Alex Verus, Book 2

Synopsis: Since his second sight made him infamous for defeating powerful dark mages, Alex has been keeping his head down. But now he’s discovered the resurgence of a forbidden ritual. Someone is harvesting the life-force of magical creatures—destroying them in the process. And draining humans is next on the agenda. Hired to investigate, Alex realizes that not everyone on the Council wants him delving any deeper. Struggling to distinguish ally from enemy, he finds himself the target of those who would risk their own sanity for power…

Review: This is a new novel featuring Alex Verus and his friend Luna, and I admit that I was curious to discover their new adventure!

Alex has returned to the normal course of his life, or at least that’s what he thought until that someone tries to kill him, a woman comes to his home to ask for help and that Luna brings a friend of hers who will also put her in a very delicate situation. Our heros will thus be once again carried away in a story that goes beyond them and where many people will be involved. To save his friends, Alex will have to put his life at risk several times. And what to ask when, in addition, we see almost all the characters of the first volume? I was delighted, that I can tell you!

The author takes us on a new adventure and it was a pleasure to find our two characters. I really like how Alex does everything he can do to save the ones he loved. On the other hand, it’s true that it was frustrating to see that sometimes Luna did not want to understand that he was trying to tell her things for her own good.

In any case, I spent a good time with this novel and I’m curious to discover what will happen to them later!

13 thoughts on “Cursed by Benedict Jacka

  1. Sophia Rose

    That does sound like a lot of interesting things and people going on around them. Glad the second story was a good one, too, Melliane.

    1. Melliane

      yes it was a good one!

  2. Melanie Simmons

    Glad you enjoyed this second installment of the series. I hope you continue to enjoy them. Sounds like some great characters. Great review.

    1. Melliane

      yes it was a great one

  3. Tracy Terry

    Loving the cover and what a great premise, I have to add this one to my list.

  4. blodeuedd

    Maybe not for me, but sure one for someone I know

  5. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I have heard such amazing things about this series. Nice to see you’re starting it and glad you’re enjoying the books so far!

  6. Carole Rae

    Interesting find! Glad you liked it 🙂

  7. Greg

    Ooh this sounds fun! I love fantasy and a good dark ritual haha!

  8. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    You know I love urban fantasy, so you’ve got me curious.

  9. Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books

    This sounds like a great series. I am glad you enjoyed this one, Melliane!

  10. Northwoman

    I have this one from the library and I am enjoying this series also. I am listening to the audiobooks. Anne – Books of My Heart

  11. herding cats

    Woosh! That’s a lot to be put on your plate all at once. lol

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