Atticus O’Sullivan has been running for two thousand years and he’s a bit tired of it. After he stole a magical sword from the Tuatha Dé Danann (those who became the Sidhe or the Fae) in a first century battle, some of them were furious and gave chase, and some were secretly amused that a Druid had the cheek to defy them. As the centuries passed and Atticus remained an annoyingly long-lived fugitive, those who were furious only grew more so, while others began to aid him in secret.
Now he’s living in Tempe, Arizona, the very last of the Druids, far from where the Fae can easily find him. It’s a place where many paranormals have decided to hide from the troubles of the Old World—from an Icelandic vampire holding a grudge against Thor to a coven of Polish witches who ran from the German Blitzkrieg.
Unfortunately, the very angry Celtic god who wants that sword has tracked him down, and Atticus will need all his power, plus the help of a seductive goddess of death, a sexy bartender possessed by a Hindu witch, and some good, old-fashioned luck of the Irish to kick some arse and deliver himself from evil.
Atticus O’Sullivan fuit depuis 2000 ans et commence à en être fatigué. Après avoir volé l’épée magique des Tuatha Dé Danann (ceux qui sont devenus Sidhes ou Faes) dans une bataille du premier siècle. Certains étaient furieux et lui ont donné la chasse, d’autres ont été secrètement amusés que le Druide ait le cran de les défier. Comme les siècles passaient et qu’Atticus restait un ennuyeux fugitif, ceux qui étaient furieux, le devinrent encore plus, tandis que les autres l’aidaient en secret.
Maintenant il vit à Tempe, Arizona, la dernière ville des Druides, où les Faes peuvent le trouver facilement. C’est en endroit où de nombreux surnaturels ont décidés de se cacher des problèmes du Vieux Monde – du vampire Icelandic tenant rancune contre Thor, au couvent du sorcières Polonais qui fuirent la Guerre Allemande.
Malheureusement, l’ancien Dieu celtique, toujours furieux, veut cette épée et est bien décidé à le traquer. Atticus va avoir besoin de tout son pouvoir, et de l’aide des séduisantes déesse de la mort, d’une barman sexy possédé par une sorcière Hindoue, de la chance irlandaise pour botter quelques fesses et se délivrer du mal.
Deadtown (Deadtown, 1) – Nancy Holzner
They call it Deadtown: the city’s quarantined section for its inhuman and undead residents. Most humans stay far from its borders — but Victory Vaughn, Boston’s only professional demon slayer, isn’t exactly human…
Vicky’s demanding job keeping the city safe from all manner of monsters is one reason her relationship with workaholic lawyer (and werewolf) Alexander Kane is in constant limbo. Throw in a foolhardy zombie apprentice, a mysterious demon-plagued client, and a suspicious research facility that’s taken an unwelcome interest in her family, and Vicky’s love life has as much of a pulse as Deadtown’s citizens.
But now Vicky’s got bigger things to worry about. The Hellion who murdered her father ten years ago has somehow broken through Boston’s magical protections. The Hellion is a ruthless force of destruction with a personal grudge against Vicky, and she’s the only one who can stop the demon before it destroys the city and everyone in it.
Ils l’appellent Deadtown : la partie de la ville en quarantaine pour les non humains et les résidents morts. La plupart des humains restent à la limite – mais Victory Vaughn, la seule tueuse de démon professionnelle de Boston, n’est pas vraiment
Le travail de Vicky consiste à protéger la ville par tous les moyens des monstres. C’est une des raison pour laquelle sa relation avec l’avocat, fou de travail (et loup garou) Alexander Kane est sur le fil du rasoir. Ajoutons à cela un apprenti zombie téméraire, un client mystérieux démon-pestiféré, et une recherche qui n’est pas très bien prise par sa famille, la vie de Vicky a autant de pulsations que tous les citoyens de Deadtown.
Mais maintenant Vicky a de plus gros problèmes. Le Hellion qui a tué son père 10 ans auparavant, a brisé les barrières magiques de Boston. Le Hellion possède la force pure de la destruction avec une rancune particulière contre Vicky. Et elle est la seule qui peut stopper le démon avant qu’il détruise la ville et tous ceux qui y habitent.
Zombie Business / Flip this Zombie (Living with the Dead, 2) – Jesse Petersen
The Zombie Apocalypse has been good to Sarah and David. Their marriage is better than ever. They communicate well, share responsibilities, and now, they’re starting a business. ZombieBusters-for all your zombie extermination needs.
There are lots of zombies and that means lots of customers…Except one of them doesn’t want the zombies dead, he wants them alive and ready for experimentation. Mad scientists make for difficult clients and this time, Sarah and David might have bitten off more than they can chew.
Tout ne va pas si mal pour Sarah et David.
Leur mariage se porte mieux que jamais, ils ont même monté leur petite entreprise d’extermination. Le marché est f lorissant : plein de zombies et donc plein de clients désireux de s’en débarrasser ! Sauf que… le cours du zombie s’affole quand certains s’avèrent plus difficiles à zigouiller. Une mutation ? Ce serait le début de la crise pour Sarah et David.
Les zombies, ça oblige à se creuser la tête !
Alien Tango (Katherine “Kitty” Kat, 2) – Gini Koch
It’s been five months since marketing manager Katherine “Kitty” Katt started working with the aliens from Alpha Centauri, and she and Jeff Martini are getting closer. But when an experimental spacecraft is mysteriously returned to the Kennedy Space Center, Kitty and the rest of her team are called in to investigate. Now the team must survive murderous attacks, remove a space entity from a group of astronauts, and avoid an unhinged woman with a serious crush on Kitty’s high school boyfriend. And that’s all before evil masterminds decide Kitty’s extermination is vital.
Cela fait 5 mois que Katherine “Kitty” Katt, manageur en marketing a commencé à travailler pour les Aliens de Alpha Centauri, et elle et Jeff Martini se sont un peu rapprochés. Mais quand un vaisseau spatial expérimental revient mystérieusement au centre Space Kennedy, Kitty et le reste de son équipe se doivent d’enquêter. Maintenant son équipe doit survivre à des attaques meurtrières, enlever une entité d’un groupe d’astronautes, et éviter une femme détraquée avec un gros béguin pour le petit-ami de lycée de Kitty. Et tout cela avant que les les cerveaux maléfiques décident que l’extermination de Kitty soit vitale.
Summoning the Night (Arcadia Bell, 2) – Jenn Bennett
After narrowly escaping her fate as a sacrificial scapegoat, Arcadia Bell is back to normal. Or at least as ordinary as life can be for a renegade magician and owner of a tiki bar that caters to Earthbound demons. She’s gearing up for the busiest day of the year–Halloween–when a vengeful kidnapper paralyzes the community. The influential head of the local Hellfire Club taps Cady to track down the fiendish bogeyman, and now that she’s dating red-hot Lon Butler, the Club’s wayward son, she can hardly say no.
Cady and Lon untangle a gruesome thirty-year trail of clues that points to danger for the club members’ children. But locating the person behind the terror will require some metaphysical help from Cady’s loyal bar patrons as well as her potent new Moonchild powers–and she’d better figure it out before the final victim disappears and her own darkest secret becomes her biggest enemy.
Après avoir échappé à son destin en tant que bouc émissaire, la vie de Arcadia Bell retourne à la normale. Ou au moins autant qu’une vie ordinaire peut l’être pour un magicien renégat et propriétaire d’un tiki bar pour démons liés à la terre. Elle prépare la plus grande journée de l’année — Halloween — quand un kidnappeur en quête de vengeance paralyse toute la communauté. Le leader du club Hellfire demande à Cady de chasser le loup garou, et maintenant qu’elle sort avec le sexy Lon Butler, le fils rebelle du Club, elle peut difficilement dire non.
Cady et Lon doivent démêler une trainée d’indices accumulés durant 30 ans qui semble pointer le danger vers les enfants des membres du Club. Mais localiser la personne derrière tout cela requière de l’aide métaphysique de la part des patrons du bar et de ses puissants pouvoirs d’enfant de la lune — et elle ferait bien de trouver rapidement ce qu’il se passe avant que la dernière victime ne disparaisse et que son noir secret devienne son plus grand ennemi.

The Prophet (Graveyard Queen, 3) – Amanda Stevens
My name is Amelia Gray.
I am the Graveyard Queen, a cemetery restorer who sees ghosts. My father passed down four rules to keep me safe and I’ve broken every last one. A door has opened and evil wants me back.
In order to protect myself, I’ve vowed to return to those rules. But the ghost of a murdered cop needs my help to find his killer. The clues lead me to the dark side of Charleston—where witchcraft, root doctors and black magic still flourish—and back to John Devlin, a haunted police detective I should only love from afar.
Now I’m faced with a terrible choice: follow the rules or follow my heart.
Mon nom est Amelia Gray.
Je suis la Reine des cimetières, une restauratrice de cimetière qui voit les fantômes. Mon père m’a légué les quatre règles pour me protéger et j’ai enfreint la dernière. Une porte s’est ouverte et le démon me veut à présent.
Afin de me protéger, j’ai voulu rétablir ces règles. Mais le fantôme d’un policier assassiné a besoin de mon aide pour trouver son tueur. Les indices m’ont conduits du côté noir de Charleston – où sorcellerie, médecin et magie noire sont partout – et de retour auprès de John Devlin, un policier hanté que je devrais seulement aimé de loin.
Maintenant je dois faire face à de terribles choix : suivre les règles ou suivre mon coeur.
Kah Cherub
I still have to read Hounded! *-* Hope you enjoy it!
Jessica@a GREAT read
OOh nice! I really enjoyed Hounded! I have the other two books on my TBR mountain, just haven’t gotten to them yet. Enjoy your new reads!
Here’s my IMM
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
I really enjoyed the first Living with the dead book, I didn’t realise that it was being re-named!
Deadtown looks like it could be fun.
Enjoy your books, Great IMM! 😀
it’s because it’s the only french book I had this week. They kept an English name but it’s the french one. Thank you.
Kathy Martin
I have Hounded and its sequels on my TBR stack but haven’t begun them yet. I think Deadtown is there too. I hope you enjoy all your new books. Happy reading!
I was very curious about them after hearing so many great things about them. Thank you. I hope you’ll like them.
Very nice mailbox! You got your copy of Jenn’s next book early! I hope you enjoy it =)
Yes I was so happy, I can’t wait to read it now. Thank you.
The Nocturnal Library
I got Hounded on my TBR but Maja loved it so it’s a safe shot! Enjoy and thanks for stopping by!
Lisa O. @ The Nocturnal Library
Looks like you are in for some exciting reading. Hounded sounds awesome, and Deadtown looks intriguing too.
Enjoy all your new reads!
Carmel @ Rabid Reads
Great mailbox! I keep meaning to read Kevin Hearne’s series and the first 3 books in Nancy Holzner’s have been sitting on my eReader for a few months now. I really need to make time. At least for the first one. I’m jealous of your advanced copy of Jenn Bennett’s book. I LOVED the first one!
Christy @ TheReaderBee
Hounded sounds like an awesome read! I really need to check it out sometime. 🙂 Great mailbox!
My keeper shelf
I really enjoyed Hounded but have yet to pick up the second and third in the series which are sitting pretty on my TBR pile. Have a great week and enjoy all your new books.
Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf
Love the cover on The Prophet!! Hope you enjoy all your new book treasures!
Oh wow – Deadtown is a fabulous read – you will love it! I also have Hounded on my TBR pile but haven’t got round to it just yet, but hopefully soon. 🙂
I think you’re one of the person who makes me want to read it. I hope you’ll like it too!
Liz. R
Ooh some great books there! I love the covers for some of them, especially for The Prophet! Happy reading :).
the Amanda Stevens series is just awesome! If you can, give it a try.
Hahaha, I love that you mentioned the covers in your comment on my post. I always tend to find that you have books with come crazy (Awesome) covers in your IMM’s. 😀 I really hope you enjoy all the books you got this week.
Yours are really wonderful, I love them all! Thank you! Thank you, you too!
Amanda @ Letters Inside Out
So many fascinating ones! I’ll have to check ’em out!
Thanks for stopping by!
Amanda @ Letters Inside Out
I’ve never heard of these books but damn, they sound good! Great IMM!
Thanks for stopping by and happy reading 😀
Great haul I think all of these are new to me I’ll have to take a look at them!
Xpresso Reads
Jennifer Messerschmidt
Zombie Business look interesting. The Alien book also caught my eye. I love aliens and I never read many books about them. Might have to add the first book to my to-read list. Happy reading and thanks so much for visiting My IMM!
Rebecca (Kindle Fever)
Great IMM! I’m especially curious about Hounded and Amanda Stevens o: I hope you enjoy and thanks for stopping by!
Book Savvy Babe
what a great list of books this week! I have been wanting Hounded and Deadtown for awhile, hop you enjoy your reads this week! Thanks for stopping by my IMM 🙂 Book Savvy Babe
Mrs Q Book Addict
Enjoy all the new books!
The Muggle
I hear good things about Hounded!
Enjoy your books 🙂
The Muggle
-If you have a moment please nominate your favorite cover here.
Diana Leigh
I’m excited about THE PROPHET. The first book in the series was fabulous!
Enjoy your books!
me too! I loved the first and the second one so now I just want to read the third! thank you!
Great haul, Melliane! I like the sound of The Prophet, especially. Hope you enjoy your new stash of books! 🙂
Oh yay for Hounded! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that series! I have Deadtown but haven’t read it yet. I’ve heard it’s a great series though!
I hope I’ll love it too! It sounds very interesting!
I am listening to Hounded right now and loving it! I hope you enjoy all your reads:)
Mimi Valentine
Yay, you have Hounded!! 🙂 That’s so cool, Mel! I’ve been wanting to pick that up for a while now, so I’ll definitely be looking forward to your review for it! And if you line all of those covers up side by side, they all add up to one really cool action scene — I love it! x)
Awesome mailbox this week, Melliane! I really hope you love each and every single one of your books! 🙂 <3
Lol I didn’t think about it mimi, but you’re right! It’s really fun. Thank you so much!
I’ve heard Hounded is a really good series. Looks like you got quite a few amazing reads this week. Hope you enjoy them!
kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews
Melliane, your mailbox is full of awesome!!! 🙂 I just finished book 3 by Kevin Hearne and he is wonderful! and you’ve got Jenn Bennet’s second book! *died of envy* Enjoy all your reads! 🙂
I can’t wait to get into it! Yes you really make me want to try Hounded with your reviews.
Andrea @The Bookish Babes
Awesome books! I’ve hear Koch and Peterson’s series are so good. I have a friend who says the Iron Druid series is the best out there. I can’t wait to read it!
Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog!