Follow Friday is a blog hop Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

Q: What is your biggest pet peeve when it comesto books? Maybe you don’t like love triangles or thin plots? Tellus about it!

I didn’t really thinkabout it… It can always have something like that. Firstable, Ithink it would be the grammatical mistakes. It’s always so difficultto read a book like this and at the end it’s not even a pleasure todo it. It’s a pity sometimes because the book can be amazing but themistakes change everything. With surprise, the love triangles don’tbother me at all, but it’s not the same thing for thin plots. Indeed,I’ve read some books where for example the plot is behind the clicheromance. It’s so not for me, Ireally need to have a story constructed with interested characters. Ithink I’m always more interested in this case but otherwise I don’treally want to read the other books. After that I could add too thebooks which really look like other novels. I’ve read some bookspretty much alike, so there is no surprise and finally it becomesboring to read them. I’m sure there are a lot of other things, but Idon’t remember them for now.

Euh, I don’t like grammatical mistakes either! They bother me a lot during the read.
Love triangles, however, don’t bother me because they are very common in the kind of books I’ve read and I’m used to read stories which are similar. But in this case I give a particular importance to the characters. Given the fact that love triangles are very common, I think it’s necessary to compensate this lack of originality by characters well worked, that is to say with a personality well developed and the feelings well described. So they must be touching, otherwise we fall into the cliché, the “déjà vu” and it gets boring! I also attach great importance to the heroine: generally I like a book when I like her. A book has little chances to please me if the heroine is annoying. I don’t like annoying heroines at all! Lol


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32 commentaire

  1. I agree, authors need to find a way to make their book stand apart from others. It is one thing to tip your hat to the authors in the genre that paved the road. For example, the Anita Blake series was one of the early urban fantasy books; however, everyone copying her campy sex scenes is overkill. But . . . Ha-ha, that might turn into a rant if I keep going ^_~

    Good answers to this week’s question!

    New follower :3

    Here’s my FF:

    sinn @ sinful books

  2. It doesn’t bother me too much having mistakes with spelling and grammer. I can overlook this normally. I agree with the cliched romance it can get so boring and repetative.

  3. @ Alison can read : it’s like the first one Mel-Lee-Ann. thanks for stopping by.

    @ Claire : I don’t see them in English but in French I’ve read some books where it wasn’t so good. Even with mistakes about the name. So difficult to understand after that.

  4. @ Carmel: Thank you for stopping by. Merci beaucoup, c’est toujours drole de rencontrer quelqu’un qui parle français aussi.

    @ Melissa (books and things): Don’t worry I never see your mistakes lol

  5. I have always seen one or two mistakes in books, but never a lot… Well, no, I take that back. I have read some small pub and indie books that have some grammatical issues.

    Love triangles I don’t mind at all, if they are done well. I never could figure out why the one that is not it doesn’t move on. It seems like a usual guy thing to do, and why is the love-tri always two dudes and one girl? Why not the other way around?

    Is doing Followage!
    Beth ^_^

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