Synopsis: In the sleepy mountain town of Moon Hollow, Virginia, there is a church with a crooked steeple. No one will say for sure how it got that way, but it’s reason the whole town gathers every Decoration Day to honor the dead.

But this year, there are two fresh graves up on Cemetery Hill, a stranger’s come to town, and the mountain’s song is filled with dark warnings.

The good people of Moon Hollow are about to learn that some secrets are too painful to bear, and some spirits are too restless to stay buried.

Review: I’ve always loved all of the Jaye Wells’s novels that I read and when I saw that she was releasing a new story, I was very intrigued! How not to be?

The author brings original and different ideas from what we usually found here. It is thus very intriguing to discover this little town of Moon Hollow and all the secrets that the inhabitants hide. We then follow different characters throughout the story while trying to understand what exactly is happening. In addition, the arrival of a stranger is consistent with the death of two people and everyone is afraid of what this could mean.

I always have trouble when there are several characters to follow but, if I was afraid of that at the beginning of the story, I found that the story was well done and I finally did not have any worries. However, I am a little sad to say that, but I did not connect on the novel. If the general idea is nice, I did not get attached to the characters nor managed to really enter the story. There was probably a little too much religion for me or too many characters. I do not know what exactly but it did not work for me. By cons I’m sure the novel will please others.




25 thoughts on “High lonesome sound by Jaye Wells

  1. Sophia Rose

    It looks spooky. That could be fun. Bummer you couldn’t connect with the story, Melliane!

    1. Melliane

      yeah a bit complicated for me

  2. kindlemom1

    I love that spooky cover! Too bad it didn’t live up to the story inside though. Hope your next read is a better one!

    1. Melliane


  3. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    Always hard when you don’ t connect. It does look intriguing though!

    1. Melliane

      yeah it is

  4. Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous)

    I tend to be overwhelmed and sometimes confused when a story follows multiple characters. I’m sorry to hear that you weren’t able to connect with this story more. 🙁

  5. blodeuedd

    AT least the cover was cool

    1. Melliane


  6. LilyElement Book Reviews

    This one didn’t sound like I’d enjoy it either, though I love her other books!

    1. Melliane

      me too

  7. Jenea's Book Obsession

    It is always frustrating when you can’t connect with the characters, especially when there are so many.

  8. Nadene

    It is hard when you are unable to connect with the story. It sounds interesting and the cover looks cool.

  9. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    Oh bummer. I was happy to see Jaye had a new series out! I still might have to give this one a try! Nice review!

    1. Melliane

      maybe it will work better for you

  10. Lily

    the cover looks spooky, sorry to hear that you have not connected with this one. I have never read anything by this author, but curious.

  11. Mary Kirkland

    Sorry you didn’t like it more, it sounded creepy.

  12. Lover Of Romance

    I also struggle with following multiple characters or plot lines, its why Tom Clancy is NOT an author I can read. 🙂

    Sounds pretty promising though.

    1. Melliane

      I didn’t know about this author

  13. Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books

    I am sorry that this one didn’t work so well for you. It does sound like a good premise though. I hope your next read is better.

  14. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Sad to hear this one didn’t work out! I loved her Prospero’s War books.

    1. Melliane

      me too!

  15. Carole Rae

    Meh. It sounds cool and looks cool (cover-wise), but I may skip this one

  16. herding cats

    That is an awesome cover. Too many characters can be hard for me as well.

  17. Melanie Simmons

    This is the first review that I’ve seen for this book book. I’m sorry that it didn’t work out well for you. I find it odd that this book is has a lot of religion. Her other books have never had that. I will probably still give it a try at some point. I still need to get caught up on her other series.

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