Ree Reyes, Book 2.5

Synopsis: Ree Reyes, urban fantasy heroine of Geekomancy, is working her regular barista/drink-slinger shift at Grognard’s when it all goes wrong. Everything.

As with Geekomancy (pop culture magic!) and its sequel Celebromancy (celebrity magic!), Attack of the Geek is perfect for anyone who wants to visit a world “where all the books and shows and movies and games [that you] love are a source of power, not only in psychological terms, but in practical, villain-pounding ones” (Marie Brennan, award-winning author of the Onyx Court Series).

Review: I must admit that I enjoyed the first volume as we had such a highly original world, but I was a little disappointed by the second novel. So when the author proposed a novella, I was immediately curious to see how it was going to be. And I must say that this novella was finally a nice surprise.

I was quite impressed by the pace of the story as everything happens really fast. There is no downtime and it is true that there is always something going on for Ree. Indeed, our heroine finds herself working when an attack occurs, and while they think they can get by, it seems that everything is much more complicated than expected. Whenever a threat is resolved, a new one appears even more terrible than the previous and the young woman and her friends will soon have to find solutions.

I admit that I was curious to see how our characters would get out of this event, because I have to say that they have plenty to do. Fortunately for them, they still have artifacts on hand, as well as movies or comics to help them to defeat their enemies. But they also learn that this attack has a fairly specific purpose which I think ultimately will be reflected in the next novels. So a new idea appears here and I’m curious to see what will happen. Of course we also have questions about the relationship between Drake and Ree as it is quite complicated, especially for Ree … To be continued in the next episode.



21 thoughts on “Attack the Geek by Michael R. Underwood

  1. kara-karina

    I admit while I enjoyed the first book, D., I didn’t have an inclination to read further. Still, this sounds like a nice novella!

  2. Melanie (YA Midnight Reads)

    huh, funny title! glad that this one was enjoyable and fast paced at the same time.

    great review! <33

  3. Chene Sterckx

    That cover is so cute! Great short review. I haven’t heard of this series or author. I’ll add it to my one-day pile.

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

  4. brandileigh2003

    Sounds like a great addition and I love the ttile, so clever

  5. blodeuedd

    I am just happy with a cover with a girl in glasses 😀

  6. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    I haven’t heard of this series before, thanks for bring it to my attention Melliane! Glad that this novella made up a bit for the disappointment you felt after book two, so I hope that trend continues and the next book is the best one yet!

  7. Heidi

    I have seen this series around and have been tempted to pick it up because it seems light and fun. I am glad that you enjoyed the novella, I am usually not a fan of novellas as they are short and I don’t get much from them.

  8. Tanja

    I’m not familiar with this series but it sounds really interesting. I’m so glad that with this novella it’s back on track and that you’re enjoying it again. I really hope it will continue that way. Great review 🙂

  9. aurian

    Sounds nice!

  10. Lily B

    sound very different.

  11. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Sounds like a pretty decent novella. I so need to get on to reading that first book in the series!

  12. Braine Talk Supe

    How awesome was Lt. Abigail?! LOL I wish we’ll see more of her annoying self in the coming books, she and Ree have some good verbal volleys

  13. Joy (Joyousreads)

    Is this one of those serial type of deals? I’m glad you’re enjoying them, Melliane. If it is a serial, I’m afraid I don’t have much patience to wait for each instalments! Lol.

    Enjoy the next one!

    1. Melliane

      I don’t think I understand the question… But it’s a series like any other.

  14. Alise

    Yeah I also love title on this one, all the books sound really fun and the covers are appealing. I’m glad the novella kind of made up for the second installment! I’ll definitely have to check these out.

  15. kindlemom1

    Congrats on all the great books!

  16. kimbacaffeinate

    I am really glad the novella worked and hope the series continues to improve for you after the disappointment of book two. I love the premise..these sound fun!

  17. Greg

    I think this sounds like a lot of fun- I have not heard of these but will check them out… sounds very original. I like the idea of using pop culture things as power sources. 🙂

  18. Wendy Darling

    Pacing is always a little tricky in novellas, it’s rare when it’s done well. I’m glad you liked this overall, though, despite a few quibbles.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  19. Tabitha (Pabkins)

    I know what you mean about liking a first book and then a second one can disappoint. It can definitely go either way. I’m glad that he was able to turn things around for you in this one. I definitely plan on reading the first book.

    Did you see his youtube video that he did of his reaction when he got signed for the first book!? It was so adorable!

    1. Melliane

      Oh no, I didn’t, but now I’m curious!

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