![STSmall_thumb[2] STSmall_thumb[2]](http://lh3.ggpht.com/-xRYOk0zIv1M/T6RLOUEZ2LI/AAAAAAAAFKw/7qJhumSkSxY/STSmall_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
Devil May Care (Speak of the Devil, 2) – Patricia Eimer
After a month of planning not one, but two, demonic weddings, all Faith Bettincourt—the youngest Crown Princess of Hell—wants is to spend some quality time with her angelic boyfriend, Matt. But when a ghost from Matt’s past walks through Faith’s apartment door, her preoccupation with the weddings from Hell is all that’s keeping her from turning his ex, in all her devious angelic glory, into a down throw pillow.
Which is about when Matt’s zealous mother declares war on Faith’s family.
Now Faith will stop at nothing to stop the craziness and make sure the impending nuptials go off without a hitch. All she’s got to do is rescue one of the grooms and go up against an army of so-called do-gooders, and everything will go back to normal. Or as normal as it can be where the Devil’s spawn is concerned. With any luck, she might just be able to resuscitate her love life while she’s at it.
White Witch, Black Curse (The Hollows, 7) – Kim Harrison
White Witch, Black Curse
I have almost all the books in the Hallows series. I haven’t read them yet because I’m craving YA paranormal right now. Great haul!
old follower
It’s a wonderful series, I hope you’ll enjoy it as well!
That first just so funny 😀
I just forgot that I hadn’t read the first one, I need to do so before starting it.
I haven’t read either of those books but I hope you enjoy them anyway. Happy reading! 🙂
My STS: http://queenofcontemporary.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/stacking-shelves-9.html
I got to get back to Kim H’s books Rachel Morgan and all the side characters were great. Hope you enjoy your books, and week!
My Stack
Jessica@a GREAT read
Nice! I looove Kim’s books! I just need to read the latest one to be caught up myself! Hers is one of the first adult series I read!
My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower 🙂
Shelley Romano
I hope you like the Rachel Morgan book. The series is coming to a conclusion and it will be a sad day when that happens 🙁 Enjoy your reading!
Grace Fonseca
Small is good. Gives us time to catch up on other reading. Nice haul.
Bonne semaine et bonnes lectures Melliane (^-^)
Jen (Makeshift Bookmark)
I’ve been meaning forever to read the Kim Harrison books. Maybe someday 🙂 I hope you enjoy your reads!
Moonlight Gleam
Love the books you got this week hun! Kim harrison is a wicked awesome writer 🙂 Enjoy!
Sugar and Snark
I need to make some time to read a Kim Harrison book! Enjoy 🙂
Sugar & Snark
Chapter by Chapter
I really want to check out The Hollows books! Enjoy all that you got this week! Thanks for sharing and happy reading!
MaryAnn | Chapter by Chapter
What we got this week!
Brandi Kosiner
Harrison’s book sounds good.
Happy reading,
Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog
kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews
Big fan of Kim 😉 so I’m glad to see you reading her books, D.! Hope you enjoy all your reads!
Nice haul! Kim Harrison is on my list of Must try out soon authors! >.<
Ah ! Rachel Morgan ! j’adore ;(
White Witch Black Curse looks like it’ll be fun! Happy reading to you and here’s our list for this week if you’d like to check it out: BiblioJunkies