Synopsis: Vampire hunter Damon Brock’s first assignment with the Execution Underground is Rochester, New York, a city crawling with the undead.  But he isn’t the only hunter in town gunning for vamp blood. Tiffany Solow is fierce and ruthless when it comes to slaying the monsters that destroyed her family-and she works solo. But being alone is no longer so desirable when she meets the mysterious hunter who wants more than just her turf. As they work to massacre the local covens, the line between good and evil blurs when they are forced to decide between their lifelong beliefs… and their newfound hearts.


Hey guys, the book is only .99 cents and releases on August 4th




Author Bio: Kait Ballenger is a full-time paranormal romance author, wife, former professional bellydancer, and soon-to-be-professor. She has a BA in English from Stetson University and an MFA in Creative Writing from Spalding University. She lives in Central Florida with her screenwriter husband and three sweet furry babies, all three of whom are named after fictional characters. Kait hopes that one day with hard work and dedication, she will be a bestselling author, and then, people will name their pets after her characters, too.



Twitter: @kait_ballenger or




10 thoughts on “Shadow Hunter Cover Reveal – Kait Ballenger

  1. Jennifer Bielman

    Loving the cover and the blurb. Thanks for sharing.

  2. kindlemom1

    Loving that blue hue!

  3. Kirsty-Marie

    Ohh, sounds good! Loving the yellow in the cover! Though the blues hurting my eyes a little, haha.

  4. Carmel @ Rabid Reads

    I like that the covers are consistent in this series, and this latest one is definitely striking. Thanks for sharing, and for the heads up about the sale!

  5. Nina

    I really like this cover!

  6. anna@herding cats & burning soup

    This one so pops out at ya. 99cents? Yep I can totally do that!

  7. Mogsy

    That’s one hot (and cool) looking cover!

  8. Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    That . . . is an awesome cover. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Livia @ Butterfly-o-Meter Books

    Sexy covers on the whole series 😀

  10. Lily B

    oh my, me like!

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