Glory St. Clair, Book 1

Synopsis: What – did you think all vamps were pale, thin and brooding? Don’t I wish.
Gloriana St. Clair is an eternally “full-figured” vampire-she just happened to be bloating when a sexy Scotsman sank his teeth into her. She and said Scot- Angus Jeremiah Campbell III, aka Jeremy Blade-have been on and off again for centuries, currently off. A couple hundred years has taught them how to press each other’s buttons-in good ways and bad.

Glory’s headed for Austin and a new business venture: Vintage Vamp’s Emporium. After all, she loves clothes, and she is an antique. Only problem is, there’s a billionaire techno-freak vampire hunter on the loose. Blade’s in total he- vampire mode, and wants Glory to move in with him so he can “protect” her. But it’s time for this vamp to explore her own powers.

Review: It’s been a while since I had seen this book on a blog and the review really made me want to discover the first Gerry Bartlett’s volume. Well I must say that I’m a chick-lit lover, so this one was perfect for me. I do not know if you know the Immortal bites series or Queen Betsy, but this book is perfectly in line with it and I really enjoyed discovering a new series such as this one.

Gloriana is a young woman who is in search of freedom and independence. She decides to go to Austin to open a shop to sell old clothes and objects. Something perfect for her as she is really old too. But her ex boyfriend Blade cares for her, mainly now that he knows that some vampire hunters are located in this region. He therefore orders her to go to a casino and live with him so he can protect her adequately. You can imagine that this is not AT ALL to the taste of our heroine, who does not like orders and is determined to live her life as she wants. However, her life, it is true, is far from being wonderful and she will have to be very careful throughout the book.

I loved the character of Gloriana, she is far from stupid and only wants to live a “normal” life and to assume herself without anyone behind her to watch her. She is dynamic and lively, which makes her a pleasant character to get to know, even if it means that she can be really naive when she wants. She tries to resist her weaknesses while succumbing completely. Well I must say that when this weakness is called Blade, we understand it perfectly. Ah, this charming Irish vampire … what about him? I completely fell in love with him, and even if it is true that he is a bit macho, He’ll do his possible to change and be there for our heroine and help her. I fall quickly under his spell and I looked forward to his scenes with Glory to discover more about him. And then there’s Damien … But he is just the opposite, he is quite annoying but he is a real Casanova. It was pretty funny to see all the shenanigans he was preparing to trap our heroine. And I must say he has a lot of ideas for it!

I loved this novel, well I admit a little less than what I thought, but it was nice to read it and I’m curious to see what the result will be now in the sequel. After it is true that some aspects of the story are quickly understood, while others are a little more in the shadows. The story is not really over here but it’s rather an introduction. Everything remains outstanding without leaving a real cliffy at the end of the novel, but we remain intrigued by the ideas of the author.




18 thoughts on “Real Vampires Have Curves by Gerry Bartlett

  1. Wendy Darling

    Oh, this sounds cute. I recently read the Naked Werewolf series for the first time and enjoyed them so much! I had avoided them forever because I didn’t care for the cartoon covers, so I will give this one the same benefit of the doubt. 😉

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. Melliane

      yes it’s in the same idea too. I can understand that.

  2. Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    I got this as a clearance paperback from Barnes of Amazon probably close to 5 years ago (I actually just dug it out of a box of books I found in my basement). It does sound cute. I’ll have to read it the next time I’m feeling paranormal, chick-lity 😉

    1. Melliane

      I would be curious to see what you think of it, it’s nice and cute.

  3. Joy (Joyousreads)

    Oh I like the sound of this one. I’m going to have to add to my list. I’m not a fan of the cover though. :/

  4. Carmel @ Rabid Reads

    I love the chick-lit / paranormal combo, and although this one does sound cute, it doesn’t seem like it’s the best this genre has to offer (like Molly Harper). I wasn’t a fan of Queen Betsy, so I don’t think this one is for me.

    1. Melliane

      if so maybe not…

  5. aurian

    I think you saw this one on my blog a few months ago. I enjoyed it, I had fun, but it was not great. But nice and fun is good too. Glad you liked it Melliane 🙂

    1. Melliane

      Yes I remember your review about it. thanks

  6. blodeuedd

    Yay no cliffy 😉

  7. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I’ve been wanting to try this series because it sounds so cute. I may wait to see what you think about the rest of them before I push them higher on the wishlist. Great review!

  8. kimbacaffeinate

    I am not going to had me at Irish vampire..hehe. I love the sound of the MC, I added to my wishlist Melliane!

    1. Melliane

      oh that’s nice, I hope you’ll like it if you try it!

  9. brandileigh2003

    I like the sound of Gloriana in this one, and glad to hear you enjoyed

  10. Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    This sounds really cute, Melliane, and I think it’s kind of awesome that a vampire is more full-figured! Especially, you know, if she was turned into a vampire two hundred years ago, if she was not very poor back then, she probably would have a much fuller figure than what is fashionable today 🙂

    I’m going to add this to my TBR for some quick vampy romance fun this summer 🙂 Thanks for the great review.

    1. Melliane

      you”re right about that! I never thought of it.

  11. Melanie (YA Midnight Reads)

    Huh, this sounds like a fun read by the looks of the title–though the cartoon cover just doesn’t seem to fit with it.

    Great review, Melliane! <33

  12. Lily B

    This series really sounds like so much fun 😀 I have the first book, cannot wait!

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