Grimm Agency, Book 2

Synopsis: Marissa Locks, newly appointed partner of the Grimm Agency, has a reputation for making a mess of magical matters—although causing Armageddon is a new low, even for her…

Marissa is due for a little happily ever after. After all, she did kill the evil Fairy Godmother, end a war, and snag a sweet promotion within the Fairy Godfather’s magical-problem-solving Agency. But between maintaining a relationship with someone whose amorous advances can cause third-degree burns, dealing with a killer-poodle infestation, and helping her best friend, Princess Ari, learn to wield spells more powerful than curing a hangover, she’s not getting as much peace and quiet as she hoped.

When an enemy from her past appears to exact a terrible revenge, Marissa’s life goes from hectic to hell on earth. With Grimm inexplicably gone and Ari trapped by a sleeping spell, Marissa decides to fight fire with hellfire—and accidentally begins a countdown to the apocalypse.

With the end of days extremely nigh, Marissa will have to master royal politics, demonic law, and biblical plagues in a hurry—because even the end of the world can’t keep the Agency from opening for business…

Review: I really liked the first volume of this series and I admit that I was very excited to be able to immerse myself in the following novel to discover some new adventures of our beloved Marissa. I must say that she went through many things in the previous volume. I was a little scared at first I admit, because I could not see where the author wanted to take us, I could not understand if we had a real plot or if it was just the addition of small events. But after several chapters, we finally understand what he is trying to do and he plunges us again with a great pleasure in the history, following our heroine.

Marissa is now in a relationship with her beloved dragon, Liam. Yet all is not rosy and our young officer still a little afraid of getting pregnant and so passing the curse of her companion to their children. So when a job arises, promising to give enough power to lift the enchantment, Liam is determined to accept it and he makes it clear that it is important to leave Marissa a moment to finally have a normal relationship. Alas, him gone, troubles are only adding for our heroine. She finds herself having to manage a new character (if it was just that), she ends up signing a pact with a demon without even meaning to. And what do you think he wants? Nothing more than having Marissa leading the Apocalypse on earth. In addition, her contract prevents her to do the contrary; she will therefore have to find a lot of tricks to try to circumvent all that is happening. Besides, she won’t have anyone to help her in this context, as Grimm is gone, Ari plays Princess Sleeping Beauty and a former enemy appears trying to remove all of them. So yes Marissa will really have many things to do and being alone, nothing will be really easy for her. Yet she is determined to find a solution for all of them.

As I said even if it took me a little time to get into the story, once it was done I really got carried away by all with pleasure. We learn some revelations in the history saddening us for some. But anyway, we’re affected by the relationship between Liam and Marissa, a beautiful story that continues despite the continuing obstacles. As we discover more about Grimm and the mark of our agent. I confess that I did not expect at all this and I was very surprised to understand what was exactly going on. New characters appear as I said and I think some will become dominant. And then of course we have our beloved Marissa, her Apocalypse was really great, I loved her ideas as I loved the horsemen who come to her. A slight preference for Death elsewhere but I’ll let you find out about them. Anyway this story holds many things and I was very pleased to read the whole thing. The end also opens many new possibilities and I am impatient and curious to see what will happen to our heroine with this situation out of the ordinary.

So yes, it was a new and very good novel that the author presents here and I’ll wait until the third to learn more.




33 thoughts on “Armageddon Rules by J.C. Nelson

  1. Silvia

    Ok, this doesn’t sound bad at all. Should I add it to my list? Never mind, I already know the answer! 😉 Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    1. Melliane

      lol I think you know the answer

  2. miki

    je peux comprendre pourquoi tu avais un peu peur de voir comment ça allait évoluer parce que sans avoir lu le premier volume ( je dois encore mettre la main dessus) je me posais aussi la question
    je suis donc très contente de voir que la qualité et l’histoire restent au rendez-vous et cette série m’intéresse de plus en plus

    1. Melliane

      au départ c’est assez difficile, c’est assez confus parce que on ne voit pas le fil de l’intrigue et j’avoue que ça m’a destabilisé. Il faut un moment mais ça va mieux aprés.

  3. kimbacaffeinate

    I was waiting to see how you felt about this one. I will add the series is to my wishlist. 🙂

    1. Melliane

      it was a nice one. I hope you’ll like it if you try it.

  4. kindlemom1

    I am so glad you reviewed this and that you liked it too boot! I think I will add this series to my wishlist as well. I really like the premises.

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll enjoy it lady!

  5. Tracy Terry

    Intrigued by the idea of having a relationship with a dragon let alone becoing pregnant by one.

    1. Melliane

      ah it’s a curse so it’s easier to understand how it is possible.

  6. Carole Rae

    Sometimes taking a while with a book is a good thing. Like a wine…just a sip at a time.

    1. Melliane

      yeah true too

  7. Ramona

    Well I haven’t read this series, but I must admit that you made me curious now, Melliane. Marissa sounds like the type of heroine I’d quickly grow to love, so I think I need to give this a try. Thanks for sharing it!

    1. Melliane

      it’s nice, different, fun if you love tales.

  8. Emma @ Never Judge a Book

    Oh this so reminds me of the Charley Davidson series, which I love. So this one is now definitely on my list to read soon. Thanks for putting it on my radar, Melliane!

    1. Melliane

      It’s more a tales book but it’s nice.

  9. Heidi

    I am loving all these great UF titles you are reviewing. I like the sound of the dragon in this one. I will go look up the series, since I don’t recall seeing it before.

    1. Melliane

      lol I’m a real UF girl.

  10. blodeuedd

    Ohh I do want to try these now

    1. Melliane

      they’re fun

  11. Cristina

    It seems that my TBR is going to topple over because of all the books you recommend! *wink* I will be sure to give this series a try!! Fabulous review Melliane! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      LOL sorry. I know the problem. Thank you.

  12. Braine

    Dragons, demons, and the Apocalypse??? Heck yeah!

    1. Melliane

      right? So many things. Even Faes!

  13. LilyElement

    I’m always glad to see that it turns out well after it takes a bit to get into. Love that cover too. So pretty 🙂

    1. Melliane

      Me too, it made me anxious.

  14. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Whoa, so she’s dating a dragon? That’s pretty cool, though yeah I wouldn’t want to get pregnant either, curse or no, lol!

    1. Melliane

      ah it’s a cursed man, so it’s easier to understand that.

  15. Faye M.

    As far as Urban Fantasy goes, the premise here sounds pretty unique! So, is Apocalypse some sort of name for a power or special skill? I’m pretty sure it’s not really about the end of the world?? Haha. Will definitely check this out!

    1. Melliane

      In fact it is the end of the world but in a fun way. We have the horsemen but they need to allow the plague and our heroine needs to choose that and it’s pretty funny to see how she can do harmless plague in relation of the real ones.

  16. Paula M. @ Her Book Thoughts!

    I’ve never heard of this author before! Thanks for this review, Melliane 🙂 though this is already book two I think I’ll check the first book. Also, I love that cover!! 🙂

  17. Kirsty-Marie

    Haven’t heard of this series, shame it took you a bit to get into it, but at least once you did you had fun with it. 🙂

  18. Lola @ Hit or Miss Books

    It’s always great when important characters appear in UFs, because the same ones over and over again can get redondant 🙂

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