Coucou à tous ! Je voulais vous partager aujourd’hui mes coups de coeur de 2016 !

Hey everyone! I wanted to share with you today my fave books of 2016

Rock Chick Rescue (Rock Chick, 2) – Kristen Ashley

A Deadly Affection (Dr. Genevieve Summerfod Mystery, 1) – Cuyler Overholt

Secrets et Préjugés (Honeycote, 1) – Anne Barton

Hopeless (Hopeless, 1) – Colleen Hoover

Once Broken Faith (October Daye, 10) – Seanan Mcguire

Grave Visions (Alex Craft, 4) – Kalayna Price

Magic Binds (Kate Daniels, 9) – Ilona Andrews

The Seat of Magic (The Golden City, 2) – J. Kathleen Cheney

The Winner’s Kiss (The Winner’s Trilogy, 3) – Marie Rutkoski

The Others (4 & 5) – Anne Bishop

Black-Eyed Susans – Julia Heaberlin

The Curse of Tenth Grave (Charley Davidson, 10) – Darynda Jones

Bright Blaze of Magic (Black Blade, 3) – Jennifer Estep

All Fixed Up (Ciel Halligan, 4) – Linda Grimes

Belle Chasse (Sentinels of New Orleans, 5) – Suzanne Johnson

24 thoughts on “My best books of 2016 – Mes livres préférés de 2016

  1. Sophia Rose

    Sensational line up of your best books, Melliane! I love Kristen Ashley, Ilona Andrews, and Darynda Jones, too. I have Jennifer Estep, Suzanne Johnson, Anne Bishop, and Colleen Hoover on my list for next year.

    Thanks for sharing your best books list.

    1. Melliane

      me too lol!

  2. Mariejuliet

    Youpi, je retrouve plusieurs auteurs que j’adore 🙂
    Et je suis bien loin d’avoir atteind les tomes concernés, ce qui me promet de bonnes lectures 🙂

  3. Emilie

    Meg Corbyn, Charley… la base ! Vivement la sortie de la suite des tomes en VF (même si je trouve la couverture française de Meg Corbyn 4 immonde). Plusieurs de tes autres lectures m’ont tentée, et je suis contente que tu aies aimé Hopeless ! J’espère que 2017 te réservera d’aussi belles lectures. 🙂

    1. Melliane

      je suis d’accord

  4. Linda Grimes

    Thank you for including ALL FIXED UP — I’m so happy to have made your list!

    Also, a Very Happy New Year to you and your readers! May 2017 be good to you all. 🙂

    1. Melliane

      my pleasure, I loved it!

  5. Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons

    You’ve got some great books here. Several of these I’ve read too. Meg, Charley, Kate, Lila Merriweather, Alex Craft are all books that I’ve loved. I still need to try Seanan Mcguire. I’ve read her other pen name, Mira Grant, and I’ve loved it. I hope you find just as many great books in 2017.

    1. Melliane

      you really should try her novels!

  6. La bibliothèque d'Élé

    Pleins de belles lectures ! Je te souhaite une belle année 2017 🙂

  7. Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings

    I looooved The Winner’s Kiss as well as the new Others books and also Jennifer Estep’s novels. Great list!!!

  8. anna @ herding cats & burning soup

    Woohoo! The Anne Barton is one of my favorite reads, too 😀

  9. ShootingStarsMag

    I really want to read Black Eyed Susans! That’s great you enjoyed it so much.


  10. Christy LoveOfBooks

    Great list! You have a lot I want to read, especially the Seanan Mcguire series.

  11. Lekeisha

    Ooh, I see a few of my favorites here. I am loving all the favorites posts with Magic Binds. Kudos to Ilona Andrews for writing such an awesome book!

  12. Greg

    The October Daye series is on my radar and so is Black Eyed susans. I’ve been wanting to read that one since it came out. 🙂

  13. Chess

    Je suis TOUT A FAIT d’accord avec Kate Daniels 😀 ! Sinon j’avais bien aimé également le livre de Julia Heaberlin !

  14. Carole Rae

    Good list this year! 😀 I still need to pick my favorites!

  15. Mary Kirkland

    Magic Binds is the only book from your list that I’ve read. I’ll have to look into the others.

  16. alison

    Il y en a tellement qui me tentent … Mais tellement ne sont qu’en VO 🙁

  17. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Yep.. we have the same tastes it seems. I either loved what you loved or want to read it. 🙂 Obviously great list. 😉

  18. Kim { Book Swoon }

    So many books that I’ve had my eye on. I’m really interested in possibly starting out either the Alex Craft series by Kalayna Price or Sentinels of New Orleans by Suzanne Johnson – both sound like series I would enjoy and I keep seeing your great reviews for them here!

  19. Lupa

    J’adore ce genre de billets !!! Et j’y pioche allègrement pleins de nouvelles idées de lectures futures !!! Merci beaucoup Melliane 🙂

  20. Kin

    Et bien, j’en connais aucun ! Il va falloir que je m’y mette ^.^
    Bonnes fêtes Melliane !
    Kin et Kara

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