Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
Sweep in Peace (Innkeeper Chronicles, 2) – Ilona Andrews
Dina DeMille doesn’t run your typical Bed and Breakfast. Her inn defies laws of physics, her fluffy dog is secretly a monster, and the only paying guest is a former Galactic tyrant with a price on her head. But the inn needs guests to thrive, and guests have been scarce, so when an Arbitrator shows up at Dina’s door and asks her to host a peace summit between three warring species, she jumps on the chance.
Unfortunately, for Dina, keeping the peace between Space Vampires, the Hope-Crushing Horde, and the devious Merchants of Baha-char is much easier said than done. On top of keeping her guests from murdering each other, she must find a chef, remodel the inn… and risk everything, even her life, to save the man she might fall in love with. But then it’s all in the day’s work for an Innkeeper…
Against a Brightening Sky (Delia Martin, 3) – Jaime Lee Moyer
A ghost princess and a woman with nothing but a name to her fortune might change the course of history.
By 1919 the Great War has ended, peace talks are under way in Paris, and the world has been forever changed. Delia Martin, apprentice practitioner of magical arts, and her husband, Police Captain Gabriel Ryan, face the greatest challenge of their lives when fragments from the war descend on San Francisco.
As Delia prepares to meet friends at a St. Patrick’s Day parade, the strange ghost of a European princess appears in her mirror. Her pleasant outing becomes a nightmare as the ghost reappears moments after a riot starts, warning her as a rooftop gunman begins shooting into the crowd. Delia rushes to get her friends to safety, and Gabe struggles to stop the killing—and to save himself.
Delia and Gabe realize all the chaos and bloodshed had one purpose—to flush Alina from hiding, a young woman with no memory of anything but her name.
As Delia works to discover how the princess ghost’s secrets connect to this mysterious young woman, and Gabe tracks a ruthless killer around his city, they find all the answers hinge on two questions: Who is Alina…and why can’t she remember?
Hell’s FOundation Quiver (Safehold, 8) – David Weber
Centuries ago, the human race fought its first great war against an alien race—and lost. A tiny population of human beings fled to distant Safehold. Centuries later, their descendants have forgotten their history; for them, life has been an eternal Middle Ages, ruled by the Church of God Awaiting, whose secret purpose is to prevent the reemergence of industrial civilization.
But not all of Safehold’s founders were on board with this plan. Those dissidents left behind their own secret legacies. One of those is Merlyn Athrawes, cybernetic avatar of one of Earth’s longdead defenders, now reawakened after a thousand years to restart human progress and reclaim our place in the universe. Merlyn has intervened in the small Safeholdian realm of Charis, seeding it with ideas and innovations and helping it to rise to challenge the hegemony of the Church.
It’s been a long and bloody fight, but aided by a stream of inventions—breechloading rifles, signal rockets, claymore mines, new approaches to manufacturing and supply—Charis and its few allies seem to have finally gained the upper hand. Now major realms have begun to consider switching sides.
To all these ends, Merlyn Athrawes has been everywhere, under multiple disguises and wielding hidden powers. The secret of who and what he is has been closely held. But a new player has arrived, one who knows many secrets—including Merlyn’s own.
The BIllionaire Singled Dad – Mandy Baxter
In The Billionaire Single Dad by Mandy Baxter, Carter Christensen takes a much-needed break after a less-than-stellar season as a Dallas Cowboy. He’s ready to go to his cabin with his twin daughters and get a little peace and quiet. But what he doesn’t count on is meeting a woman who will rile him up completely.
Tess Adams is still loving her decision to escape bustling New York-and her cheating boyfriend-behind, and live in a sleepy Texas town. But when a single dad with twins moves in to the cabin across the way, Tess feels anything but peaceful. The more she gets to know the oh-so-sexy Carter Christensen, the more Tess starts to think that she should give up her quiet, safe life, and give into passion.
Ugly Love – Colleen Hoover
Quand Tate Collins rencontre Miles Archer, elle sait que ce n’est pas le coup de foudre. Et pour cause, le beau pilote n’a de temps que pour les aventures sans lendemain. Ils ne peuvent pourtant pas nier leur attraction mutuelle, aussi immédiate que brûlante. Alors pourquoi ne pas se laisser séduire, quand le sexe est si bon ? Pas d’attaches, simplement la passion… Leur arrangement semble parfait, tant que Tate accepte de respecter les deux règles de Miles : Pas de question sur le passé, Ne pas espérer de futur. Cependant, ils vont vite comprendre que le coeur ne suit pas d’autres règles que les siennes. L’amour, même quand il n’est pas une évidence, sera-t-il plus fort que leurs promesses ?
Jessica @ a GREAT read
Oh nice! Those are all totally new to me reads! Hope you enjoy each and every one of them!!
My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
The Delia Martin series sounds interesting-a bit different from my normal reads. Might check those out. Enjoy your books!
Shelley @ Gizmos Reviews
Can’t believe I missed Against a Brightening Sky when it was on NetGalley. I guess it’s time to request a purchase by my library!
Je ne connais aucun de ces livres, mais les 2 premières couvertures sont magnifiques ! Bonnes lectures. 🙂
Tracy Terry
A fluffy dog that is secretly a monster – I’m liking the sound of this.
What a great selection. Out of all of these it is in fact Against a Brightening Sky that really appeals to me.
Grace Fonseca
Awesome haul of books. The Jamie Lee Moyer book is new to me. I haven’t heard of this author or series, but it does intrigue me. Have a lovely weekend.
Grace @ Books of Love
Red Iza
Les 3 premiers ont l’air super, je vais bientôt, j’espère, lire mon tout premier Colleen Hoover, j’ai hâte de voir ce qu’elle a de si bien ! Par contre, j’avoue être un tantinet lassée des milliardaires jeunes, riches et possessifs. Mais c’est la première fois que je vois que le milliardaire en question est papa !
Le Colleen Hoover me fait envie !
Congrats on all the wonderful books this week!
Qu’est-ce qu’elle est jolie cette première couverture ! Bonnes lectures 🙂
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum
Ooh, Ilona Andrews! I’m also very curious about the Delia Martin series, I’ve heard such great things and they just seem to get more positive with every new book. I will have to start the first book one of these days 🙂
Against a Brightening Sky looks so good! I’ll be looking for it next time I hit my favorite bookshop 🙂 Very nice haul! Happy reading.
Happy reading!
Un en commun.
Bonnes lectures.
Je ne connais aucun de ces livres… J’ai déjà lu deux Colleen Hoover, mais “Ugly Love” ne me tente pas vraiment… Hâte de voir ton avis dessus !
Je te souhaite de belles découvertes.
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
Lucky you, Melliane! I would love to get my hands on Sweep in Peace right now! I loved the first installment, and I have to say the universe Ilona Andrews has created here is very original.
I hope you’ll enjoy all your new books 🙂
Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
Ugly love est génial !! Cette auteure est fantastique <3
je ne connais aucun autre de tes livres, mais ceux de David Weber et de Jaime Lee Moyer m'intriguent pas mal =)
Bonnes lectures <3
Des lectures qui ont l’air tops !
Bonnes découvertes !
Squeee for the first three books!!! So jealous, D.! Enjoy all!
Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger
Oh I did not know Andrews had wrote a new book. It looks good! And so does the one from mandy Baxter. i haven’t read her but I have seen good ratings for her romances. I need to try her soon!
Je suis en admiration devant la couverture de Against a Brightening Sky. J’ai mis le tome 1 dans ma wishlist sur Goodreads, j’étais persuadée de l’avoir déjà fait 😉
Bonnes lectures !
I want to read Sweep in Peace so bad..but I am holding out for the audio even if it KILLS ME. Awesome haul, Baxter’s book looks good. Enjoy my friend!
Christy LoveOfBooks
I need to read the first book in the Innkeeper Chronicles. Even though I can read the chapters on the second book online, I was waiting for the edit book to be released before reading the first one. Yay for Ugly Love.
I’m slowly rejoining the book blogging world, work stole all my time for a while.
I haven’t read Sweep In Peace but it sounds like fun, and given how much I love the rest of Ilona Andrews’ stories I really should read it soon!
I haven’t read anything by Jamie Lee Moyer but I’ve heard really good things about that series as well.
I hope you enjoy all of these!
Joy // Joyousreads
Happy reading, Melliane!
Jennifer (Bad Bird Reads)
OMG, you got Sweep in Peace. So lucky.
Those Delia Martin books look good – hope you enjoy the latest!
le nouvel ilona andrews!!!!
j’espère que tu aimeras ce que tu as reçu cette fois ci
Aaaaah je veux tellement lire Ugly Love… ❤
Melissa (Books and Things)
Oh some good books! I am thinking on doing the Illona Andrews book on audio and I have the Moyer book on my review shelf. I cannot wait to get to that one.
anna (herding cats & burning soup)
Oh those all look very good! Hope you enjoy them 😀
Melissa (My words and pages)
Oh nice new books! I need to get to Ilona Andrew’s book, or new series, as well. 🙂 Have a great week!
Sweep in Peace looks different and anything by Colleen Hoover should be good. Enjoy!
Jamie @ Vailia's Page Turner
Ilona Andrews and David Weber both write great novels! Although I have yet to read any of these. I hope you enjoy all these! Happy Reading!
Jamie @ Vailia’s Page Turner .
le livre-vie
Je viens de finir le Ugly love, et mama mia! J’aime beaucoup les couvertures des deux premiers. Elle n’ont rien à voir, mais son très réussie. Celle du Ilona Andrews renvoie un air de douceur…