complicated than expected, especially if that character is much more than an ordinary human. And I can say that I was really impressed by this man, who is really a big villain in the story.

But that’s not all because we also discover a little more about Mercy herself and Coyote. And I confess that I was really interested to know more about them, especially when another character, Gary comes into play. I loved this new protagonist who brings a nundeniable touch to the story. His dialogues, his actions and comments are always very colorful! We also have some new information about Faes, about Tad but also about Stefan. Although we suspected some facts relative to the latter by the previous volume, others are also confirmed here.

To conclude, we have many revelations of all kinds, keeping us in suspense throughout the story, also fueling our curiosity and I can tell you that you will be surprised by the events happening in this novel (with a totally frantic pace) and I’m even more excited now to read the next book that the author will present. This is a really good series that I can only recommend it, you will not be disappointed!



42 thoughts on “Night Broken by Patricia Briggs

  1. Mogsy

    Yes!!! I was really looking forward to seeing your review for this one. OMG didn’t you just want to strangle Christy? What the hell was Adam thinking, letting his exwife live with them in their house?! And did everyone in the pack take a bunch of stupid pills, because that’s the only reason I can think of why they would let that woman play them all like a fiddle.

    All in all though, this was probably my favorite Mercy Thompson book yet. I didn’t realize how much I cared about these characters until I saw how aggravated I was 😛

    1. Sam Dawson

      The last chapter had to make you giggle though?! Do you think Mercy or Coyote did it?

    2. Melliane

      Oh yes I wanted to do that and much more I couldn’t be that nice. I agree it was really stupid! That’s true this one is well done.

  2. Jennifer Bielman

    I am so behind on the series but everyone is loving this book. I have to get going on it.

    1. Melliane

      you really need to read more of it, it’s really good!

  3. michelle A - Novels On The Run

    I’m looking forward to reading this one. I am on the list at my library. Gary a new character who is colorful. Look forward to meeting him. And the ex is back in town!

    Great review! Glad you enjoyed it so much 🙂


    1. Melliane

      I can’t wait to see what you’ll think about it, it’s soooo good!

  4. Sam Dawson

    All I can say is 😀 . So glad you enjoyed it as much as I did!

    1. Melliane

      yes it was a wonderful surprise I agree!

  5. Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings

    I was originally skeptical about how Briggs would manage to pull off the ex-wife storyline but I absolutely loved this novel and Mercy’s maturity as well. Fantastic review!

    1. Melliane

      yes it was so well done and we so hate her!

  6. Stephanie Faris

    I find myself thinking 8 books sounds like a big reading commitment…then I remembered being surprised that my agent said a book series should be limited to three books for middle grade/young adult. I grew up in the Sweet Valley High days–every series was unlimited! I guess attention spans are short these days. I know I probably wouldn’t start a series if I knew it had more than a few unless I really liked the author.

    1. Melliane

      it’s true that sometimes it”s difficult to have a great long series but some are like that like this one. Though I agree it must be difficult.

  7. Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    Wow! Glad you liked this one so much, Melliane. I have to admit, that this wasn’t my favorite installment, but that doesn’t necessarily mean a lot b/c it’s Patricia Briggs we’re talking about, and I pretty much love her across the board 😉

    1. Melliane

      That’s true. I confess that I prefered these ones that the first ones.

  8. kindlemom1

    I really need to start this series back up again, I am so behind!!

    1. Melliane

      8 books is a lot to read lol but they’re worth it.

  9. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    I so loved this book too Melliane! Even though I couldn’t help but want Mercy to climb down of her high road a time or two and give Christy a little what-for. Mercy’s a better person than I am:) And that villain was epic wasn’t he? As always, I can’t wait for the next installment! Lovely review:)

    1. Melliane

      I agree I wouldn’t have been that nice, it’s really not possible! Yes the villain was really surprising.

  10. Braine Talk Supe

    I have to read this soon! 5 feathers is getting me excited but too many people are on queue at the library for this so I have to wait a bit more for my turn.

    1. Melliane

      I LOVED it! and I hope that you’ll be able to read it soon!

  11. Melissa (Books and Things)

    So behind on this series, I should reread the first books. Oh so glad you loved this one… I know I’m in for some good reading when I catch up!

  12. blodeuedd


    1. Melliane

      you”ll just love it!

  13. Livia @ Butterfly-o-Meter Books

    I’m most definitely reading the series at some point, sadly I missed a good couple of them when they came and now the though of having to catch up with 8 books and counting is sort of scaring me, lol. I need to take these babies on and just read them, cause they all sounds great, and your review of course emphasizes that point.

    1. Melliane

      yes sometimes it’s a lot to think we have to read that many books, I can understand.

  14. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Ga! I still have the first book waiting for me. *sigh* Not enough time in the world. Glad the series carries on at the 8th book. 🙂

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll like book 1, it’s a fun series.

  15. LilyElement

    Eek! I need to catch up on this series!!!

  16. Alise

    I think it’s really great when a long running series continues to impress, especially after so many volumes. I know more than a few series that lost it after just two books so this is great!

    1. Melliane

      yeah it’s rare, I know it’s usually difficult. I’m curious to see how book 9 will be.

  17. Joy (Joyousreads)

    Oh lawd. I have only managed to read book 1 of this series, but I can tell you, that Christy made my blood boil! And heck, I don’t even know her! Kudos to you, for inciting hatred. Lol.

    1. Melliane

      lol she is so annoying! I can tell you that.

  18. Christy

    I can’t even tell you how much I regret not starting this series when it first started. *sigh* 🙁

    1. Melliane

      yes it’s always difficult when many books are out…

  19. Kirsty-Marie

    Ahhh, such high praise! Put off by the number of books though, yikes, I’ll have a lot of catching up to do (so I’ll probably wait until it’s finished, but whoa I’m intimidated by them, haha) But I mean, if a series is still good after all this time, roll with it. Glad you’re still enjoying them! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      lol I understand that the number is intimidating. Yes I actually think that the last ones are better than the first ones.

  20. aurian

    Great review Melliane, I can’t wait to meet Patricia Briggs in person in 10 days or so.

  21. Pam (@MoonlightReader)

    I love this series! This one is next for me to read. Sounds like it’s going to be as good as the rest! 🙂

  22. […] @ Between Dreams and Reality reviewed Night Broken by Patricia Briggs […]

  23. Vilia

    I haven’t tried this series yet but if it is as good as you say though I’ll have to wait until I have the time to devour all of the series in one go 🙂

  24. kara-karina

    Oh yeah, I was so relieved that this book kicked ass, D.! 🙂 Fab review, and I always loved Coyote appearances.

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