Synopsis: In this never-before-in-print romantic comedy, Annabelle Coakley and Clay Castleberry are determined to stop their parents from getting married…they didn’t count on falling in love themselves!
Review: I admit that I loved the French cover when I saw it and I was curious to see how the story would be. And while reading the summary, I thought it looked pretty fun and that’s why I started the book.
Annabelle and Clay are willing to do everything to prevent the wedding of their parents, and when they have an idea in mind, nothing can stop them. Indeed, Clay believes that mother and daughter want the money from his father who is too naive to understand it. Because it’s what happened with each of the previous women he wanted to marry with. Annabelle is also afraid for mother’s money but that’s not all, Clay’s father is on his sixth weeding and she does not want her mother suffers because of a womanizer, especially as she promised her father on his deathbed that she would protect her. But Clay does not trust either of the two women and although he may fall for Annabelle, he remains suspicious of her motives. And he remains confident that her background is not very good.
I loved following these two characters. They are very worried about their parents and at the same time keep the idea they have in mind without thinking that they might be wrong. They do not realize that their parents love each other and that despite the short time they spent together, anything is possible. But they are both deep into their stubbornness while falling in love with each other. Yet while Annabelle lets the young man imagining things about her, Clay does not trust her to ask her about the things he learned and doesn’t understand what is going on. These are two strong heads that we learn to discover and I enjoyed them despite the nonsense they can respectively do. I liked reading the times when they were both together because they were mostly full of humor and arguments.
It was a nice story and fun to read, perfect for the holidays.
This sounds like a really nice, light romance, Melliane! Great review, and yet another book added to my huge TBR pile 🙂
Have a great Sunday 🙂
Sounds ok for a good fun romance 🙂
Ah, holiday stories. Gotta love it. Glad the romance was good though