McKenzie Lewis, Book 2

Synopsis: McKenzie Lewis has a gift. It allows her access to a world few have seen, and even fewer can comprehend. It’s her secret. And it exists in the shadows…

McKenzie was a normal college student, save for one little twist: she’s a shadow reader, someone who can both see the fae and track their movements between our world and the Realm. It’s a gift for which she has been called insane, one for which she has risked family and friends—and one that has now plunged her into a brutal civil war between the fae.

With the reign of the king and his vicious general at an end, McKenzie hoped to live a more normal life while exploring her new relationship with Aren, the rebel fae who has captured her heart. But when her best friend, Paige, disappears McKenzie knows her wish is, for now, just a dream. McKenzie is the only one who can rescue her friend, but if she’s not careful, her decisions could cost the lives of everyone she’s tried so hard to save.

Review: I really wanted to read this second novel since the end of the first one. This series is really interesting and dynamic. McKenzie is a unique character that we can only love to follow. Poor Kenzie, something is always happening to her and she doesn’t expect that at all. Each new problem turns her life upside down a little more.
The first volume was a surprise for me and I have to say that this one is as good as the previous. Mckenzie finds herself once again in the middle of the fae problems, especially since the rebels try their best to keep the castle. But in addition to this, they try to convince everyone that Lena may be a good queen for them, something more complicated than expected. McKenzie thinks she can now live like a normal person, or at least without too many problems but everything changes when Paige, her best friend is kidnapped by their enemies. Our heroine is however determined to do everything to find her before it is too late. But her own safety is not the most essential thing when she has an idea in mind  and she therefore has to face the consequences. Our young heroine will also have to deal with her relationship with Aren and Kyol, something that is not easy even if she knows what she wants. We also learn much more about Aren and his past, which have made him the man he is with many other information that are sometimes very surprising.

This new novel is full of wonderful ideas, Sandy Williams has incorporated many things we did not expect at all and I think it’s always nice to be surprised throughout the story. What about the end? I must say that I did not see it coming and It was heartbreaking to understand what was happening. It was well imagined and I found myself wondering how McKenzie would be able to handle this all now. How can we not want more? It’s impossible! Our heroine is courageous and brave throughout the novel, doing everything she can to help the people she loves. But many persons around her aren’t what they seem to be, and she will learn all that by herself. We discover the truth with her about some characters while we ask ourselves many more questions about others. I wonder how Sandy Williams will be able to finish this trilogy, the end is so close now and I’m sure it will bring many more surprises. I really want to know more about Aren, McKenzie and Kyol and I can’t wait to read the end of their story. A new very good book that I recommend!


15 thoughts on “The Shattered Dark by Sandy Williams

  1. kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews

    Awesome review, D.! I’m glad you love this series! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      I love all the ideas, it’s a great one, I’m just so sad that there is one left.

  2. Deea

    Oh, I loved, loved, loved The Shadow Reader and I’ve been dying to read the sequel ever since I finished it! This series is so unique and badass! I’m glad you liked this one as well and that it’s as good as the first. I can’t wait to read it!

    Great review!:)

    1. Melliane

      Totally agree with you! I hope you’ll enjoy this one as much as the first one.

  3. Maja (The Nocturnal Library)

    Ahh, so the love triangle continues. I was hoping it would be resolved after the first book. Still, I’m happy that this one is just as good as the first book. I can’t wait to read it. There are’t many new promising urban fantasy series.

    1. Melliane

      Not really, you need to read to really understand it I think. It’s more complicated than that.

  4. Blodeuedd

    I just felt so meh over the first book and that made me sad, so yes sadly I will not be reading this one

    1. Melliane

      yeah if the first one wasn’t for you I think it will be the same with this one.

  5. Jessica@a GREAT read

    OOOOh great review! Excited for this one myself! Wasn’t aware that it was going to be a trilogy though! Thanks for the tidbit!!

    The books sounds incredible and I so can’t wait to read it! Especially since you mentioned the ending being so…so much!

    Fabulous review!

    1. Melliane

      I’m sure you’ll love it as well. Yeah the end is terrible!!! Can’t wait to see what you’ll think about it.

  6. Mel

    This does seem like a great series! I must start the first book soon esepcially as you seem to love it so much! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      Yeah there are a lot of great indeas in it. I’m sure it will be the same for you!

  7. Julie

    Great review! And ZOMG that ending! Merde… 😉

    1. Melliane

      Yeah really, I didn’t expect that at all, it was brillant lol.

  8. Aurian

    Great review, this series is on my wishlist.

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