24 thoughts on “Feature & Follow

  1. Bookaholic 007

    I haven’t heard of those 2 before. They sound interesting though. 🙂

    I’m a new GFC follower! 🙂

    Here is my FF post: http://blogofabookaholic.blogspot.com/2012/07/feature-and-follow-friday-1.html

  2. Blodeuedd

    I would buy the Shifting price of Prey by S McLeod and Kelly Gay’s new book 🙂

    1. Melliane

      lol already ordered so I didn’t choose them, and I have an ARC of the first one, I can’t wait to start it!

  3. Pepca

    I haven’t tried zombie books yet. Here are my picks: http://beyondstrangenewwords.blogspot.com/2012/07/follow-friday-7.html

    Happy Friday!

  4. Keegan Shayne

    New Follower! Hopping through!

    ~Keegan Shayne

  5. Susan Francino

    I haven’t heard of those, but the titles alone sound intriguing.

    Old follower. 🙂

    Here’s our Follow Friday

  6. Mel

    Oh, Feed is a fabulous book!! It’s so worth a read and a great idea on how blogging could go in the future. Plus you know, zombies and stuff. 🙂

  7. Liesel K Hill

    Those sound interesting. Lately I’ve kind of been wanting to read more zombie books! 😀 New follower via GFC. I have two blogs.

    My FF

    My Other FF

    Happy Friday! 😀

  8. Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR

    I’ve been curious about Feed but haven’t gotten around to it. It sounds good though.

    Have a lovely weekend, Melliane!

    My FF

  9. Rachel :)

    Great picks! I’m going to be reading my first ever zombie book soon *cue excited face!*

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am now following yours too! 😀

  10. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Good choices. I don’t know what I’d pick until I get those cards. I’d try to find a bargain to see if I could get more than 2 books. 🙂

    1. Melliane

      right I didn’t think of that, it would be better!

  11. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Happy weekend! (I forgot to add… I’m so bad…)

  12. Lee @ Rally The Readers

    I’m not familiar with those books, but the titles sound very intriguing.

    Old follower. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Sarah@Catching Books

    I haven’t heard of either book but they do sound interesting!! I will be sure to check them out 🙂

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by my blog!! Have an awesome weekend 😀

  14. Kristin Aragon

    I’ve not heard of either of your choices. I’ll have to check them out.

    Old Follower!

    Thanks for stopping by Better Read Than Dead


  15. Alison Can Read

    Hopping through. I haven’t read anything by Mira Grant but I’d like to. I’ve heard her books are great.
    My Hop

  16. Cayce

    Great picks! Feed is on my to-be-read list, can’t wait to have it.

    Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend, Melliane! 🙂

  17. Jenna and Ashley

    Somewhere In Between sounds great. I haven’t heard of the others. Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend:)
    -Jenna @ Fans of Fiction (old follower)

  18. Read, Write, Read

    Great choices! I’ve never read these books but I’ve heard some great things about them. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Old follower

  19. BookaholicCat

    You should totally read Dead, Undead, or Somewhere in Between, I read it last week and loved it.
    My picks will be… I don’t know, such a hard question.
    I guess one of those would be Outlander 20th Anniversary edition by Diana Gabaldon and the other Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews.

    1. Melliane

      this book sounds so great! I can’t wait to read your review.
      already ordered the Ilona Andrews books. Do you know I almost have all the Diana Gabaldon books and haven’t read any? such a lost case.

  20. Michael @ The Bookshelf Review

    Haven’t heard of them but sound interesting. Thanks for sharing and visiting my FF. Old follower. =]

  21. Tammy @ Into the Mystic

    I haven’t heard of either of those books. I’ll have to check them out.

    Old follower–thanks for stopping by my FF!

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