Dark Alliance, Book 1

Synopsis: Luke Rogan’s assignment is simple: secure young Elijah Scoffield and his mother and bring them back to headquarters–just an ordinary mission for an operative of the Dark Alliance. But Elijah is no ordinary kid. He’s the grandson of one of the country’s most influential politicians–a man privy to the Alliance’s most valuable secrets, including its centuries-long connection to the Knights Templar. And someone else is attempting to capture the boy–someone who’s proven he doesn’t give a damn about collateral damage. . .

Heartbroken at the lies that tore her world apart, Sarah Scoffield will do anything to protect her son–even if that means teaming up with a deadly stranger. But Sarah soon finds herself falling in love with her dark hero. And as danger stalks ever closer, the fiery desire that claims them awakens in Sarah passions she’d thought dead and buried long ago. . .

Review: This is the first novel of a new genre for Kate Serine and it’s true that I was curious to discover the story and to see what the author had in store for us. How not to be a curious while we have an intrigue starring Templar Knights? Yes you heard it right, the Templars!

It is in this context that we meet Luke Rogan, a member of this community, a former mercenary who must now protect a mother and her son against a constant threat. Indeed, it seems that the child is the heir of his grandfather, himself a Templar and thus could hide many secrets that could be very dangerous if they were to be revealed … Knowing this, many people are in pursuit of this little family but Luc is in charge of the case and takes them home to protect them as best as he can. But during that time, Sarah and Luc will connect gradually although he knows that nothing is possible between them.

It was interesting to follow the trio, to see Sarah’s confusion over this new world she does not know about, to understand her betrayal when she realizes that all her relatives played her … but one thing is sure, she is desperate to protect her son! She is a strong and courageous woman who will be forced to change her life in a very short time. And then we have Luc … This character is very enigmatic and yes we are curious to better understand him and to discover the history that he seems to hide. We are quickly affected by these two characters, what they endure and finally the obstacles they must both confront.

It was a very good book and I had a good time with the story. I was curious to find out more about the enemies of the Templars and it was fascinating to see the frames of both organizations. I was a little confused sometimes regarding all the different names, unable to locate everyone while going from one character to another…. These passages were sometimes a bit too rough for me but it’s really a detail and I am curious to read more.



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13 thoughts on “Blog Tour: Deceived by Kate SeRine

  1. Tasty Book Tours

    Thank you so much for sharing your review!

  2. Tracy Terry

    I’m always fascinated when an author well known for one genre decides to write stories of another. Something that sometimes works and other times doesn’t, its promising that you are curious to read more.

  3. Mary Kirkland

    Thanks for the great review. I haven’t read this author but the story sounds interesting.

  4. Maja (The Nocturnal Library)

    I haven’t read anything by this author, which is a shame, but Tempar Knights are pretty much irresistible. It can be so good for authors to switch genres and shake things up a bit!

    1. Melliane


  5. blodeuedd


  6. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh you did have me at Templars. Very curious now. Between you and Mel’s World I so want to try this author!

    1. Melliane

      she is a great author!

  7. LilyElement Book Reviews

    Sounds good! 😀

  8. Joy // Joyousreads

    I’ve always been curious about the Knights of Templars, too. There’s something about them that are as mysterious as the Atlantis. I don’t know.. Glad you enjoyed it!

  9. Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings

    I haven’t heard of this before but it does sound really interesting and unique. Thanks for putting this on my radar, dear! 🙂

  10. Braine

    I definitely love the single mom angle and how that relationship evolved. This series is a good one for sure!

  11. Carole Rae

    So many giveaways! Count me in!

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