The Daughter of Sherlock Holmes Mysteries, Book 2
Synopsis: The following case has not previously been disclosed to the public due to the sensitive information on foreign affairs. All those involved were previously bound by the Official Secrets Act. With the passage of time and the onset of the Great War, these impediments have been removed and the story can now be safely told.
When an executed original of a secret treaty between England and France, known as the French Treaty, is stolen from the country estate of Lord Halifax, Scotland Yard asks Joanna, Dr. John Watson, Jr., and Dr. John Watson, Sr. to use their keen detective skills to participate in the hunt for the missing treaty. As the government becomes more restless to find the missing document and traditional investigative means fail to turn up the culprit, Joanna is forced to devise a clever plan to trap the thief and recover the missing treaty.
Told from the point of view of Dr. John Watson, Jr. in a style similar to the original Sherlock Holmes stories, A Study in Treason is based partly on facts in our world and partly on the facts left to us by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Review: I fell in love with the cover when I saw it and when I realized that I was dealing with a Sherlock Holmes story, I could not resist! I love that kind of stories! But by cons, I must admit that I did not realize that it was a second volume, otherwise I would have waited to read the first one but I told myself that I could always try and see if I managed to understand everything.
I found that the form of the story was quite original. The author launches us directly into an investigation, and gives us the impression to follow the research step by step as if we were witnessing the arrival of the police during a crime and that we attended all hypothesis. It’s quite interesting and different to read.
However, I must say that I was sad enough not to be able to get into the story or to become attached to the characters. I do not know if it’s due to the fact that I did not read the first volume so I do not want to stop you from getting into this one, but it did not really work for me.
I love the cover for this one too! Sorry it was as good as you were hoping for though.
yeah complicated…
I’m sorry it didn’t work for you, Melliane 🙁 It really sounds like a very intriguing story and, if I ever decide to give it a go, I’ll be sure to grab the first instalment!
yeah maybe it will be easier
I read the first book and liked some things, but I couldn’t get into it as much as I wanted to so I didn’t pick this one up. Sorry you were disappointed. 🙁
ah maybe it was the same with this one if so
Aw, I’m sorry this didn’t work for you. I do love a Sherlock Holmes type of story.
Sorry you couldn’t get into this one. I love that cover so I would have picked it up too, now I know not to bother. 😉
I love the cover as well and would have been tempted to try as well, especially being a fan of Sherlock Holmes stories. Sorry, this one didn’t work out for you.
yeah it intrigued me a lot
Nice review. Sorry you couldn’t get into this one. I will say I like the covers for this series. They are eye catching.
Sorry to hear you didn’t like it more.
I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you. So funny – the first thing I thought was what a great cover! Anne – Books of My Heart
Awwww boooo this sounded like such a fun idea
Oh my gosh that cover is amazing! And I didn’t realize this is a book two either, yikes. Good to know. 🙂
I need to looks better at things
I am so sorry this one did not work for you. Hope your next read will be better.
This does sound really good. I do wonder if it is a series that really needs to be read in order. Sorry this one didn’t work for you.
I don’t know maybe it just didn’t work
Ooh, I love anything to do with Sherlock Holmes. A series starring the children of Holmes and Watson sounds magnificent.
I am feeling like I am not getting the whole story with a book I am reading now, so it is not a pleasant feeling
Cool cover but darn on not getting attached