The Miss Education of Dr. Exeter by Jillian Stone

Paranormal Investigator, Book 3

Synopsis: From steam-powered bunkers to steamy boudoirs, paranormal detective Phaeton Black knows his way around Victorian London. But sometimes, when you slip down a rabbit hole, there’s no turning back…

If The Portal’s A-Rockin’

Phaeton Black is missing. Sucked into an alternative universe—courtesy of Professor Lovecraft’s Trans-Dimensional Injection Portal—the illustrious investigator is nowhere to be found. Even the bewitching Miss America Jones, who’s pregnant with Phaeton’s child, has no clue to his whereabouts. But when a spy fly’s microphone picks up Phaeton’s voice in the parlors of Paris, she enlists his dearest friends to track him down—before his deadliest enemies find him first.

Don’t Come A-Knockin’

Accompanied by the dashing Dr. Exeter, his delightful ward Mia, and a trusty duo of Nightshades, it’s off to the City of Lights for the determined Miss Jones. Unfortunately, there is something about Paris in the fall that brings out the devil in Dr. Exeter—and the beast in mild-mannered Mia, whose animal urges transform her into a gorgeous panther. With physical reality unraveling on both sides of the cosmic rift, the good doctor must extract Phaeton Black from the clutches of a diabolical techno-wizard—or both could lose the women they love to love…forever.

Review: This is the third volume of the Phaeton Black adventures and I must admit that with the end of the second novel, I was curious to see how our beloved hero would cope in this alternate universe. But I was surprised to see that this time we did not follow our beloved couple as from the beginning of the series but Dr Exeter and Mia.

It was strange to change of characters, but as we knew them from the beginning, it was also quite interesting to find out more about these two people. I must say that the professor is very attracted to Mia and vice versa, but he does not want to admit it and prefers to look the other way. However, their relationship will change when for controlling the panther she has in her, Mia must find a man who can help while forging a closer relationship. And who better than our dear professor? Of course, he is persuaded he will be able to keep it purely academic, of course, something that is not really possible. On top of that, Miss Jones is obviously still there, even though we don’t see her a lot, still pregnant and ready have her child soon, and yet still in search of her lover Phaeton. And when they find a record with his voice from the other world, our small team is determined to rescue our investigator. But all this is of course much more complicated than expected, especially given the number of people who’s after him. It is a journey that will take them to France, a country I always enjoy to read about. And despite some mistakes in some sentences in that language, it was nice to find some places and names that I knew.

I loved this quest to find our hero as I was curious to see where it would lead them and I can’t wait for the next novel. It will be in any case a lot of fun to find out what will happen. Regarding Mia and Dr. Exeter, I admit as I was warned by the many steamy scenes between the two main characters, I was therefore not really surprised but it is true that there are many more than in the last novel (or it is maybe just an idea). It, however, was pretty cute to see a relationship between these two characters who deeply appreciate each other. I’m still curious to see what will come out because it takes a lot of time to our good doctor to realize what exactly is happening. And I must say that they really are both very stubborn in their decisions.

It was an enjoyable read but it’s true that I missed Phaeton and Miss Jones and I can not wait to read about them again.



The Miss Education of Dr. Exeter de Jillian Stone (VO)

Paranormal Investigator, Tome 3

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Des vapeurs des bunkers aux boudoirs torrides, le détective paranormal Phaeton Black connaît son chemin autour du Londres victorien. Mais parfois, lorsque vous vous glissez à l’intérieur d’un trou de lapin, il n’y a pas de retour en arrière …

If The Portal’s A-Rockin’

Phaeton Black a disparu. Aspiré dans un univers alternatif – merci au Portail à Injection Dimentionnel du Professor Lovecraft – l’illustre enquêteur est introuvable. Même l’envoûtante Miss America Jones, qui est enceinte de l’enfant de Phaeton, n’a aucune idée sur son sort. Mais quand le microphone volant capte la voix de Phaeton dans les salons de Paris, elle enrôle son plus cher ami afin de le traquer, avant que ses pires ennemis ne le trouvent.

Don’t Come A-Knockin’

Accompagné par le fringant Dr Exeter, sa pupille la délicieuse Mia, et un duo de confiance de Nightshades, ils se dirigent vers la ville de Lumière avec une Miss Jones bien déterminée. Malheureusement, il y a quelque chose à propos de Paris à l’automne qui fait ressortir le diable dans Dr Exeter et la bête dans l’affable Mia, dont les pulsions animales la transforment en une magnifique panthère. En démêlant la réalité physique des deux côtés de la faille cosmique, le bon docteur doit extraire Phaeton Black des griffes du diabolique techno-sorcier ou les deux pourraient perdre les femmes qu’ils aiment… pour toujours.

Avis : Voici le troisième tome des aventures de Phaeton Black et j’avoue qu’avec la fin du deuxième roman j’étais curieuse de voir comment notre cher héros allait s’en sortir dans cet univers alternatif. Mais j’ai été surprise de voir que cette fois nous ne suivions pas notre cher couple comme depuis le début de la série mais plutôt Dr Exeter et Mia.

C’était assez étrange de changer de personnages mais étant donné que nous les connaissions depuis le début, c’était aussi assez intéressant de pouvoir en découvrir plus à leur sujet. Il faut dire que le professeur est très attiré par sa pupille et inversement mais il ne veut pas se l’avouer et préfère se voiler la face. Pourtant leur relation va changer quand pour contrôler la panthère qui est en elle, Mia doit trouver un homme qui puisse l’aider tout en forgeant une relation plus intime. Et qui de mieux que notre cher docteur ? Bien sûr, il est persuadé de pouvoir garder ça purement académique, chose qui bien entendu n’est pas vraiment possible. En plus de cela, Miss Jones est bien sûr toujours là, même si nous la voyons peu, toujours enceinte et prête à accoucher assez vite, et pourtant toujours en quête de son amant Phaeton. Et quand ils découvrent un enregistrement avec sa voix, provenant de l’autre monde, notre petite équipe embarque pour aller secourir notre investigateur. Mais tout cela sera bien sûr bien plus compliqué que prévu, notamment vu le nombre de personnes qui en a après lui. C’est un voyage qui les emmènera en France, pays que je prends toujours plaisir à lire. Et malgré quelques fautes dans certaines phrases dans cette langue, c’était agréable de retrouver les endroits et les noms que l’on connait.

J’ai beaucoup aimé cette quête pour retrouver notre héros et j’étais curieuse de voir si elle aboutirait ou s’il faudrait attendre le prochain roman pour voir la réunion de ce petit couple. J’ai eu en tout cas beaucoup de plaisir à le retrouver. Pour ce qui est de Mia et Dr. Exeter, j’avoue qu’ayant été prévenue du grand nombre de scènes torrides entre les deux personnages, je n’ai pas été vraiment surprise mais c’est vrai qu’il y en a beaucoup plus que dans le dernier roman (ou c’est peut-être juste une idée). C’était cependant assez mignon de voir une relation se lier entre eux ces deux personnages qui s’apprécient profondément. Je suis tout de même assez curieuse de voir ce qu’il en ressortira car il faut pas mal de temps à notre bon docteur pour réaliser ce qu’il se passe exactement. Et il faut dire qu’ils sont vraiment tous les deux très bornés dans leurs décisions.

C’était une lecture agréable mais c’est vrai Phaeton et Miss Jones me manquent et j’ai hâte de pouvoir les lire une fois de plus.



The Moonstone and Miss Jones by Jillian Stone

Paranormal Investigator, Book 2

Synopsis: Mooning For The Moonstone

Barely escaping the clutches of a succulent succubus, Phaeton Black returns to London only to get sucked into another unearthly scheme. Professor Lovecraft has been tinkering with the secrets of life and death, replacing body parts with the latest mechanical marvels. To succeed, he needs to tap the power of the fabled Moonstone—and he needs Phaeton’s help. Of course, Phaeton would prefer to investigate the more interesting body parts of Miss America Jones. Perhaps, bringing his lady friend along for the ride won’t be to too much trouble…

Shanghaied In Shanghai

The bewilderingly beautiful and bountifully gifted daughter of a Cajun witch, Miss Jones is always up for an adventure, especially with Mr. Black as her traveling companion. But when Phaeton is mysteriously shanghaied in Shanghai, America thinks he’s run out on her. Stranded in the Orient—and steaming mad—she’s prepared to look under every stone for the missing detective. The case has put them both in the most compromising positions, but this time, Miss Jones is on top and Mr. Black is at the bottom…of a truly infernal plot.

Review: After a first volume that I really enjoyed, I was curious to discover the second Jillian Stone’s novel. It is true that I was a little surprised by the erotic side of the first installment of the series but knowing the author’s style this time, I completely get into this new story that we have here. Maybe it’s just me but it is true that the scenes between the two heroes were easier to read and I didn’t have any problems.
After their little romance during their boat trip, Phaeton was forced to leave the America’s boat, and is kidnapped to be released in London without he understands the reason. He is therefore quite worried about the opinion of the young woman about it. You can imagine that this is really not to the taste of America who hesitated to know if he left because he was afraid of their relationship or if he really disappeared. But when she learns where he is, she does not hesitate to return at home and find her lover. However, narrowly escaping to a kidnapping by a very strange creature, our two heroes realize that Phaeton was brought here for a specific purpose, which goes much further than what we thought. They will have to mingle with some characters we knew from the first volume and to investigate to find the moonstone. Stone that might interest more people than we might think.
I was completely captivated by the ideas of the author. I was not expecting that at all and I thought it was a very well shot. This book is truly unique and I think I even preferred this one. The plot develops slowly over the course of the story, becoming more complex, making us think about the actions of each characters and making us discover all the subtleties of the world in which they live. And what more can I say? Phaeton and America are a delight to follow. They complete each other perfectly and it’s pretty hard to not love the scenes they have together. We can also observe that our hero has considerably evolved since the first novel. Of course, he kept his attitudes that make him the man he is, but you can perfectly see the love and the affection he has for America. I must say that I waited so eagerly for the big revelation of our heroine, it was really funny to see it.
However, the end is terrible, I didn’t expect that to happen so fast and now I wonder how the events will progress. I feel that it will really be epic. I look forward to further adventures of our two heroes. A very good novel steampunk!

The Moonstone and Miss Jones de Jillian Stone (VO)

Paranormal Investigator, Tome 2

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Recherchant la pierre de lune

Echappant de peu aux griffes d’un succulent succube, Phaeton Black retourne à Londres pour seulement se faire happer par une autre énigme surnaturelle. Le Professeur Lovecraft essaie de découvrir les secrets de la vie et de la mort, en remplaçant certaines parties du corps avec les dernières merveilles mécaniques. Pour y parvenir, il a besoin d’exploiter la puissance de la fameuse pierre de lune, et il a besoin de l’aide Phaeton. Bien sûr, Phaeton préfère enquêter sur les parties de corps les plus intéressantes comme celles de Miss America Jones. Peut-être, qu’amener son amie dans cette nouvelle aventure ne posera pas trop de problèmes…

Shanghaied à Shanghai

Miss Jones, fille d’une sorcière cajun, est étonnamment belle et douée, et toujours prête pour l’aventure, surtout avec M. Black comme compagnon de voyage. Mais quand Phaeton est mystérieusement shangaïé à Shanghai, America pense qu’il l’a fui. Bloquée en Orient et – devenue folle – elle est prête à examiner chaque pierre pour retrouver le détective. L’affaire les a mis tous deux dans une position compromettante, mais cette fois, Miss Jones est dessus et M. Black est au sommet … d’un complot infernal.
Avis : Après un premier tome qui m’avait beaucoup plu, j’étais curieuse de pouvoir découvrir le deuxième tome de Jillian Stone. Alors c’est vrai que j’avais été un peu surprise par le côté érotique du premier volet de la série mais connaissant le style de l’auteur cette fois ci, j’ai complètement adhéré à la nouvelle histoire que l’on nous présente ici. Peut-être que ce n’est que moi mais c’est vrai que les scènes entre les deux héros sont passées vraiment plus facilement et ne m’ont posé aucun soucis.
Après leur petite idylle lors de leur voyage en bateau, Phaeton se voit contraint à quitter le bateau d’America, et se fait kidnapper pour être relâché à Londres sans qu’il ne comprenne la raison et assez inquiet de l’opinion de la jeune femme à son sujet. Vous vous doutez que ce n’est vraiment pas du goût d’America qui hésite à savoir s’il a eu peur de leur relation ou s’il a vraiment disparu. Mais quand elle apprend où il est, elle n’hésite pas à rentrer et retrouver son amant. Cependant, échappant de peu à un kidnapping par une créature des plus étranges, nos deux héros comprennent que ce Phaeton a été ramené pour un but précis, qui va beaucoup plus loin que ce que l’on pensait. Ils seront amenés à côtoyer les personnages du premier tome et à partir dans une enquête pour retrouver la pierre de lune. Pierre qui pourrait bien intéresser bien plus de personnes que l’on pourrait le croire.
J’ai été complètement subjuguée par les idées de l’auteure. Je ne m’attendais pas du tout à ça et j’ai trouvé que c’était très bien tourné. Ce livre est vraiment unique et je pense même l’avoir préféré au premier. L’intrigue se développe petit à petit au fil de l’histoire, se complexant, nous faisant réfléchir sur les actes de chacun et nous faisant découvrir toutes les subtilités du monde dans lequel ils vivent. Et que dire ? Phaeton et America sont un régal à suivre. Ils se complètent tous les deux et c’est assez difficile de ne pas aimer les scènes qu’ils ont ensemble. On peut d’ailleurs observer que notre héros a beaucoup évolué depuis le premier roman. Bien sûr, il a gardé ses attitudes qui font de lui l’homme qu’il est mais on voit parfaitement l’amour et l’attachement qu’il a pour America. Il faut dire que j’attendais aussi avec impatience la révélation de notre héroïne, c’était vraiment très drôle à assister.
La fin est cependant terrible, je ne pensais pas que ce moment arriverait si vite et je me demande comment les événements vont évoluer à présent. Je sens que ça va vraiment être épique. Je vais attendre avec impatience la suite des aventures de nos deux héros. Un très bon roman steampunk !

The Seduction of Phaeton Black by Jillian Stone

Paranormal Investigator, Book 1

Synopsis:In the gaslit streets of Victorian London, phantoms rule the night, demons dance till dawn, and one supernatural detective dares to be seduced by the greatest power of all. . .  
He’s The Man With The Magic Touch
A master of deduction, seduction and other midnight maneuvers, Phaeton Black is Scotland Yard’s secret weapon against things that go bump in the night. His prodigious gifts as a paranormal investigator are as legendary as his skills as a lover, his weakness for wicked women as notorious as his affection for absinthe. But when he’s asked to hunt down a fanged femme fatale who drains her victims of blood, he walks right into the arms of the most dangerous woman he’s ever known. . .
She’s The Devilish Miss Jones
Pressing a knife to his throat–and demanding he make love to her–Miss America Jones uses Phaeton as a willing shield against the gang of pirates chasing her. As deadly as she is, with a derringer tucked in her garter, Miss Jones is not the vampiric killer he’s been staking out–but she may be just what Phaeton needs to crack the case. As the daughter of a Cajun witch, she possesses uncanny powers. As a fearless fighter, she can handle anything from Egyptian mummies to Jack the Ripper. But when an ancient evil is unleashed on the world, she could be his only salvation. . .or ultimate sacrifice.

review: I still haven’t read a lot of Steampunk books and I was therefore very curious to start this one. I confess I was expecting a big interesting investigation and a nice romance between our two protagonists. Yes, I had my great investigation, and even more than that! For the second aspect of the story, I was very surprised at first because I didn’t expect so many hot scenes but we get used to them as soon as we get to know the characters.
America is a young woman who finds herself thrown into the street overnight at the death of her father. Her possessions, some cargo vessels, stolen by pirates, deprive her of the money she could have. And when she meets Phaeton, a Scotland Yard investigator, a really intriguing man, she thinks he can help her to solve her problems. But this man is far from the gentleman she thinks he is. He is libertine, lives with a few prostitutes and doesn’t care about what the others think about him. But when America manages to have a job at his home as a housekeeper, her life is turned upside down. 
In addition of an investigation about people drained of their blood, we can approach the story of Jack The Ripper and even some notions about the Egyptian mythology. What more can I ask for? I confess it’s always for me a really good point, I love to discover more about these topics and I didn’t expect the introduction of these kinds of ideas. 
The America/Phaeton couple is a pleasure to follow all along the book. America is an idealistic woman who doesn’t really notice the cruelty around her but Phaeton will make her understand that the world is very different from what she first had thought. She will evolve with the chapters and Phaeton with her as well. Many responsibilities will fall suddenly on him without warning, and it will be difficult for him to deal with them. I really enjoyed their distant interactions that ultimately bring them closer. It’s also touching to see their complicity despite our hero tries to hide it.
It’s a good book with two great investigations that I really enjoyed. I really loved the characters and the world we have here, it’s the reason why I’m now very curious to see what Jillian stone will present us in the second novel.

Excerpt for The Seduction of Phaeton Black by Jillian Stone + Giveaway

The Seduction of Phaeton Black (Paranormal Investigator, 1) – Jillian Stone

Blurb #1

THE YEAR IS 1889 and Queen Victoria, exemplum of decency and sobriety, is in her fifty-second year of reign. Paranormal Investigator, Phaeton Black, on the other hand, couldn’t be less interested in clean-living. He has recently taken up residence in the basement flat of London’s most notorious brothel. A dedicated libertine with an aptitude for absinthe, he wrestles with a variety of demons both real and self-inflicted. Unfairly linked to Scotland Yard’s failure to solve the Whitechapel murders, Phaeton is offered a second chance to redeem himself. A mysterious fiend, or vampire is stalking the Strand. After a glass and a consult with the green fairy, he agrees to take on the case.

On his first surveillance, Phaeton pursues an elusive stranger and encounters several curious, horrifying beings. But the most intriguing creature of all is a Cajun beauty who captures him at knifepoint and threatens to spirit away his heart.

Alternate Blurb #2

Hold onto your knickers ladies, Phaeton Black has arrived!

He’s the man with the magic touch. A master of deduction and other midnight maneuvers, Phaeton Black is Scotland Yard’s secret weapon against things that go bump in the night. His prodigious gifts as a paranormal investigator are as legendary as his skills as a lover, his weakness for wicked women as notorious as his affection for absinthe. But when he’s asked to hunt down a fanged femme fatale who drains her victims of blood, he walks right into the arms of the most dangerous woman he’s ever known.

She’s the devilish Miss Jones. Pressing a knife to his throat and demanding he make love to her––Miss America Jones uses Phaeton as a willing shield against the gang of pirates chasing after her. As dangerous as she is with a derringer tucked in her garter, Miss Jones is not the vampire killer Phaeton is stalking––but she may be just what he needs to crack the case. As the daughter of a Cajun witch, she possess uncanny powers. As a fearless fighter, she can handle anything from Egyptian mummies to Jack the Ripper. But when an ancient evil is unleashed on the world, she could be his only his salvation…or ultimate sacrifice.
She had never met the like of such a man.
After a few deep draughts of spirit, he kicked a chair out from under the table and straddled the seat. “The chair rails guard my bulging privates. Not to be confused with filthy pirates.”
He took another swig from the bottle. “Tell me about these imaginary, cutlass wielding corsairs. Miss––?”
 “My name is America Jones.”
He set an elbow on the chair back and cupped his chin. He had a wary way of studying her, as if she were some kind of curiosity. “Are you incapable of answering questions in a truthful manner? Again, Miss––?”
She set her jaw and glared. “America.”
“Is the name of a continent, or two. I can never remember if there are two continents designated north and south, or one continent designated south and north. Which is it?”
Why did he play the Mad Hatter? Leaning far back off the chair, he had to catch himself. The grog appeared to be having an effect. “And there is a new country, the United States of America.”
Even with arms tied down, she still managed a shrug. “It is my name, sir. America Síne Jones and I have learned to live with it these twenty-ought years.”
 “I believe I may call you by your middle name.” His mouth twitched. “Sin–ay. I do so admire the first syllable.”
Her gaze narrowed to a quizzical squint. “Is your mind always in the gutter, Mr.––?
“Black.” Liquid sable eyes flecked with gold drank in every inch of her. “Only when I am interested, Miss Jones.”
“And are you interested?”
“I once enjoyed a meal at the Langham Hotel, which I thought about repeating for weeks afterward.”
“Is that what I am to you? A supper?”
 He lowered his chin. “A banquet, my tempting dark dove.” Hooded ebony eyes crinkled at the sides. He enjoyed taunting her. 
Captivated for a moment, she mentally slapped herself.  “I would love to stay and chat, really I would, but I must be on my way.” She flashed the faintest of smiles. “Now that we are introduced, certainly you can release me from bondage?”
“One more thing, Miss Jones. If you would kindly explain about the pirates?” He tilted his head. “Your eyes are most extraordinary. Almost feline.”
What an exasperating man! While he swigged from the bottle, she tugged again on her bindings. “Why do you insist on torturing me?”
She pressed her lips together and chewed the inside of her bottom lip. A force of habit when vexed beyond endurance. Well, she supposed two could play this silly, annoying interrogation game. “Are your parents still living, Mr. Black?
He sat up and blinked. “Mother died of a virulent meningitis years ago. My father teaches advanced mathematics at Trinity College.” He ran a hand through thick waves of dark brown hair. “He might as well be dead. We don’t get on.”
“I could not tell you if my mother is alive or dead. I’ve not been home to Louisiana in many years. Buried my father four short months ago. Charles Gardiner Jones.” She leaned forward purposefully. “A decent and honest merchant trader. Acquaintances said he couldn’t face his business failure––that he died of drink. People who knew him well, told a very different story. My father’s heart was broken by his lying, scheming business partner.”
When her eyes threatened to tear, she lifted her chin. “After his funeral I vowed to bring Yanky Willem to justice.”
“And how goes this pursuit?”
She frowned. “Not as well as I’d hoped. Last night Willem caught me rifling through a year’s worth of cargo manifests.”
He arched a brow. “Searching for––?”
“Proof of piracy, Mr. Black.”
He smiled that maddening grin of his. “I knew if I was patient, we might actually get round to the original subject of my query––the filthy pirates.”
“Chased me from the Docklands all the way down the Strand.” She laid her head back against the padded chair and counted the cracks in the ceiling. “When you stepped into the sharp edge of my blade, I was clean out of bullets.”
“Bullets? And where, pray tell is your pistol?
Now it was her turn to grin. “Untie me, and––“
“I think not, Miss Jones.” From behind protective rungs, Mr. Black stepped over the seat of his chair and ventured closer. “Shall we search together?”
For more info you can check the links below:
Facebook:  G Jillian Stone
Pinterest: Jillian Stone
Website: Jillian Stone

For the tour, bewitching book tours gives away The Key to Phaeton’s Heart and ten print copies of The Seduction ofPhaeton Black. The contest is international.

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