Immortals After Dark, Book 13


Uilleam MacRieve believed he’d laid to rest the ghosts of his boyhood. But when a brutal torture revives those ancient agonies and destroys his Lykae instinct, the proud Scot craves the oblivion of death. Until he finds a young human so full of spirit and courage that she pulls him back from the brink.


Seized for the auction block, Chloe Todd is forced to enter a terrifying new world of monsters and lore as a bound slave. When offered up to creatures of the dark, she fears she won’t last the night. Until she’s claimed by him – a wicked immortal with heartbreaking eyes, whose touch sets her blood on fire.


With enemies circling, MacRieve spirits Chloe away to the isolated Highland keep of his youth. But once he takes her to his bed, his sensual mate becomes something more than human, evoking his savage past and testing his sanity. On the cusp of the full moon, can he conquer his worst nightmare to save Chloe… from himself?

Review: Kresley Cole’s Immortals After Dark series is one of my favourite paranormal romance series. I find the overall storyline of the Accession, the  battle for supremacy between the many factions of Lorekind that takes place every five hundred years, intriguing and I also adore many of Cole’s characters. My absolute favourites are the Valkyrie, whose many eccentricities have endeared them to me. From Nïx, or Nucking Futs Nïx as she is often called, to Kaderin the Cold Hearted and Regin the Radiant. Having said that I am not quite sure what to think of MacRieve. I like it, but I very much doubt I will reread this one.

Cole’s writing is as appealing as ever and her characters are well-portrayed. I like both MacRieve and Chloe, but I did not fall in love with them. This may well be the reason I started paying attention to  the repetitive use of Cole’s old familiar recipe of boy with traumatic past meets girl, they both hate each other yet cannot stay away from each other and in the end resolve their issues. It’s a recipe that has worked quite well so far, but fails to have its usual effect on me in this instalment.  The lack of action and comic relief in comparison with previous books may have contributed to this feeling. The main focus of the book is on MacRieve’s struggle back to mental stability after recent events opened up badly healed wounds from his past. This struggle coincided with finding his mate, who is related to a man who captured and tortured him and carries the blood of Lore creatures he hates more than any other. Although his beast accepts Chloe as its mate, MacRieve’s head refuses to accept this. Their relationship may appear doomed, but Chloe is not someone who easily gives up and neither does MacRieve’s beast.

Despite the above and a plot that is definitely lacking, I did like the book. Mostly because  I was pulled into the story from the start. The epilogue is great and introduces a cliff-hanger. Frustratingly enough Cole’s next book does not appear to continue where the epilogue ended as it features other characters. Here’s hoping book 15 will be about Munro and his mate.

The series contains one major storyline that carries on through each new addition on top of the smaller, romantic storyline that is completed in each book. My advice is to read this series in order.


Mirjam copie

16 thoughts on “Guest review: MacRieve by Kresley Cole

  1. Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    I love this PR series too (it might even be my favorite), but I haven’t read MacRieve yet. I’m always a little hesitant to read the follow-up to A Big Deal–Lothaire in this series, Acheron in Sherrilyn Kenyon’s series, Heart of Obsidian in Nalini Singh’s, etc. I always eventually get around to reading it, but I wait until the fangirly-ness wears off 😉

    1. Mirjam

      Probably a wise decision! Lothaire is an impossible book to follow, so I suppose I should have been more understanding. Lothaire and Acheron definitely were the highly anticipated, masterpieces in Cole’s and Kenyon’s series. I’m not familiar with Nalini Singh’s series, but considering the number of fans I should probably remedy that! 🙂

  2. Melanie (YA Midnight Reads)

    I’ve seen this series around quite a lot but never really paid close attention to them (probs because of the covers) but I’m glad that you enjoyed this one despite the fact that it’s lacking a strong plot!

    Great review! <33

    1. Mirjam

      Thank you! Some covers have much more presence than others, but although the covers of the IAD books lack the magnetic pull of for example Splintered, they are quite enjoyable. 🙂

  3. kimbacaffeinate

    I haven’t tried this series, but I am glad you are still enjoying it. The world and characters sound well done. I will mark it as one to read 🙂

  4. Jenni

    Sounds like there is some great characters here to be found. Happy to see that you enjoyed it so much!

  5. Lily B

    I think I can live with that. I do love the love-hate relationship books 😀 plus it’s paranormal with what sounds like amazon plot mm

  6. A.Caldwell

    Everyone I talk to raves about this series. I need to pick it up and soon. Wonderful review!

    1. Mirjam

      Thank you! It’s a great series, so I hope you will get to it and enjoy it. 🙂

  7. aurian

    Hi Mirjam, I do agree with you on this book, I just never really liked MacRieve. Only in the very end did he redeem himself. For the rest I loved most of the other books, and I want more Valkyries!

    1. Mirjam

      Me too! I wonder when poor Furie is going to be rescued. That should make one spectacular Valkyrie book. 🙂

  8. blodeuedd

    The cover is fugly

  9. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Will do… I will read this series in order. I so want to dive into the series. I really need to now! LOL Especially when #13 is still going strong.

    1. Mirjam

      LOL Enjoy!

  10. Céline

    J’ai le droit de me plaindre? Pas de traduction française alors que cette couverture est plus qu’alléchante! Obligée de lire en anglais, oui, oui parce que ma curiosité était piquée! Et envie de lire ce roman maintenant, j’ai tout gagné tiens…

  11. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Hi! 🙂 Oh, this is an author I’ve heard about. Some day I’d like to give her books a try. Sounds like a good series though. 🙂 Here’s hoping you get your wish in the next book.

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