Follow Friday is a blog hop Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

Q: When you’ve read a book, what do you do with it? (Keep it, give it away, donate it, sell it, swap it..?)

I think it depends on how I feel about the book. But, normally, I really like my books and I take care of them. But it’s always a pleasure to give them to some friends so they can discover the novels too. However if the book isn’t for me, I sell it, I have too many books to keep them all.


In my case it depends too! If I really liked the book, so of course I keep it! Sometimes I also give some books to my friends. However, if I didn’t like the story, I sell it! 😉


Don’t forget our giveaway here

19 thoughts on “Feature & Follow Friday

  1. Jennifer Messerschmidt

    If I don’t enjoy the book I usually give it away too.

    Old follower
    Check Out My Follow Friday!

  2. Claire

    If I don’t like a book I will try and swap it otherwise I keep them but I’m running out of space.

  3. Renu

    Ahh, I love passing on a book to friend and spreasing the love, hehe. =)

    – New follower

  4. Sarah Brown

    I’m so much of a hoarder I even keep the books I don’t really like, here’s mine

  5. Rachel Brooks

    I don’t have room to keep the books I don’t like either. My shelves are reserved for the good ones!

    Here is my Follow Friday post

    Old follower =)

  6. Sarah B

    Must say it was interesting to join a French Google. Good thing the icons look the same. 🙂

    I’m a giver, but I definitely treat the books right that I keep.

    (New follower)

  7. Melliane

    @ Sarah B: Yes I think it’s quite the same thing. I thought It was interesting to create a blog in both languages (even if I can make more mistakes). Thanks for stopping by.

  8. aparajita

    hmm…sensible habit…

    thanks for looking in on mine….

    Old Follower
    Aparajita @Le’ Grande Codex

  9. Beth D.

    I guess we are the same.

    Old Follower
    Beth ^_^

  10. Beth

    You seem like you have a really good relationship with your books!

    Old follower hopping back

  11. Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

    It’s funny, I’m more apt to give away a book that I did enjoy than a book I didn’t care for. I guess when I get excited about a book I just wanna share it 😉

    Thanks for stopping by Word Spelunking today

  12. melannie (:

    I even keep the ones I didn’t love! MAJOR book hoarder! 😀

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! (: new follower of yours.

  13. Michael @ The Bookshelf Review

    Awesome answer. Thanks for visiting my FF. =]
    My FF

  14. We Fancy Books

    I purchase books with my own discretion whether I would like it or not. If I do then good for me. If not then maybe I didn’t get in to the story and might give it a re-read some other time. I guess if I have a chance to swap a book ill do it.

    Thanks for stopping by~
    Happy Friday~

  15. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Yep, I’m like you… I’ve done all of the above!

  16. Amie@Mom Reads My Books!

    I like to give away books, my friends always appreciate them. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  17. Jessica@a GREAT read

    I pretty much keep mine. There’s ever only been a very small few that I didn’t enjoy that I either donated or gave away as well!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Following you now since I apparently wasn’t before!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

  18. Christy @ TheReaderBee

    I only keep the books I really love as well. 🙂 Thanks for hopping by!

  19. Kate @ Kate's Book Life

    I always keep my books that I love and have only started giving them away recently. Thanks for stopping by my blog

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