Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
(pour une version française voir la bibliothèque de Lilie)
Les traductions sont personnelles
Queen Victoria dismisses her from the Shadow Council, and the only person who can explain anything, Lord Akeldama, unexpectedly leaves town. To top it all off, Alexia is attacked by homicidal mechanical ladybugs, indicating, as only ladybugs can, the fact that all of London’s vampires are now very much interested in seeing Alexia quite thoroughly dead.
While Lord Maccon elects to get progressively more inebriated and Professor Lyall desperately tries to hold the Woolsey werewolf pack together, Alexia flees England for Italy in search of the mysterious Templars. Only they know enough about the preternatural to explain her increasingly inconvenient condition, but they may be worse than the vampires — and they’re armed with pesto.
Après les événements survenus en Écosse, elle est retournée vivre chez ses parents. La reine Victoria l’a exclue du Cabinet fantôme, et la seule personne qui pourrait donner une explication à sa délicate condition actuelle, Lord Akeldama, a inopinément quitté la ville. Pour couronner le tout, Alexia découvre que les vampires de Londres ont juré sa mort.
Tandis que Lord Maccon met toute son énergie à boire, et que le Professeur Lyall tente désespérément de maintenir la cohésion au sein de la meute Woolsey, Alexia s’enfuit en Italie à la recherche des mystérieux Templiers. Ils sont les seuls à pouvoir l’aider. Mais ils pourraient aussi s’avérer pires que les vampires. Surtout armés de pesto.
In the Hollows, where the natural and the supernatural co-exist – not always peacefully – desperate times often call for unorthodox measures. But bounty hunter-witch Rachel Morgan did the absolutely unthinkable to save the lives of her friends: she willingly trafficked in forbidden demon magic. And now her sins have come home to haunt her.
As Rachel hunts for the truth behind a terrifying murder, the discovery of a shocking family secret is about to throw her entire life into question. And the long-lost ancient knowledge she seeks resides in the demonic ever-after. But there are some lines that should never be crossed–like the one Rachel Morgan’s stepping over…again!
It’s Valentine’s Day and we’re preparing our friend Iris’s wedding. But when we get word that the Supe Community Center has been bombed, things get really ugly. The evil coyote shifters-the Koyanni-are back and Newkirk, their new leader has joined forces with a group of rogue sorcerers. Then, just as we think things can’t get worse, the demon lord Shadow Wing sends in a new front man, and life really goes to hell…
Revenge of the Spellmans/La revanche des Spellman (Spellman, 3) – Lisa Lutz
Having been ordered into therapy after getting a little too close to her previous subject, former private investigator Izzy Spellman is wisely taking a break from Spellman Inc, having embarked on a less controversial career as a barmaid. But when her boss, Milo, simultaneously cuts her bartending hours and introduces her to a ‘friend’ looking for a private eye, Izzy reluctantly finds herself with a new client. A suspicious husband who wants his wife tailed, it would appear to be a routine case involving nothing more than that most boring of PI rituals: surveillance. But Izzy soon discovers that she’s not the only person keeping a close eye on Mrs Ernie Black and with each passing hour the Case of the Wayward Wife throws up more questions than answers.
Dialogues insolents, situations hilarantes, rythme endiablé font de cette Revanche des Spellman un excellent cru. On retrouve avec plaisir cette famille attachante qui évolue au fil du temps et prend ici une humanité inattendue.
Jennifer Messerschmidt
Ohhh I LOVE the Spellmans!!!! Revenge of the Spellmans is soooo good! I think the fourth book is the best but the fifth book was sad. Witchcraft Mystery looks really cute. I’ve heard the Parasol Protectorate series is good. I still need to start The Hollows series.
My Stack
Oh great! I was waiting for the french release but finally I thought it was more interesting to have it in English. Thank you Jennifer!
Miss Vain's Paranormal Fantasy
Great books Melliane 🙂
I’ve read a few of the Rachel Morgan series and I really like it! Hope you do too! The Sreampunk series you’re reading, I just discovered it recently, so I downloaded the first book for cheap recently! You have so many awesome books to read! Hope you enjoy them all.
Have a wonderful week! Thanks for stopping by my blog!:)
I had the hollows series in french but for now they stopped to the fifth book, so here I am for the English version lol. I hope you’ll enjoy soulless! thank you!
SO many great books there! I love the Soulless series and enjoyed Blameless (although I wanted to hit Lord Marcoon at times!). The Spellman books are just so much fun – I just love them!
It Takes a Witch and Discount Armageddon are on my need to be read pile (yes, I have started piling TBR books according to priority now!)…great haul this week! 🙂
I agree Lord Maccon is so determined/stupid sometimes! Lol I think I need to do the same for the to be read pile, it’s a great idea.
Oooh, The Hollows! Kim Harrison was one of my first UF authors, if not the first! Love her books! 😀
Patricia // My Week
Jessica@a GREAT read
OOoh very nice! I still have to read the last Parsol Protectorate book! I loooove that series!! Also love Kim Harrison’s!
Happy Reading!
Here’s my Stacking the Shelves
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
J’ai hâte de commencer Sans âme 😀
j’espere que ça te plaira, j’attendrais ton avis
Encore un IMM bien rempli !!! J’aime beaucoup les couvertures de “It takes a witch” et “Discount Armageddon” ^^ Bonne lecture avec tout ça donc 🙂 Bisous ^^
Kah Cherub
Oh, Kim harrison! hope you enjoy your haul. 🙂
Nice! I liked Blameless, and I’m planning to start The Hollows series soon. Thanks for stopping by! StS
Stepping Out of the Page
I REALLY need to get started on the Parasol Protectorate series! I do own a couple of them but just haven’t gotten around to them yet, I guess I should get started soon. 🙂 Great haul! Enjoy all of your books!
Steph @ Stepping Out of the Page
I hope you’ll like it as much as I do!
Zendastark faut vraiment que je me mette à jour sur la série de Gail Carriger. J’ai aussi “Discount Armageddon” dans ma PAL. J’adore la couv!
Bonne lecture Melliane! 🙂
Ouiiii! bon moi je crois que je devrais passer à la VO pour la suite par contre. J’adore October Daye c’est une de mes séries préférées, je ne pouvais pas laisser passer celui ci du coup lol. merci!
Quelle chance de pouvoir lire en anglais !! Un superbe IMM. Bonnes lectures.
lol gros piège on ne s’arrete plus aprés. Merci!
Je plussoie!
YEAH Kim Harrison! i want to read Discount Armagedon too! Thanks for stopping by my post yesterday:)
Sarah@Catching Books
Awesome books this week!! I haven’t heard of any of them but they all look great!!
Enjoy all your new reads and thanks for stopping by 🙂
Jenni @ Alluring Reads
Wow great haul! I see those Parasol Protectorate books around alot I’ll have to take a look at them!
Eileen (***Singing and Reading in the Rain***)
I haven’t heard of those books, but they sound pretty good, so I’ll have to look it up. 🙂
Eileen @ ***Singing and Reading in the Rain***
Check out My Stacking the Shelves post!
Jennifer TheBookNympho
Looks like you got some fun books. Enjoy
kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews
Discount Armageddon was absolutely awesome, Melliane! You have a great stack of fantastic authors here, Kim Harrison, Yasmine Galenorn, Gail Carriger… I hope you enjoy all your reads! 🙂
Oh great! I was afraid it was less interesting than the October Daye series. Thank you!
Ah Sans Honte je l’ai acheté à sa sorti vraiment hâte de le lire parce que cette saga est vraiment géniale !
Bonnes Lectures avec tous ses livres, faut vraiment que je me mettes à la VO =D
Il était vraiment super, je l’ai meme préféré au deuxieme. Mais je crois que je ne pourrais pas attendre le 4 en français maintenant lol ça tarde un peu trop pour moi. Merci!
Ah ça me donne encore plus envie de le lire maintenant ! ah ah tu vas acheter le tome 4 en vo alors ^^?
peut etre. Je vais voir d’abord pour essayer de diminuer ma PAL infinie (on sait jamais lol ça peut marcher, parce que j’ai acheté enormement de livres en VO et j’attends de les recevoir). C’est que j’avais trouvé le 2 un peu en dessous meme si tres bien et le 3 est meilleur que le 2. Je serais curieuse de lire ton avis quand tu l’auras lu!
Ah m’en parle pas des PAL infinie j’en vois même pas la fin de la mienne ^^ Je vais sans doute le lire pour le mois de Juin ou au plus tard Juillet. Tu ne l’a pas encore écrit ton avis ?
Et moi j’ai meme plus de place pour la mienne. lol si je l’ai écrit, meme du deux. Juste j’ai plus de 20 avis à poster… terrible je suis devenue une machine de lecture. J’essaie de faire par priorité. Du coup je dois poster deux avant, un que j’ai eu d’une maison d’édition et un d’un auteur. Mais je vais y arriver!!
April @ My Shelf Confessions
You got some great books this week! I really want to get into the Parasol Protectorate series (seems like it’s stalking me EVERYWHERE haha) and the Spellman series too, they both look fantastic!
I hope you love all of your books! Have a great week 🙂
April @ My Shelf Confessions
The Heather Blake series looks really good I’ve seen it before! Great haul!!
It takes a witch – looks so cute! Enjoy 🙂
The Muggle
Nominate Your Book Boyfriend
Bob Milne
Nice – some great books here.
Thanks for stopping by.
Christy @ TheReaderBee
Wow, awesome books! I really hope you enjoy reading them all!
Je dois vraiment me mettre a lire du Kim Harrison car je n’ai entendu que du bien de cette auteur ! Bonne lecture 🙂
AAAh oui tu dois elle est vraiment très bien! Bon je suis un peu triste d’avoir maintenant une moitié milady et la suite en VO
je suis entrain de lire sans ame et j’adore! j’imagine que sans honte doit etre savoureux aussi! bonne lecture!
Oh oui il était vraiment très bien, ça te plaira je suis sure si tu aimes le premier. merci!
Jussy Who
I’ve never read The Hollows series, I will have to check these books out. Thanks for sharing!
Book Enslaved
Melissa (My words and pages)
Spellman is the only one I’ve not heard of. But all the others, I do want to get to reading some day. 🙂 Hope you have an amazing week.
Spellman is a really fun chick-lit series, I loved the two first ones!