
 Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

61 Heures (Jack Reacher, 14) – Lee Child

Dakota du Sud. Un bus dérape sur une route verglacée et s’encastre dans une congère. Ses passagers, des seniors, guidés par Jack Reacher, se réfugient à Bolton. Mais dans la prison de Bolton, c’est l’émeute. Un chef de gang de motards, arrêté pour trafic de drogue, attend son procès, tandis que ses bikers menacent d’enlever le seul témoin du deal. Reacher se retrouve embarqué dans une histoire où gangsters, flics corrompus, trafic de drogue international et tueur en liberté font bon ménage. Un problème pour l’ex-policier de la marine ? Pas sûr…



38 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #103

  1. chucklesthescot

    OOh I like the look of Free Agent! That is going onto my wishlist!Hope you enjoy your books!

  2. Jennifer Bielman

    Hells yeah, Shatter Me is amazing!

  3. Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    WOW, you got a huge haul this week, Melliane! I hope you’ll love Shatter Me! That series is amazing 🙂
    And I really like the look of Once Perfect, I’m going to have to check that out. I think that a brother who assaults a guy for hurting his sister is totally the kind of guy I’d enjoy reading about.
    I hope you’re having a nice summer! We’ve more or less had only rain since the end of June, so we’re heading on vacation next week 🙂
    Happy reading my friend.

  4. miki

    free agent is seriously catching my interest

  5. Luna's Little Library

    Love The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making, so pretty inside and out. Enjoy!

  6. Stephanie Faris

    Lots of good books, as always. My TBR list keeps growing and growing.

  7. Althea

    Les couvertures de Fairyland sont vraiment super sympas 🙂
    Je suis curieuse de voir ce que tu penseras des tomes de Auri, et j’espère que Shatter Me te plaira plus qu’à moi ^^
    Bonnes lectures !

  8. Vickie (Under The Mountain)

    La Maitresse des Eléments sounds really interesting, makes me wish I could read French! Shatter Me and The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland are two books I feel I really should have read by now by haven’t. Awesome haul, I hope you have a great week!

    Under The Mountain

  9. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    OOoh nice haul!! I read the Shatter Me books just this year as well! Hope you enjoy all your new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  10. kindlemom1

    Lots of great books this week! Congrats!

  11. ShootingStarsMag

    Wow, lots of fun books this time around. I have Delia’s Shadow on my wish list, so hopefully you’ll love the sequel. And I really want to read Catherynne M. Valente’s books as well.

  12. Fiza @ I'll Read Till I Drop

    I see lots of books I never heard of, but they all have such pretty covers 😀

    My new pretties 🙂

  13. Bob @ Beauty in Ruins

    Hmm, No Job for a Lady really catches my eye.

    Here’s how I’ve Stacked the Shelves this week.

  14. blodeuedd

    That first one sounds really cool 😀

  15. Margie aka The Bumble Girl

    I have all of the Fairyland books too and have yet to read them – they’re beautiful, I should get to them this fall!
    Enjoy your new reads 🙂

  16. Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    Oh, I LOVED the Shatter Me series! Each book is better than the last! Hope you love them too. I haven’t heard of the rest of these, but enjoy them 🙂

  17. viou03

    Les couvertes de la série Les Auris d’Emily White sont magnifiques . J’aime aussi beaucoup celles de la série Fairyland dans un tout autre genre.
    Bonnes lectures.

  18. le livre-vie

    Il y a des couvertures superbes!! Elles donnent vraiment envie!

  19. Tanja

    Oh you’ve got some amazing books this week. I love the title for The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making and I had no idea that the whole trilogy is out. I also hope you’ll enjoy Shatter Me. Great haul 🙂

    1. Melliane

      it’s more than just a trilogy

  20. Chrissi Reads

    Amazing haul! I loved Shatter Me, such a good series. Thank you for stopping by my blog!

  21. Jirrine @ Jirrine Reads Fiction

    Nice haul this week! I really enjoyed The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland. I have yet to read the other two books though! I also haven’t read the Shatter Me series, I think I need to now that all the books are out. Happy reading Melliane 🙂

  22. Brandi Breathes Books

    Free Agent looks good, I hope that you enjoy reading it. Have a wonderful week!

  23. kincaid

    de très jolies couvertures^^

  24. Grace Fonseca

    WOW. Some awesome books this week for you. I see that we both got the new Cecy Robson book this week. I hope you love all the books you got.


  25. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Wow, you got a lot this week! I’m looking forward to see what you think of Child of a Hidden Sea and Barricade in Hell. Those Valente books look lovely too, I’ve heard so much about them.

  26. Dea S.

    I’m unfamiliar with most of these but I know and loved Shatter Me! I hope you enjoy it and continue on with the series. Happy reading!

  27. Jillyn

    I really need to read Shatter Me, and Child of a Hidden Sea looks really good. Enjoy them all 🙂 My STS.

  28. Lola

    J’ai pas regardé pour voir si tu avais répondu à ma question disant si oui ou non tu parles français mais là j’ai la confirmation, hehehe. J’adore les livres que tu as choisis cette semaine! Shatter Me est un livre que j’ai beaucoup aimé. J’espère qu’il te plaira également. ^^ Bonne lecture!

    1. Melliane

      En fait tu as posé la question sur un avis qui n’était pas le mien donc c’est la personne en question qui a répondu. Merci !

  29. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Oooo, some amazing new books there! I’m going to have to look into the first book on your list. I like the sounds and looks of it. 🙂

    Have a great week!

  30. Tabitha (Not Yet Read)

    YOu got some great looking books! I enjoyed the Jamie Lee Moyer books and I plan to read Child of a Hidden Sea as well. Maggie is going to read Free Agent anytime now.

  31. Lupdilup

    That’s a nice list of books! I enjoyed Shatter Me, I’m looking forward to your thoughts. I also will be keeping an eye open for you review of Once Perfect (ShatteredPast, 1) – Cecy Robson, that’s my kind of cover 😉

  32. Léa Touch Book

    O_O Fairyland a l’air super ! 😀 De très belles lectures ! 🙂
    (si tu aimes shatter me je pourrais te prêter la suite ;))

  33. Dragana

    I’ve got Child of a Hidden Sea some time ago but still didn’t read it. Fairyland series looks wonderful. Happy reading!

  34. A comme Adé

    Encore beaucoup de livre que je ne connais pas, merci !

  35. Stephanie @ Inspiring Insomnia

    What a book week! The only one that I’ve read is Shatter Me. I thought it was OK, but the next two books got worse. I know I’m in a tiny minority on that, so I hope that you have better luck!

  36. topobiblioteca

    Secrets et préjugés est une bonne romance, j’ai aimé son côté un peu féministe =)

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