
Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

Coloring book: Edgar Allan Poe (US & CAN)

Facebook giveaway/concours (livre au choix, book you can choose) (INT)

The Family Plot – Cherie Priest

The author of the enormously successful Boneshaker returns to Tor with her unique take on the classic haunted house book

Chuck Dutton built Music City Salvage with patience and expertise, stripping historic properties and reselling their bones. Inventory is running low, so he’s thrilled when Augusta Withrow appears in his office offering salvage rights to her entire property. This could be a gold mine, so he assigns his daughter Dahlia to personally oversee the project.

The crew finds a handful of surprises right away. Firstly, the place is in unexpectedly good shape. And then there’s the cemetery, about thirty fallen and overgrown graves dating to the early 1900s, Augusta insists that the cemetery is just a fake, a Halloween prank, so the city gives the go-ahead, the bulldozer revs up, and it turns up human remains. Augusta says she doesn’t know whose body it is or how many others might be present and refuses to answer any more questions. Then she stops answering the phone.

But Dahlia’s concerns about the corpse and Augusta’s disappearance are overshadowed when she begins to realize that she and her crew are not alone, and they’re not welcome at the Withrow estate. They have no idea how much danger they’re in, but they’re starting to get an idea. On the crew’s third night in the house, a storm shuts down the only road to the property. The power goes out. Cell signals are iffy. There’s nowhere to go and no one Dahlia can call for help, even if anyone would believe that she and her crew are being stalked by a murderous phantom. Something at the Withrow mansion is angry and lost, and this is its last chance to raise hell before the house is gone forever. And it seems to be seeking permanent company.

The Family Plot is a haunted house story for the ages-atmospheric, scary, and strange, with a modern gothic sensibility to keep it fresh and interesting-from Cherie Priest, a modern master of supernatural fiction.

Mr Mercedes (Bill Hodges Trilogy, 1)- Stephen King

Midwest, 2009. Dans l’aube glacée, des centaines de chômeurs en quête d’un job font la queue devant un salon de l’emploi. Soudain, une Mercedes fonce sur la foule, laissant huit morts et quinze blessés dans son sillage. Le chauffard, lui, a disparu dans la brume, sans laisser de traces. Un an plus tard, Bill Hodges, flic à la retraite qui n’a pas su résoudre l’affaire, reste obsédé par ce massacre. Une lettre du « tueur à la Mercedes » va le sortir de la dépression et de l’ennui qui le guettent.
Délaissant le fantastique pour le polar dans lequel il se glisse avec une jubilation contagieuse, Stephen King démontre une fois de plus son talent de conteur, et son inspecteur Bill Hodges rejoint les figures emblématiques du roman noir américain.


25 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #199

  1. Emilie

    J’ai bien aimé les quelques Stephen King que j’ai lus, mais celui-ci ne m’a jamais trop tentée. ^^
    Bon week-end et belles lectures à toi !

  2. kara-karina

    Oh wow, a new book from Cherie Priest! Sounds really interesting 🙂 Enjoy all, D.!

  3. Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    Oh my gosh, Melliane! Stephen King!! I used to absolutely love his books, but now, I get so scared by his twisted plots I can’t sleep 😀
    I hope you’ll enjoy your new books. Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading.

  4. chucklesthescot

    The Family Plot sounds quite interesting. I’ve had a mixed time with the author, not liking her steampunk books but I might add this to the wishlist for some time in the future. Enjoy your books!

  5. Sophia Rose

    Ooh you picked some interesting ones. Hope you enjoy them!

  6. Ardis @ Pondering The Prose

    I just got three Cherie Priest books out of the library this week! I guess I will need to look out for this soon, too! Have a wonderful week.

  7. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    OOh nice! Those are new to me ones this week! Though I’ve heard of the authors and read a book or two from them! LOL! Hope you enjoy your new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  8. ShootingStarsMag

    I’ve only read a couple Stephen King books. I really want to read more by his son, Joe Hill.

  9. Grace Fonseca

    Interesting choices of books. I hope you love all of your new books. They look great.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  10. feflie

    La vache, le resume de The Family Plot est un vrai roman ! Par contre, il a l’air juste parfait pour le mois prochain. Le Stephen King a l’air sympa aussi. Bonnes lectures 🙂

  11. kimbacaffeinate

    The Family Plot looks good and I loved Mr. Mercedes. Enjoy my friend. My books arrived this week, so thank you again.

  12. Lola (Hit or Miss Books)

    Never read a Stephen King book before!! :O

  13. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    The Family Plot looks so good, and I’ve been seeing so many fantastic reviews. Can’t wait to read it!

  14. Joy // Joyousreads

    I rally want to read Mr. Mercedes, too. I picked a copy at a thrift shop here, but have yet to crack it open. Looking forward to reading your thoughts, Melliane.

    Happy reading!

  15. Grace Fonseca

    Interesting ones as your books are new to me.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  16. blodeuedd

    Creepy week 🙂

  17. viou03

    Hâte de lire ton avis sur Mr Mercedes.
    Bonnes lectures.

  18. Mary Kirkland

    The Family Plot sounds creepy as heck. Sounds pretty good, I like those type of stories.

  19. Fantasybooksaddict

    Ça m’a l’air très sympa !
    Bonnes découvertes !

  20. Greg

    The Family Plot looks spooky! What a cover…

  21. Braine

    Wow! I want to read that CP book!

  22. elodie rivet

    J’adore Stephen King, mais je n’ai pas accroché à Mr Mercedes.

  23. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Oh my. The Family Plot looks spooky! Do hope you enjoy it. 🙂 Have a great week!

  24. anna @ herding cats & burning soup

    Oh both look to be a little too creepy for me. lol I’m such a wuss! Happy reading!

  25. Jennifer (Bad Bird Reads)

    Enjoy all your new grabs!

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