The Shadow Reader by Sandy Williams (VO)

McKenzie Lewis, Book 1

Synopsis: There can only be one allegiance.

It’s her time to choose.

Some humans can see the fae. McKenzie Lewis can track them, reading the shadows they leave behind. But some shadows lead to danger. Others lead to lies.

A Houston college student trying to finish her degree, McKenzie has been working for the fae king for years, tracking vicious rebels who would claim the Realm. Her job isn’t her only secret. For just as long, she’s been in love with Kyol, the king’s sword-master—and relationships between humans and fae are forbidden.

But any hope for a normal life is shattered when she’s captured by Aren, the fierce and uncompromising rebel leader. He teaches her the forbidden fae language and tells her dark truths about the Court, all to persuade her to turn against the king. Time is running out, and as the fight starts to claim human lives, McKenzie has no choice but to decide once and for all whom to trust and where she ultimately stands in the face of a cataclysmic civil war.

Our review: The Shadow Reader is an amazing book! Yes, Yes, I can tell it. After reading so many great reviews about this novel, I just wanted one thing: To read it and get into the story to know by myself how it really was. And I can tell I’m not disappointed! I was a little afraid in the beginning that it wasn’t the case. Indeed, it was a little difficult to get in the story with the first pages, but this feeling has changed quite fast.
McKenzie is an amazing young woman, even if sometimes we wonder if she isn’t also too naïve. We understand her feelings, her desire to become like every person and not be mixed with this magical world which was so attractive when she was younger.  Who would not want to have the possibility to be part of the fairy court? To live with the faes? But nothing is what it seems to be and McKenzie will be quickly mixed with some big events. I was really impressed by the McKenzie’s loyalty all along the book. It’s very difficult for her to trust the people around her, but when it’s the case, her trust is really solid. It’s a beautiful quality but in the same time it’s complicated for her too to see the true sometimes.
We meet in this book some really interesting characters and it’s pleasant to like them, hate them and doubt them. During this whole book, our heart balances between Kyol and Aren despite they are very different. It’s still difficult at the end of the book to really understand them. Our feelings will change all along the story as we try to know what really happens.
The story is captivating; we discover a new world which mixes some new intriguing ideas. As we can read it in the synopsis, McKenzie has an incredible gift: she can read the shadows i.e. when a fae opens a break into another realm, she can determine easily the localization. Therefore she is a good ally for battles. It’s a fascinating universe we discover with a new way of life. It’s always so interesting to learn the ideas of each author. Indeed, it was very difficult to put this novel down before reaching the end.  We get quickly into the story, there are no breaks, and, action is all along the book with a frenetic rhythm. So we stay curious about everything until the end.
Therefore it’s a really great book, and I strongly recommend it. I can’t wait to read the second novel.

The Shadow Reader was one of the French releases that I was eager to read in this early year. After reading many good reviews about this saga, especially Melliane’s review, I was desperately waiting to get my copy and finally started reading it! Well I must say that I loved this novel as I was unable to put the book down. I admit that I had some difficulties to like McKenzie at the beginning because she was really getting up my nose but then I got used to her character and finally ended up appreciating her. 
McKenzie is a student with a very special ability that makes her an object of desire for the faes. She is also a young woman who does her best to have a normal life even if it is impossible because the Court is constantly calling her to read the shadows. McKenzie would like to leave the war raging between the faes behind her, but she feels indebted to the Court who has always protected her from the rebels. Then there is Kyol, the handsome king’s sword-master, the man she loves in secret for ten years. Despite the fact that the king prohibits any relationships between humans and fae, she remains very faithful to the Court and helps Kyol to track down the opponents of the king as best she can. 
When the rebels kidnap her, she constantly tries to escape. She is brave but what we will particularly retain about McKenzie is that she is a young woman very stubborn who refuses to believe she might be wrong, that the ones she always took as the good guys could lie to her. Despite all the Aren’s efforts to persuade her that it is not them the bad guys but the Court, she continues to support the king. I found her attitude annoying, as she reacts like that during the first half of the book, and even after. It’s unfortunate that she is so stubborn. However she has extenuating circumstances: she always believed that the rebels were monsters, she was brainwashed by the Court. 
Kyol is a very interesting character. Always serious and rigid, he shows his emotions only when he is alone with McKenzie. His loyalty to his king jeopardizes their relationship. His devotion is such to the point that he relegates her into the background. As relationships between humans and faes are forbidden, he prefers to comply with this rule rather than rebel, fight for their love and stand up against the king. Although I do not like his choices (she waited for him for 10 years!) I have to admit that he was touching and I wonder now how things will evolve between him and McKenzie. Concerning Aren, euh… what can I say about him except that he is my favorite character! He is the opposite of Kyol. His smiles and his mischievous look melt me completely. I love him! Then he is such patient with McKenzie that we can only admire him! Frankly, I wondered how he could keep such a calm face so much stubbornness. In this first book, we also meet other rebels such as Lena, Kelia, Naito or Lorn. I found them all endearing. 
The world created by Sandy Williams is very interesting, rich but not too complex. We discover the Realm, a world quite distinct from the one of humans, with its own customs, its own language and even its own currency. I found this very interesting. Sandy Williams’s writing style is fluid. We are not lost in a mass of details and descriptions as it is often the case with fantasy novels. The fact that there are a lot of fae terms does not interfere with the reading. I also liked the idea of chaos lusters – a sort of light which appears when a fae and a human touch each other and then traverses their skin. I found these chaos lusters very original and then they bring so much more intensity to the scenes between McKenzie and Aren or Kyol. Finally, I must say that Sandy Williams was right when she talked about the wedding scene in her last guest post: it is undoubtedly the best scene of the book. At least it is my favorite! 
To conclude, I loved The Shadow Reader. The story is captivating and well cadenced. There is a lot of action. It is a great adventure novel that I recommend to anyone who likes stories about the faes. I can’t wait to read the next one. 

The Shattered Dark by Sandy Williams

McKenzie Lewis, Book 2

Synopsis: McKenzie Lewis has a gift. It allows her access to a world few have seen, and even fewer can comprehend. It’s her secret. And it exists in the shadows…

McKenzie was a normal college student, save for one little twist: she’s a shadow reader, someone who can both see the fae and track their movements between our world and the Realm. It’s a gift for which she has been called insane, one for which she has risked family and friends—and one that has now plunged her into a brutal civil war between the fae.

With the reign of the king and his vicious general at an end, McKenzie hoped to live a more normal life while exploring her new relationship with Aren, the rebel fae who has captured her heart. But when her best friend, Paige, disappears McKenzie knows her wish is, for now, just a dream. McKenzie is the only one who can rescue her friend, but if she’s not careful, her decisions could cost the lives of everyone she’s tried so hard to save.

Review: I really wanted to read this second novel since the end of the first one. This series is really interesting and dynamic. McKenzie is a unique character that we can only love to follow. Poor Kenzie, something is always happening to her and she doesn’t expect that at all. Each new problem turns her life upside down a little more.
The first volume was a surprise for me and I have to say that this one is as good as the previous. Mckenzie finds herself once again in the middle of the fae problems, especially since the rebels try their best to keep the castle. But in addition to this, they try to convince everyone that Lena may be a good queen for them, something more complicated than expected. McKenzie thinks she can now live like a normal person, or at least without too many problems but everything changes when Paige, her best friend is kidnapped by their enemies. Our heroine is however determined to do everything to find her before it is too late. But her own safety is not the most essential thing when she has an idea in mind  and she therefore has to face the consequences. Our young heroine will also have to deal with her relationship with Aren and Kyol, something that is not easy even if she knows what she wants. We also learn much more about Aren and his past, which have made him the man he is with many other information that are sometimes very surprising.

This new novel is full of wonderful ideas, Sandy Williams has incorporated many things we did not expect at all and I think it’s always nice to be surprised throughout the story. What about the end? I must say that I did not see it coming and It was heartbreaking to understand what was happening. It was well imagined and I found myself wondering how McKenzie would be able to handle this all now. How can we not want more? It’s impossible! Our heroine is courageous and brave throughout the novel, doing everything she can to help the people she loves. But many persons around her aren’t what they seem to be, and she will learn all that by herself. We discover the truth with her about some characters while we ask ourselves many more questions about others. I wonder how Sandy Williams will be able to finish this trilogy, the end is so close now and I’m sure it will bring many more surprises. I really want to know more about Aren, McKenzie and Kyol and I can’t wait to read the end of their story. A new very good book that I recommend!


Eclats de Chaos de Sandy Williams

Sidhe, Tome 2

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : McKenzie était une étudiante comme les autres, à part un détail : elle est une liseuse d’ombre, quelqu’un qui peut voir à la fois les faes et les traquer entre leur monde et le Royaume. C’est un don qui l’a rendue folle, un qui met en péril sa famille et ses amis – et un qui la plonge maintenant dans la terrible guerre civile des faes.

Avec la fin du règne du roi et de son vicieux général, McKenzie espère de vivre un peu plus normalement en explorant sa relation avec Aren, le fae rebelle qui a capturé son cœur. Mais quand sa meilleure amie, Paige, disparait, McKenzie sait que son souhait n’est pour le moment qu’un rêve. McKenzie est la seule qui peut sauver son amie, mais si elle n’est pas prudente, ses décisions pourraient bien coûter la vie de toutes les personnes qu’elle essaie de sauver.

Avis: Comme j’avais envie de lire ce second roman depuis la fin du premier. Il faut dire que cette série est vraiment intéressante et dynamique, et McKenzie est un personnage unique que l’on ne peut qu’aimer suivre. La pauvre, il lui arrive toujours tant de choses auxquelles elle ne s’attend pas et qui bouleversent sa vie un peu plus à chaque fois.

Le premier tome avait été une jolie surprise pour moi et je dois dire que celui-ci est à la hauteur du précédent. Mckenzie se retrouve encore une fois en plein milieu des problèmes faes, notamment depuis que les rebelles essaient de tout leur possible de garder le château. Mais en plus de cela, ils essaient de convaincre tout le monde que Lena peut être une bonne reine pour eux, chose plus compliquée que prévue. McKenzie pense qu’elle pourra à présent vivre comme les autres, ou en tout cas sans trop de problèmes mais tout va changer quand Paige, son amie de toujours est enlevée par leurs ennemis. Notre héroïne est cependant bien décidée à tout faire pour la retrouver avant qu’il ne soit trop tard. Il faut cependant dire que sa sureté n’est pas des plus indispensables quand elle a une idée en tête mais elle assistera très vite aux conséquences. Notre jeune héroïne va aussi devoir faire face à sa relation avec Aren et Kyol, chose qui n’est pas très simple même si elle sait ce qu’elle veut. On en apprendra aussi beaucoup plus sur Aren et son passé, sur ce qui a fait de lui l’homme qu’il est. Avec de nombreuses choses qui sont parfois très surprenantes.
Ce nouveau roman est plein de magnifiques idées, Sandy Williams a incorporé de nombreuses choses auxquelles on ne s’attend pas du tout et je trouve ça toujours agréable d’être surprise tout au long d’une histoire. Et que dire de cette fin ? Je dois dire que je ne l’ai pas du tout vu venir et ça m’a totalement fendu le cœur de comprendre ce qu’il se passait. C’était vraiment bien trouvé et je me demande comment McKenzie va pouvoir gérer tout cela à présent. Comment ne pas en vouloir plus ? C’est impossible ! Notre héroïne est courageuse et brave tout au long du roman, faisant tout ce qu’elle peut pour aider les gens qu’elle aime. Mais de nombreuses personnes autour d’elle ne sont pas ce qu’elles paraissent, et elle devra l’apprendre par elle-même. On découvre ainsi avec elle la vérité sur certains personnages tandis qu’on se pose de nombreuses questions sur d’autres. Je me demande comment Sandy Williams va pouvoir finir cette trilogie, la fin est maintenant si proche et je suis sûre qu’elle nous réserve bien des surprises. J’ai vraiment envie d’en savoir plus sur Aren, Kyol et McKenzie et je suis impatiente de lire la fin de leur histoire. Un nouveau très bon roman que je recommande !

Interview with Sandy Williams

Sandy Williams is the author of the Urban Fantasy series: McKenzie Lewis. The two first books of the series are The Shadow Reader (October 25th, 2011), The Shattered Dark (October 30th, 2012 ). Thanks to the author for this wonderful interview.

Sandy Williams est l’auteure de la série Urban Fantasy McKenzie Lewis. Les deux  premiers lives de la série sont The Shadow Reader (25 Octobre 2011), The Shattered Dark (30 Octobre 2012 ). La série doit sortir chez Milady en Français. Merci à l’auteur pour cette jolie interview.

Can you introduce yourself in a few words?
I’m the author of The Shadow Reader and its sequel, The Shattered Dark (out in October 2012 in the US). I love reading, writing, Euro-style board games, and I have twin boys who turned one over the summer.
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I’ve been writing off and on all my life, but didn’t seriously dedicate myself to finishing a book until 2007. That’s when I started learning about how authors get published, and I started to query agents. Once I finished writing my first book, I knew I had to write more.
How many books do you intend to write for this series?
Three. I’m a huge fan of trilogies. Three books let you tell a good, long story with twists and turns and surprises. I know many urban fantasy authors write longer series, but I worry about being able to maintain the suspense and excitement for that amount of time. 
Was it difficult to write the first book? How long did it take?
I always go through highs and lows when I’m writing. I don’t remember The Shadow Reader being difficult to write, but my husband will tell you that I moaned and complained and whined about it being the worst book in the world.
It took me a year to write The Shadow Reader, but that doesn’t include the edits I did for my agent and then, later, my editor. I’m averaging about a book a year right now, but I think I’ll be able to finish two in 2013. I hope so, at least. I have so many other stories I want to tell!
Your world is pretty unique, was it difficult to create it? Where did the idea come from?
Thanks! I think the world is a blend of traditional fantasy with urban fantasy. I’m a fan of both, so I love that I was able to have two worlds within one novel.
It wasn’t difficult to create. I don’t really feel like I created it. I didn’t sit down one day and map out the Realm, its magic, people, customs, etc. I learned about it through McKenzie’s eyes just like readers did. Everything in the book unfolded as I wrote it.
So, no, it wasn’t difficult to write, but I will say it was difficult to keep consistent. When you create a world the way I did, it’s easy to contradict yourself. I did have to tweak things to make everything make sense. That was definitely the hardest part.
How do you find your titles? Did you imagine them all when you started the series or do you brainstorm each time?
Gah. I’m terrible at titles! This one started out with the temporary title of Glamours. I know, it’s awful, and it doesn’t even make any sense anymore because I edited out every mention of fae glamour (that’s one of the things I had to change to keep my world consistent). Then, I changed the title to Some Kind of Fairytale. That’s a line in the book, and I just liked the way it sounded, but I also knew it didn’t fit the mood of the story. So I changed it again, this time to Fissured. That’s the title I queried agents with and the title I sold to my publisher. I knew it probably wouldn’t stick around, though – it’s way too obscure if you haven’t already read the book – so I wasn’t surprised when my editor wanted to change it. She came up with The Shadow Reader. It took a while for that title to grow on me, but it fits the book. My editor also came up with The Shattered Dark for the sequel, and I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love that title. Best. Title. Ever.
How did you end up writing Urban Fantasy books? Is there any other genre that appeal to you?
I read mostly science fiction and traditional fantasy before I found urban fantasy. I still read them from time to time, but they don’t engage me like they used to because most of them don’t have a strong enough romantic subplot. Yes, I’m a sucker for romance. I stumbled across author Linnea Sinclair’s books about five or six years ago. She blends science fiction with romance. I love her books! And I’d love to write science fiction with a strong romantic subplots. I still love urban fantasy, though, and would like to continue writing it, too.
Does the inspiration for the characters come from people you know?
No, not at all. I’m not sure where the inspiration comes from. It’s kind of like the world building. When I write, I meet the other characters along with McKenzie.
Is there a character more difficult than the others to write?
In The Shadow Reader, no. In The Shattered Dark, yes! Definitely. There was one character in particular in The Shattered Dark that gave me trouble. Mainly, I think that’s just because I didn’t understand him well enough. He had a lot of secrets, and it was difficult to tell what his motivations were and where his loyalties lay. I know him much better now, so hopefully, he’ll be easier to write from now on!
Who is your favorite character in the series?
McKenzie. She’s strong-willed, brave, but real. She has the ability to read the shadows, but other than that, she’s a normal human with normal weaknesses and normal worries. She just happens to be thrown into difficult situations.
Have you already other plans for future series? Or is it top secret?
I have plans. J
Can you tell us a little something about the first book? And the second one?
The Shadow Reader is about McKenzie Lewis, a human who not only has the ability to see the fae, but she can track them when they fissure (teleport) from one place to another. She’s been working for the fae king for the last ten years, mostly because she’s in love with Kyol, the king’s swordmaster. But relationships between human and fae are forbidden, and McKenzie’s tired of waiting. She’s also tired of the fae interfering with her life, so she plans to retire from shadow reading. Of course, before she can do that, she abducted from her college campus by Aren, the leader of the king’s enemies, and he’s determined to use her to take the throne.
The Shattered Dark picks up two weeks after The Shadow Reader. This description is spoilery for the first book, so stop reading if you don’t want to know how it ends!
Still reading? Okay. In The Shattered Dark, McKenzie and her new friends are desperately trying to keep control of the palace. It’s not an easy task, and it becomes even more difficult when McKenzie learns that Paige, her only human friend, has been abducted by the remnants of the king’s fae. McKenzie is the only one who can rescue her friend, but if she’s not careful, her decisions could cost the lives of everyone she’s tried so hard to save.
Did you need to do a lot of researches for your books?
No. The most research I did was tying a few sheets together to see if it was plausible that someone could escape from a second story window.
Do you have a favorite author? Or a favorite book?
I mentioned Linnea Sinclair above, and she definitely makes my list of favorites. I also enjoy Joanna Bourne and Meredith Duran’s historical romances. As far as urban fantasy, I adore Jenn Bennett’s books. Patricia Briggs is another go-to author. It’s impossible to pick just one favorite author or book. It completely depends on my mood at the time.
Where is your favorite place to write?
The Starbucks that’s in my local Target Super Store. A normal Starbucks or coffee shop doesn’t work for me, but the one in the store is great! There’s just the right amount of background noise, and I have a favorite table right against the wall where the only electrical outlet is.
Your books are going to be released in France, do you see yourself meeting your French fans one day?
I would absolutely love to! I’ve been to Paris a few times. My husband’s work took him to London for a few months every year, and I was lucky enough to go with him. So, every now and then, we took the train from London to Paris. Love the city. I’d love to see other parts of France, too, though. Hopefully, I’ll get to one day!
Pouvez-vous vous présenter en quelques mots?
Je suis l’auteure de The Shadow Reader et de sa suite, The Shattered Dark (qui sort en Octobre 2012 aux Etats-Unis). J’adore lire, écrire, les jeux de sociétés européens, et deux petits garçons, des jumeaux qui viennent juste d’avoir un an cet été.
Quand avez-vous réalisé que vous deviez devenir un écrivain ?
J’ai toujours un peu écrit toute ma vie par périodes, mais n’ai jamais pris sérieusement le temps de finir un livre avant 2007. C’est à ce moment que j’ai commencé à comprendre comment les auteurs se faisaient  publier, et j’ai commencé à chercher un agent. Une fois que j’ai pu finir le premier livre, je savais que j’avais besoin d’en écrire plus.
Combien de livres comptez-vous écrire pour la série ?
Trois. Je suis une grande fan des trilogies. Trois livres laisse assez pour conter une bonne, longue histoire avec des retournements de situations et de surprises. Je sais que les auteurs d’urban fantasy écrivent de longues séries, mais je ne crois pas être capable de maintenir le suspense et l’excitement pendant autant de temps.
Etait-ce difficile d’écrire le premier livre ? Combien de temps cela a-t-il pris ?
J’ai toujours des hauts et des bas quand j’écris. Je ne me rappelle pas avoir eu des difficultés à écrire The Shadow Reader, mais mon mari vous dira que je gémissais et me plaignais que ce soit le plus terrible livre dans le monde.
Cela m’a pris un an à écrire The Shadow reader, mais ça n’inclue pas les éditions que j’ai faites pour mon agent, puis, ensuite, pour mon éditeur. J’écris en moyenne un livre par an maintenant, mais je pense que je pourrais en finir deux pour 2013. C’est en tout cas ce que j’espère. J’ai beaucoup d’autres histoires à conter.
Votre monde est vraiment unique, a-t-il été difficile à créer ? D’où est venue l’idée ?
Merci ! Je pense que le monde est un mélange de fantasy traditionnelle et d’urban fantasy. Je suis une fan des deux genres, j’aime donc avoir deux mondes dans un même roman.
Ça n’a pas été difficile à créer. Je ne pense même pas que je l’ai créé. Je ne me suis pas assise une journée et fait une carte du Realm, sa magie, habitants, coutumes, etc. J’ai tout appris par les yeux de McKenzie tout comme les lecteurs. Tout ce qui est dans le livre est apparu pendant que je l’écrivais.
Alors, non, ça n’a pas été difficile à écrire, mais je dirais que c’était difficile de le garder consistant. Lorsque vous créez un monde, de la manière que je l’ai fait, c’est facile de faire des contradictions. J’ai dû reprendre les choses pour que ça fasse sens. C’était la partie la plus difficile.
Comment trouvez-vous vos titres ? Les connaissez vous avant de commencer la série ou vous-prenez vous la tête à chaque fois ?
 Gah. Je suis terrible avec les titres. Celui-ci a commencé avec le titre temporaire de Glamours. Je sais, c’est horrible, et ce n’est même pas logique comme j’ai changé chaque mention au glamour des faes (c’est une des choses que j’ai dû changer pour rendre mon monde plus consistant). Puis, j’ai changé le titre en Some Kind of Fairytale. C’est une ligne du livre, et j’ai aimé ce que ça donnait, mais je savais aussi que ça ne correspondait pas à l’humeur du livre. Alors je l’ai changé encore une fois, cette fois en Fissured. C’est le titre que j’ai donné à mon agent et que j’ai vendu à mon éditeur. Je savais que ça ne resterait sûrement pas – c’est bien trop sombre si vous n’avez pas encore lu le livre – je n’ai alors pas été surprise quand l’éditeur a décidé de le changer. Elle est revenue avec The Shadow Reader. Ca m’a pris longtemps pour que le titre me plaise, mais il correspond au livre. Mon éditeur m’a aussi donné The Shattered Dark pour la suite, et je ne peux même pas vous dire à quel point j’adore ce titre. Meilleur. Titre. Du. Monde.
Comment en êtes-vous venue à écrire de l’Urban Fantasy ? Y-a-t-il un autre genre qui vous plaise ?
Je lisais presque que de la science fiction et de la fantasy traditionnelle avant de découvrir l’urban fantasy. Je continue à en lire de temps en temps, mais ils ne me plaisent pas autant qu’avant comme une grande partie n’a pas de grosse intrigue romantique en second plan. Oui, j’adore la romance. J’ai découvert les livres de Linnea Sinclair il y a cinq ou six ans. Elle allie science-fiction et romance. J’adore ses livres ! Et j’adorerais écrire de la science fiction avec une romance en arrière plan. J’apprécie toujours l’urban fantasy, et j’aimerais continuer à en écrire aussi.
Vos personnages sont-ils inspirés de personnes que vous connaissez ?
Non, pas du tout. Je ne sais pas d’où l’inspiration me vient. C’est un peu comme la construction du monde. Quand j’écris, je rencontre les autres personnages avec McKenzie.
Y-a-t-il un personnage plus difficile à écrire que les autres ?
Dans The Shadow Reader, non. Dans The Shattered Dark, oui! Vraiment. Il y a un personnage en particulier dans The Shattered Dark qui m’a posé souci. Je pense surtout que c’est parce que je ne l’ai pas compris assez bien. Il a beaucoup de secrets, et c’était difficile à dire ce que sont ses motivations et où sa loyauté réside. Je le connais mieux maintenant, alors avec de la chance il sera plus facile à écrire à présent.
Quel est votre personnage préféré dans la série ?
McKenzie. Elle a une volonté de fer, elle est courageuse mais réelle. Elle a l’habileté de lire les ombres, mais plus que ça, c’est une humaine normale, avec des faiblesses normales et des soucis normaux. Elle se retrouve juste au mauvais endroit.
Avez-vous déjà d’autres projets pour une future série ? Ou est-ce top secret ?
J’ai des projets. J
Pouvez-vous nous dire un petit quelque chose sur le premier tome ? Et le deuxième ?
The Shadow reader est au sujet de Mckenzie Lewis, une humaine qui a le don de voir les faes, mais elle peut les traquer quand ils fissurent (se téléportent) d’un endroit à un autre. Elle travaille pour le roi des faes depuis dix ans, en grande partie parce qu’elle est amoureuse de Kyol, le maître d’armes du roi. Mais les relations entre humains et faes sont interdites, et McKenzie est fatiguée d’attendre. Elle est aussi fatiguée que les faes interfèrent dans sa vie, elle décide donc de démissionner. Bien sûr, avant qu’elle ne puisse le faire, elle est enlevée au campus de l’université par Aren, le leader des ennemis du roi, et il est déterminé à l’utiliser pour prendre le trône.
The Shattered Dark commence deux semaines après The Shadow Reader. Cette description contient des spoilers du premier tome, alors arrêtez de lire si vous ne voulez pas savoir comment ça finit !
Vous continuez à lire ? Okay. Dans The Shattered Dark, McKenzie et ses nouveaux amis veulent désespérément garder le contrôle du palais. Ce n’est pas une tâche facile, et ça devient encore plus compliqué quand McKenzie apprend que Paige, sa seule amie humaine, a été enlevée par les sujets du roi des faes. McKenzie est la seule qui peut la sauver, mais si elle ne fait pas attention, ses décisions pourraient coûter la vie de toutes les personnes qu’elle essaie de sauver.
Avez-vous besoin de beaucoup de recherches pour vos livres ?
Non. La plupart des recherches que j’ai faites, étaient pour essayer de tout coïncider et voir s’il était plausible de faire échapper quelqu’un par la fenêtre d’un immeuble au deuxième étage.
Avez-vous un auteur favori ? Ou un livre ?
J’ai mentionné Linnea Sinclair plus haut, et elle fait définitivement partie de mes préférées. J’aime aussi beaucoup les romances historiques de Joanna Bourne et Meredith Duran. En urban fantasy, j’adore les livres de Jenn Bennett, ou même encore Patricia Briggs. C’est impossible de choisir seulement un livre ou un auteur. Ca  dépend complètement de mon humeur du moment.
Quel est votre endroit préféré pour écrire ?
Le Starbucks dans mon centre commercial Target Super Store. Un Starbucks normal ou un café ne fonctionne pas pour moi, mais celui dans le magasin est génial ! Il faut juste la bonne quantité de bruits d’arrière fond, et j’ai une table parfaite contre le mur où il y a la seule prise électrique.
Vos livres vont sortir en France, vous voyez-vous rencontrer vos fans français un jour ?
J’aimerais beaucoup ! Je me suis déjà rendue à Paris plusieurs fois. Le travail de mon mari l’oblige à se rendre à Londres pour quelques mois chaque année, et j’ai eu la chance de pouvoir y aller avec lui. Alors, chaque fois, on prend le train de Londres à Paris. J’adore la ville. J’aimerais cependant beaucoup voir d’autres endroits de France. Avec de la chance, je le ferais un jour !

Sandy graduated from Texas A&M University with a double major in political science and history. She thought about attending law school. Fortunately, before handing over her life’s savings, she realized case studies weren’t nearly as interesting as novels and decided to get an MA in Library Science instead. She worked as a librarian until her husband whisked her off to London on an extended business trip. She’s now back home in Texas, writing full-time, raising newborn twin boys, and squeezing in time to play geeky board and card games like Settlers of Catan, Dominion, and Runebound.