Guardians of Destiny, Book 1 Synopsis: When serpent crept into their hall: Danger waits for all who board, Trying to steal that hidden tone. Painted Lady saves the lord; Tower’s master’s not alone. In a fertile valley undisrupted by the aether-shattering death […]
Guardians of Destiny, Tome 1 Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Quand le serpent se glissa dans leur salle : Danger attend ce qui cherchent conseil, Essayant de voler ce ton caché. La Lady peinte sauve le Seigneur; Le maître de la tour n’est […]
Shifting Plains, Book 1 Synopsis: Centuries before the time of the Sons of Destiny, a female shapeshifter became the leader of the people of the Shifting Plains… Tava Ell Var never really knew her mother, but she did know her tragic fate at […]
Shifting Plains, Tome 1 Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Des siècles avant l’époque des Sonsof Destiny, une femme métamorpheest devenue le chef du peupledes Plaines Shifting… VarEll Tava n’a jamais vraiment connu sa mère, mais elle connaît son destin tragique aux mains d’une […]
Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews Gameboard of the Gods (Age of X, 1) – Richelle Mead In a futuristic world nearly destroyed by religious extremists, Justin March lives in exile after failing in his job as an […]
Sons of Destiny, Book 8 Synopsis: Eight brothers, born in four sets of twins, two years apart to the day–they fulfill the Curse of Eight Prophecy. Though no longer trapped in exile, their growing family faces new problems. The worst of those […]
Sons of Destiny, Tome 8 Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Huit frères, nés en quatre paires de jumeaux, avec deux ans d’intervalle jour pour jour – Ils sont les acteurs principaux de la malédiction des huit. Bien qu’ils ne soient plus piégés en […]