
Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews


In the Spinter’s Bed (Spinter House, 0.5) – Sally MacKenzie

At Spinster House, a woman can enjoy the spoils of single life—or find the love of a lifetime…

It has been twenty years since Lord William Wattles laid eyes on Annabelle Frost. Still, he remembers everything—her ethereal beauty, her bookish intelligence, her surprisingly modern attitudes about love…and lust. But Belle’s allegedly wanton behavior led her father to send her away to save the family’s reputation. Now she resides at Spinster House in the village of Loves Bridge, where an unmarried lady can live—and in Belle’s case, support herself as a librarian—in peace…

Beautiful, passionate Belle—sworn off marriage? William can’t believe the woman he once knew could end up like this. But when the hands of fate bring him to Loves Bridge, his long-lost love might just end up back in his arms. Is their unwavering desire worth the sweeping scandal that is sure to follow them both? Absolutely.

The Revolutions – Felix Gilman

Following in the fine tradition of Felix Gilman’s spectacularly reviewed Half Made World comes a sweeping tale of Victorian science fiction, space exploration, and planetary romance.

In 1893 a storm sweeps through London, while Arthur Shaw—a young astronomer with a side career writing fiction—is at work in British Museum Reading Room. The storm wreaks unprecedented damage throughout London. Its aftermath of the storm Arthur’s prime literary market closes, owing him money, and all his debts come due at once. His fiance Jo takes a job as a stenographer for some of the fashionable spiritualist and occult societies of fin de siècle London society. Meanwhile, Arthur deciphers an encoded newspaper ad seeking able young men. It seems to be a clerking job doing accounting work, but the mysterious head man Mr. Gacewell offers Arthur a starting position at a salary many times what any clerk could expect. The work is long and peculiar, and the men spend all day performing unnerving calculations that make them hallucinate or even go mad…but the salary is compelling.

Things are beginning to look up when the wages of dabbling in the esoteric suddenly come due: a war breaks out between competing magical societies, and Arthur interrupts Jo in the middle of an elaborate occult exploration. This rash move turns out to be dire, as Jo’s consciousness is stranded at the outer limits of the occultists’ psychic day trip. Which, Arthur is chagrinned…

De Darcy à Wentworth – Sybil G. Brinton

Publié pour la première fois en 1913, ce livre est la toute première fan-fiction écrite dans l’univers de Jane Austen.
Alors que les Darcy se rendent à Bath pour y passer la belle saison, ils vont croiser et rencontrer les héros des autres romans de Jane Austen d’Emma au capitaine Wentworth… Mais les diverses conjectures amoureuses mènent à la formation de nombreux couples qui devront affronter les inévitables difficultés avant de connaître le parfait amour.


Deux mois sans elle (Drew + Fable, 2) – Monica Murphy

Ma vie se résume à ce mot désespérant. J’ai perdu deux mois de ma vie à noyer mon chagrin. J’ai perdu ma petite amie, Fable, la seule fille qui ait jamais compté à mes yeux. J’avais peur de la blesser en restant avec elle.
Hanté par des souvenirs qui l’empêchent de poursuivre sa relation avec Fable, Drew disparaît sans donner signe de vie. Deux mois après cette séparation, il n’arrive toujours pas à tourner la page. De son côté, Fable a trouvé un poste de serveuse dans le club branché où Drew se réunit avec ses coéquipiers les soirs de victoire. Quand il se retrouve nez à nez avec Fable, le jeune homme comprend qu’il n’a jamais cessé de l’aimer. S’il tient vraiment à elle, il devra se battre pour l’en convaincre.

Emma – Jane Austen

Depuis qu’Emma a réussi à arranger le mariage de son ancienne gouvernante, elle se met en tête d’unir tous les gens qui l’entourent. Désormais maîtresse de maison, elle s’attribue ce rôle d’entremetteuse sans savoir que son inexpérience des êtres et des cœurs peut la mener à de nombreuses déconvenues. Entre les nouvelles rencontres, les visites de Mr Knightley, un vieil ami de la famille, et ses manœuvres matrimoniales, Emma finit par se perdre elle-même sans s’apercevoir que ce dont elle rêve depuis toujours risque de lui échapper à tout jamais…


Deathless Days – Lucas Legendre

D., alias Azraël, est l’archange de la mort. Son job, c’est de séparer l’âme du corps des humains pour leur permettre de rejoindre l’au-delà, au moyen de sa faux. Jusqu’au jour où un mystérieux voleur la lui pique, alors qu’il est encore certainement trop occupé à cuver pour faire attention à ses affaires.

Gros problème : sans la Faux, les hommes ne peuvent plus mourir. Et, faute de mieux, des hordes de Deathless, des Sans-Mort, âmes errantes enchaînées à leur corps, sont acheminées jusqu’en enfer. D. est super mal et passe un mauvais quart d’heure au conseil des archanges. Car sans être totalement rabat-joie, Dieu n’est pas non plus le roi de la déconne, à qui on peut expliquer tout de go un truc pareil. De toute façon pas la peine de lui expliquer, il sait déjà tout, non ?

Il sait, par exemple, que dans sept jours les Deathless seront trop nombreux pour être tous contenus sous terre et que, si les négociations entre anges et démons tournent court, le paradis déclarera la guerre à l’enfer. Sept jours durant lesquels D., condamné à mort en cas d’échec, tentera par tous les moyens de retrouver celui qui a volé sa faux et de comprendre la raison d’un tel acte. Sept jours avant qu’il ne soit trop tard, avant que l’équilibre du monde ne vole en éclats et que l’humanité entière ne passe aux mains de Satan. On dit qu’il vaut mieux s’adresser à Dieu qu’à ses saints, mais là, pas sûr…

Avec Deathless Days, son premier roman, Lucas Legendre signe un thriller biblique haletant, érudit et à l’humour décapant comme de l’acide.

The Veil (Devil’s Isle, 1) – Chloe Neill

Seven years ago, the Veil that separates humanity from what lies beyond was torn apart, and New Orleans was engulfed in a supernatural war. Now, those with paranormal powers have been confined in a walled community that humans call the District. Those who live there call it Devil’s Isle.

Claire Connolly is a good girl with a dangerous secret: she’s a Sensitive, a human endowed with magic that seeped through the Veil. Claire knows that revealing her skills would mean being confined to Devil’s Isle. Unfortunately, hiding her power has left her untrained and unfocused.

Liam Quinn knows from experience that magic makes monsters of the weak, and he has no time for a Sensitive with no control of her own strength. But when he sees Claire using her powers to save a human under attack—in full view of the French Quarter—Liam decides to bring her to Devil’s Isle and the teacher she needs, even though getting her out of his way isn’t the same as keeping her out of his head.

But when the Veil threatens to shatter completely, Claire and Liam must work together to stop it, or else New Orleans will burn…

The Hanged Man (Her Majecty’s Psychic Service, 1) – P.N. Elrod

On a freezing Christmas Eve in 1879, a forensic psychic reader is summoned from her Baker Street lodgings to the scene of a questionable death. Alexandrina Victoria Pendlebury (named after her godmother, the current Queen of England) is adamant that the death in question is a magically compromised murder and not a suicide, as the police had assumed, after the shocking revelation contained by the body in question, Alex must put her personal loss aside to uncover the deeper issues at stake, before more bodies turn up.

Turning to some choice allies—the handsome, prescient Lieutenant Brooks, the brilliant, enigmatic Lord Desmond, and her rapscallion cousin James—Alex will have to marshal all of her magical and mental acumen to save Queen and Country from a shadowy threat. Our singular heroine is caught up in this rousing gaslamp adventure of cloaked assassins, meddlesome family, and dark magic.

Seriously Wicked – Tina Connoly

The only thing worse than being a witch is living with one.

Camellia’s adopted mother wants Cam to grow up to be just like her. Problem is, Mom’s a seriously wicked witch.

Cam’s used to stopping the witch’s crazy schemes for world domination. But when the witch summons a demon, he gets loose—and into Devon, the cute new boy at school.

Now Cam’s suddenly got bigger problems than passing Algebra. Her friends are getting zombiefied. Their dragon is tired of hiding in the RV garage. For being a shy boy-band boy, Devon is sure kissing a bunch of girls. And a phoenix hidden in the school is going to explode on the night of the Halloween Dance.

To stop the demon before he destroys Devon’s soul, Cam might have to try a spell of her own. But if she’s willing to work spells like the witch…will that mean she’s wicked too?

Visions (Cainsville, 2) – Kelley Armstrong

As #1 New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong’s new Cainsville series continues, Olivia’s power to read omens leads to the discovery of a gruesome crime with troubling connections to her new hometown.

Omens, the first installment in Kelley Armstrong’s exciting new series, introduced Olivia Taylor-Jones, daughter of notorious serial killers, and Gabriel Walsh, the self-serving, morally ambiguous lawyer who became her unlikely ally. Together, they chased down a devious killer and partially cleared her parents of their horrifying crimes.

Their success, however, is short-lived. While Olivia takes refuge in the old, secluded town of Cainsville, Gabriel’s past mistakes have come to light, creating a rift between the pair just when she needs his help the most.

Olivia finds a dead woman in her car, dressed to look like her, but the body vanishes before anyone else sees it. Olivia’s convinced it’s another omen, a sign of impending danger. But then she learns that a troubled young woman went missing just days ago—the same woman Olivia found dead in her car. Someone has gone to great lengths to kill and leave this young woman as a warning. But why? And what role has her new home played in this disturbing murder?

Olivia’s effort to uncover the truth places her in the crosshairs of old and powerful forces, forces that have their own agenda, and closely guarded secrets they don’t want revealed.

The Sleeping King – Cindy Dees & Bill Flippin

The Sleeping King is the start of a new fantasy series by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Cindy Dees.

Dees has won a Golden Heart Award, two RITAs for Category Suspense and Adventure and has also twice snared RT’s Series Romantic Suspense of the Year. She is a great storyteller, and the adventures in her more than fifty novels are often inspired by her own life. Dees is an Air Force vet-the youngest female pilot in Air Force history-and fought in the first Gulf War. She’s had amazing adventures, and she’s used her experiences to tell some kickass stories.

But as much as she love romances, Cindy’s other passion has been fantasy gaming. For almost twenty years she’s been involved with Dragon Crest, one of the original live action role-playing games. She’s the story content creator on the game, and wanted to do an epic fantasy based on it, with the blessing and input of Dragon Crest founder Bill Flippin.

The Sleeping King is the first in an epic fantasy series, featuring the best of the genre: near immortal imperial overlords, a prophecy of a sleeping elven king who’s said to be the savior of the races . . . and two young people who are set on a path to save the day.

 A ghostly Murder (Ghostly Southern Mysteries, 4) – Tonya Kappes

Emma Lee Raines knows there’s only one cure for a bad case of murder!

I told you I was sick, reads the heastone abouve Mamie Sue Preston’s grave. She was the richest woman in Sleepy Hollow, Kentucky, and also the biggest hypochondriac. Ironic, considering someone killed her-proprietor of the Eternal Slumber Funeral HOme, know all this? Because Mamie Sue’s ghost told her, that’s how! And she’s offering big bucks to find the perp.

The catch is, Mamie Sue was buried by the Raines family’s archrival, Burns Funeral Home. Would the Burneses stoop to framing Emma Lee’s granny? With an enterprising maid, a penny-pinching pastor, and a slimy Lexington lawyer all making a killing off Mamie Sue’s estate, Emma Lee needs a teammate-like her dreamboat boyfriend, Sheriff Jack Henry Ross. Because ith millions at stake, snooping around is definitely bad for Emma Lee’s health.

The House of Shattered Wings – Aliette de Bodard

A superb murder mystery, on an epic scale, set against the fall out – literally – of a war in Heaven.

Paris has survived the Great Houses War – just. Its streets are lined with haunted ruins, Notre-Dame is a burnt-out shell, and the Seine runs black with ashes and rubble. Yet life continues among the wreckage. The citizens continue to live, love, fight and survive in their war-torn city, and The Great Houses still vie for dominion over the once grand capital.

House Silverspires, previously the leader of those power games, lies in disarray. Its magic is ailing; its founder, Morningstar, has been missing for decades; and now something from the shadows stalks its people inside their very own walls.

Within the House, three very different people must come together: a naive but powerful Fallen, an alchemist with a self-destructive addiction, and a resentful young man wielding spells from the Far East. They may be Silverspires’ salvation. They may be the architects of its last, irreversible fall…

Where – Kit Reed

In a coastal town on the Outer Carolina Banks, David Ribault and Merrill Poulnot are trying to revive their stale relationship and commit to marriage, and a slick developer claiming to be related to a historic town hero, Rawson Steele, has come to town and is buying up property. Steele makes a romantic advance on Merrill and an unusual 5 a.m appointment outside of town with David. But Steele is a no-show, and at the time of the appointment everyone in the town disappears, removed entirely from our space and time to a featureless isolated village—including Merrill and her young son. David searches desperately but all seems lost for Steele is in the other village with Merrill.

Kit Reed’s Where is a spooky, unsettling speculative fiction.

The Affinities – Robert Charles Wilson

In our rapidly changing world of social media, everyday people are more and more able to sort themselves into social groups based on finer and finer criteria. In the near future of Robert Charles Wilson’s The Affinities, this process is supercharged by new analytic technologies: genetic, brain-mapping, behavioral. To join one of the twenty-two Affinities is to change one’s life. It’s like family, and more than family. Your fellow members aren’t just like you, and they aren’t just people who are likely to like you. They’re also the people with whom you can best cooperate in all areas of life, creative, interpersonal, even financial.

At loose ends both professional and personal, young Adam Fisk takes the suite of tests to see whether he qualifies for any of the Affinities and finds that he’s a match for one of the largest, the one called Tau. It’s utopian–at first. His problems resolve themselves as he becomes part of a global network of people dedicated to helping one another, to helping him, but as the differing Affinities put their new powers to the test, they begin to rapidly chip away at the power of governments, of global corporations, and of all the institutions of the old world; then, with dreadful inevitability, the different Affinities begin to go to war with one another.




42 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #142

  1. chucklesthescot

    A nice mixture of books on your haul this week! I hope you enjoy them all!

  2. Elizabeth

    WOW! That’s a lot, and so many great covers. I tend to go by the cover first and then read the summary. I really like Darcy and Wentworth and the Revolutions.


  3. Yani

    I am curious to read De Darcy à Wentworth, Hanged Man, Seriously Wicked, Where and The Sleeping King! I think they have great titles. I cannot wait to read your thoughts about them. 🙂

  4. Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    Oh my goodness, Melliane! What an amazing haul this week! In Bed with the Spinster looks both funny and hot, and I’m a little jealous about The Veil 😉
    I hope you’ll enjoy all your new additions.
    Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading.

  5. Leeloo K

    Le seul nom qui me parle est celui de Jane Austen, dont je n’ai pas encore lu “Orgueils & préjugés” qui est dans ma PAL depuis près de 2 ans mais je ne trouve jamais le temps de le lire. J’avais vu “Emma” en téléfilm avec Kate Beckinsale (Underworld) dans le rôle titre et j’avais vraiment bcp aimé.
    Bon week-end 🙂

    1. Melliane

      lol j’ai le meme truc, depuis des années que j’ai aussi orgueil et que je n’ai toujours pas tenté.

  6. Shelley @ Gizmos Reviews

    Excellent Week! I’m looking forward to The Veil, and I definitely want to read The Hanged Man!

  7. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    OOOh nice! Loved Visions! Basically I love anything Kelley writes! LOL! Also got the Veil and can’t wait to read that one! Chloe is awesome! Hope you enjoy all the lovely new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  8. Luna's Little Library

    Seriously Wicked looks good, hope you like all your books.

  9. Erica

    I have been wanting to get my hands on Seriously Wicked, I hope you enjoy it 🙂

    Nice Haul!

    My STS

  10. Jason (@geekboyotp)

    Awesome Haul and hope you get some great time read your new books.

    My STS

    Jason @GeekBoyOnThePage

  11. Mariejuliet

    Il y a quelques titres qui me tentent énormément!
    Mais tous en anglais, et j’ai déjà quelques livres en stock à lire en anglais.

  12. Charnell @ Reviews from a Bookworm

    You’ve got a great haul this week! There’s quite a few books here that I haven’t heard of before. I like the look of Seriously Wicked. I hope you enjoy all of your books 🙂 Here’s my haul if you want to check it out!

  13. Grace Fonseca

    I see that we both got The Veil this week. You got some excellent books in your haul this week. I hope you love all your new books. They look awesome.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  14. Ramona

    Whoa! That’s a lot of books, mademoiselle! What have you done, robbed a bookstore, lol? :)) I see you’re in the mood for a little Austen… I wholeheartedly agree! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Melliane

      right? I was so surprised! Many books each day

  15. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Whoa, so much good stuff! Where to start? Got a copy of The Veil this week as well and I’ve never read the author so I’m looking forward to it. You know I loved The Hanged Man already, so I hope you enjoy that one as much as I did. I’m also thinking about requesting The House of Shattered Wings, that looks so good!

  16. Carole Rae

    Lots and lots of books!! 😀

  17. Bob (@beauty_in_ruins)

    The Revolutions and The Hanged Man both look cool. I had a copy of The Affinities land on my doorstep this week as well. Now if I could just find time for it . . .

  18. blodeuedd

    Ohh the sleeping king

  19. Krystianna

    Great haul this week! I’ve been seeing Seriously Wicked around quite a lot; it sounds pretty good. I may have to check it out. I hope you enjoy everything and have a great week. 🙂
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  20. Maura

    ooh so many nice books 😀 The Revolutions look interesting 😀

    Maura @

  21. Joy (Joyousreads)

    Whoa. Amazing set of books, Melliane. I’ll be on the lookout for your reviews on these.

    happy reading!

  22. kindlemom1

    Wow! Lots of great books this week, huge congrats!!

  23. Pam

    Wow a bunch of those caught my eye! Especially Chloe Neill and Kelley Armstrongs new books. I’ve been so busy I keep missing my favorite authors newest books. Great list!

  24. Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings

    Emma is wonderful–I really hope you enjoy it–and I’m curious to see what you make of Visions. It wasn’t my favorite novel by far–I had a few issues with the direction the romance took–but I’m still invested in the storyline so I’ll be sticking around for the sequel. Still, I hope you wind up liking it more than I did! 🙂

  25. bea285

    Il y a des livres qui ont l’air super. Mais je passe mon tour pour Sally Mackenzie. J’ai beaucoup de mal avec ces livres! The hanged man, the veil et De Darcy à Wentworth ont l’air trois super lecture 🙂

  26. Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads

    I want the Veil so bad. Love Chloe Neill.

  27. viou03

    Très bel IMM. Bonnes lectures.

  28. fantasybooksaddict

    Que de lectures tentantes : Emma, De Darcy à Wentworth… !
    Bonnes découvertes !

  29. Madame_Love

    Bonnes lectures, tu as de quoi faire^^
    Pour ma part je ne suis pas fan de l’univers Austenien.

  30. anna (herding cats & burning soup)

    Dang. That’s an awesome list of books. Yay for the Murphy one! And In the Spinsters Bed looks very good. Can’t wait to see what you think 😀

  31. le livre-vie

    Ah mais je proteste!! Tant de livres reçus en si peu de temps! Ta PAL ne va pas être contente!! lol

    1. Melliane

      paaaaaaaas du tout

  32. Liza Shaw

    That is some haul you have here, and Emma too, I love that book. Hope you do too.

    Please check out mine at

  33. Chrissi Reads

    Wow! That’s a really impressive haul this week Melliane! 🙂 I hope that you enjoy all of your new books. Happy Reading!

  34. Grace Fonseca

    I hope you love all your new books this week. They look amazing. I see that you got the Veil. Yay.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  35. Sofia T.

    Wow! Nice haul! I hope you enjoy them all 🙂

  36. vvb

    Oh, I want the new Felix Gilman one! And the Hanged Man looks good too. Have a good reading week 🙂

  37. Nikki

    Aahh, House of Shattered Wings! I hope it’s as good as it sounds, and that you enjoy all of these!

    My STS.

  38. Krystianna

    Great haul this week! The Revolutions sounds really good and I love the cover. I’m going to have to add it to my TBR! Have a great week. 🙂
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  39. Freelfe

    Certains des livres VO ont vraiment de sublimes couvertures !!!

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