Spellcrackers.com, Book 3

Synopsis: On the surface, Genny’s life seems ripple-free right now. Finn, her sexy boss and — well, Genny’s not sure what else she wants him to be — has stopped pushing for a decision on their relationship. The seductive vampire Malik al-Khan has vanished back into the shadows. And the witches have declared her no longer a threat. But unless Genny can find a way to break the fertility curse afflicting London’s fae, she knows this is just the lull before the magical storm.

Then a faeling — a teenage girl — is fished out of the River Thames, dead and bound with magic, and Genny is called into investigate. As she digs through the clues, her search takes a sinister and dangerous turn, exposing age-old secrets that might be better left buried. Then another faeling disappears, and Genny finds herself in a race against time to save the faeling and stop the curse from claiming its next victim — herself!
Review: Once the second volume finished, I only wanted to read the third one to know more. I had to wait a little for his release in December, but I can say that I’m more than happy. Of course, like in the last one, all the characters are here, and when I say all, it’s really all of them! We can discover some new too (well, yes, be careful to not be lost with all the names!), and it’s a pleasure to discover them all and learn more about each. I thought that I knew some things about Finn and Malik (Well, I confess a lot less about Malik), but I realized it wasn’t the case at all, we keep being surprise all along the story, learning some new information, making us more and more curious about the characters. And with these new info we ask ourselves a lot of questions (yes because it wouldn’t be fun otherwise, doesn’t it?). When I think that Genevieve is lucky enough to have these two men in her life that would do anything for her, who wouldn’t be to be in her place? (Me? Jealous?).  Plus, her relationship with them progress a lot in this book but it’s still a draft regarding what it could really be. I have to say it’s quite frustrating!
Genny, in this third novel, has to investigate about some young fealings murders, and we don’t understand a lot about them. To this, we can add of course, the curse, because yes, the faes haven’t given up the idea to pregnant our heroine, who hasn’t changed her mind either about it. Finn is more than determined to make progress their relationship, but he isn’t the only one…
It was a real pleasure to learn more about the Finn’s life, the Genny’s or even the Malik’s life. I confess I’m more and more intrigued about the Autarch and I’m curious to know when we will finally meet him, despite I’m sure it won’t be a pleasant meet. We learn all along the story some surprising information and I didn’t expect that at all. Well, it allows us to better understand some aspects of the story. And, I hope it will be the same in the fourth volume.
Like always, the writing style is fluid and the story complex, we therefore can’t see the true before we read it. The Suzanne McLeod’s world progresses more and more with the books. It allows us to discover new species, some new aspects about this universe we didn’t know about yet.
I think if you enjoyed the first and the second novel, you’ll love the third. The series progresses little by little and of course it always gets more complicated. I would love to understand this whole story with Tavish and a lot of other things. But finally we stay in the dark like Genny, trying little by little to understand what’s going on and to discover the true that nobody wants to revel. She is always confronted to this curse and we wonder how she will end all of this.

Spellcrackers.com is a series I really enjoy and I could only recommend it. You will discover a tough heroine who is determined to do what she wants. A heroine we can only like.

6 thoughts on “The Bitter Seed of Magic by Suzanne McLeod (VO)

  1. Mimi Valentine

    “(Me? Jealous?)” LOL Mel!! x) Don’t worry, that’s definitely me too! All of these heroines are so lucky to have two awesome guys will to do anything for them, and both Finn and Malik with their mysteriousness makes Genny extra-lucky! <3 Complicated books are the best! ;)

    Really awesome review, Mel! And I LOVE that this series is called Spellcrackers.com — so much fun!! x)

    1. Melliane

      well ok, I’m totally jealous! I’m glad I’m not the only one lol. I agree, they are sooo lucky! thank you Mimi!

  2. Rebecca

    I don’t think I knew about this series! your review has mad it sound awesome, so now I have to go look into it further. Thanks:)

    1. Melliane

      It’s a relly great series, if you give it a try I hope you’ll like it too!

  3. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    Ahh! WOnderful!!! I have the second and third books here. And do neeeeed to get to reading them. 🙂 Thank you!!

    1. Melliane

      I’m sure you’ll love it, can’t wait to read your review about them!

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