Synopsis: When her long lost sister returns, Mae Foretell gets pulled into her world of wonders and peril. After her sister disappeared without a trace 8 years ago, Mae was left to care for her ailing father. She went to school and continued on with life. On the fateful day that Abbie returns, she reveals fantastic tales filled with adventure. These stories are hard to believe – until the monsters show up…
Review: When I saw the synopsis of this new comic book, I admit that I was intrigued. A mix of monsters? Parallel universes? How to resist that?
We discover Mae, a young woman who lives her life quietly and helps her sick father until her sister appears after 7 years of absence. She did not know what had happened to her, no news, so it’s a surprise to see her again. It’s even more incomprehensible when she says that she was in another world. But can Mae believe it?
The story intrigued me a lot and I found it fun to learn more about Abby and Mae. We can also discover the world and the people who populate it. There are still a lot of questions about everything that Abby has been through and I’m curious to see all that. The illustrations are also very nice elsewhere, so what more can we ask for?
I do love a good graphic novel, and this one sounds like a lot of fun. I’m intrigued! Glad you liked it.
Neat! I haven’t read a graphic novel in a while, but the parallel universe idea has me curious.
Awww, I actually looked at graphic novels at the library today, but they do not have a lot to choose from :/
That looks interesting.
This sounds like a lot of fun!
I love parallel universes. Plus in graphic novel format, that sounds great.
Never heard of this one before, but I love the artwork!
Oh that looks fun! Cool cover art 🙂