Follow Friday is a blog hop Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

Q: Birthday Wishes — Blow out the candles and imagine what character could pop out of your cake…who is it and what book are they from?? 

Hmmm I think I would love to have Curran from the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews, I just think I need a really really big cake for him lol.

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28 thoughts on “Feature & Follow

  1. BLHmistress

    I haven’t read this series yet, but heard good things about Curran and this series.

    My FF

  2. Mel

    Sorry but Curran is mine! I love a big old cat like him! 🙂
    Great choice and a fantastic series!

    1. Melliane

      I think you’re a little wrong, he is mince now!!!

  3. Imo

    New GFC Follower!

    I’ve heard a lot about the series, i really need to read it now!

    Have an awesome friday
    My FF

  4. Kim

    I haven’t heard about this series yet but Curran seems to be quite popular (: lol.

    – Kim
    My FF

  5. Jennifer Messerschmidt

    I still need to start that series! But I have seen him mentioned a few times today!
    Old follower
    My FF

  6. Juli Rahel

    Haven’t read the book, but a big cake is never a bad thing I think! 😉 I’m following!
    My FF
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  7. Keely Mahaffey

    Hopping through! Haven’t read this, but I’m interested to learn about this Curran fellow everyone is talking about 🙂 *New Follower*

    Here’s mine @ Realms of an Open Mind

    Happy Reading 🙂

  8. Jessica@a GREAT read

    Nice! Saw a Curran earlier in my hopping!

    Here’s my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower 🙂

  9. Vanya D.

    I have not read this series 🙁 But with all the gorgeous guys jumping off cakes today, I don’t see myself being able to sleep! :DD

    My Follow Friday

  10. BookaholicCat

    Sorry to disappoint you but Curran is MINE!

    1. Melliane

      tut tut tut he can’t be yours, as it’s already mine!

  11. Lexxie

    I haven’t read that series yet, so I have no idea if he’s yummy or not 😉

    I’m a new GFC follower 🙂

    FF post

  12. Mirjam

    Curran. *sighs* An excellent choice, but I still want Mr. Darcy to jump out of my cake! 😉

  13. Helene

    I haven’t heard of this series, I’m going to check it out. New GFC follower.

    Happy Friday!
    My FF

  14. Lee @ Rally The Readers

    Curran sounds like a great choice! I haven’t read the series yet, but it’s on my TBR list.

    Old follower. Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Pam (

    LOVE Curran! Great choice!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Old follower. 🙂

  16. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Seriously.. ONE character? 😉 Why not my whole harem? Oh yeeeaaaaa! Frosting and all…

    Uh… sorry!

    Have a great weekend!!

    1. Melliane

      I agree, it’s so difficult to only choose one, at first I wondered if I could pick many of them but well I was strong and choose between them.

  17. Shahnila

    Hi Melliane, after reading about so many pretty women fight over Curran ;D I need to look up this series and this dude, can’t believe I am missing out, great choice and thanks for stopping by earlier x **Old Follower**

  18. elena

    Hee yay for a bigger cake! Thanks for stopping by, hope you have a great weekend.

  19. Read, Write, Read

    I haven’t read this one yet but I’ll check it out. Old follower :)Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  20. Kristina

    old follower returning visit. I’ve only read some of the short stories from this series none of the actual books but great pick.

  21. Livia @ Butterfly-o-Meter

    Haha, yeah, good point. We need big cakes for the big eye-candy we’d wish for xDDD
    Have a great weekend!

  22. Cayce

    I haven’t read the books, but he does sound yummy 😛

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Following you back now. Have a great weekend!

  23. Zendastark

    Les mêmes que toi Melliane mais…soyons honnêtes, si je devais vraiment choisir, ce serait…Curran! 😉

  24. Sarah@Catching Books

    Haven’t heard of this series but it sounds interesting! I will have to check it out 🙂

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by my blog!! Have an awesome weekend 😀

  25. Alexia

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I’m an old follower 🙂

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