Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
Kiss Me Again (Kiss Me, 3) – Emma Hart

WANTED: ROOMMATE. Must be tidy, polite, and absolutely not my brother’s hot as sin best friend.

I have no idea why I said yes.
Maybe I’d had one too many wines. Maybe I’d done it accidentally. Maybe I’d been sleep-texting.

One thing I know for sure is this: I absolutely do not want Ethan Hawkins in my apartment, up in my business, taking over my space.
Yet he’s here. Moving his stuff into my spare bedroom. Sending a wave of panty-melting, musky man-scent my way every time he walks past me.

Here’s the thing.
We don’t get along–at all. We never have, and I don’t think we’re going to start now that we’re under one roof.

There’s also that little issue where I’m kinda, sorta, totally in love with him…


Hexes and Hemlines (A Witchcraft Mystery, 3)- Julier Blackwell

With her vintage clothing store taking off, Lily Ivory is finding that life in San Francisco suits her just fine. But her ability to sense vibrations from the past, so useful in locating secondhand gems, has landed her in the middle of a new mystery…

Lily gets called away from Aunt Cora’s Closet when the police need a witch’s take on a strange case. Malachi Zazi was stabbed to death in his apartment, under a ladder, surrounded by the number thirteen, a broken mirror, and a black cat—superstitions that the victim, as head of a rationalist society, was devoted to discrediting.

When the police identify a suspect from the Serpentarian Society, Lily is shocked to learn it’s someone she knows. But with bad luck plaguing all its members, she begins to wonder if there’s more at work than mere coincidence. And while there aren’t many clues from the crime scene, Lily finds evidence of dark witchcraft and a hex on her friend’s doorstep. With her friend’s safety at stake, Lily is determined to use magic to find the murderer before everyone’s luck runs out…

Sleight of Fantasy (Sasha Urban, 4) – Dima Zales

My deal with Nero and my growing powers are supposed to keep me and my loved ones safe—yet the unthinkable happens.

When lines are crossed and blood is spilled, nothing will ever be the same again.





Régression – Fabrice Papillon

Ils sont prêts.
Ils reviennent d’un lointain passé, d’une époque glorieuse.
Ils forment ce que Socrate et Homère nommaient déjà la race d’or.

Ils viennent sauver la terre, et les hommes qui peuvent encore l’être.
Pour les autres, ils n’auront aucune pitié.
L’heure du Grand Retour a sonné… et, pour le commandant Marc Brunier, celle de son ultime enquête. Une chasse à l’homme exceptionnelle à travers le monde et les âges.

36 000 ans avant Jésus-Christ. Une famille résiste au froid au fond d’une grotte de la péninsule Ibérique quand des hommes font irruption et massacrent les parents. Fascinés par la peau claire et les yeux bleutés du fils, les assaillants l’épargnent et l’enlèvent.

14 février 2020, Corse. Vannina Aquaviva, capitaine de gendarmerie à la section de recherche d’Ajaccio, découvre un charnier dans une grotte de Bonifacio. De son côté, la police retrouve un cœur en décomposition au pied d’un olivier millénaire du site préhistorique de Filitosa. Des scènes de crime similaires apparaissent sur d’autres sites de la préhistoire en Espagne puis en Angleterre.

Les premières analyses de la police scientifique sont stupéfiantes. Quelle est cette créature meurtrière dotée de capacités sidérantes ? Aux confins de l’Europe et jusqu’à la Russie des goulags et de Tchernobyl, une chasse à l’homme exceptionnelle commence à travers le monde et les âges, où l’on croise Homère, Socrate et son disciple Platon, Jésus et l’apôtre Jean, mais aussi Rabelais, Nietzsche ou encore le terrifiant Heinrich Himmler. Quel secret remontant à nos origines partagent tous ces hommes ? Après des millénaires de silence, une révélation est en passe de bouleverser l’équilibre même de l’espèce humaine…

19 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #323

  1. viou03

    Régression me fait de l’oeil.

  2. Angela (Angel's Guilty Pleasures)

    Wonderful book haul!

  3. Anne - Books of My Heart

    Some interesting picks. Have a lovely week. Happy reading!

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  4. Mary Kirkland

    I hope you enjoy them.

  5. Sophia Rose

    Sleight of Hand caught my fancy from your pile. 🙂

    Hope you enjoy them all, Melliane!

  6. blodeuedd

    How many books does Hart have!? 😀

    1. Melliane

      so many!

  7. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    OOoh nice! I love Juliet’s series! I’m still trying to get caught up in it, I think I’ve two books left to be up to date…and her other series I’m really behind in! Lol. Hope you enjoy all the new lovelies!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  8. Angie Elle

    Oooh…the Emma Hart book and Hexes and Hemlines look good! I hope you enjoy them. 🙂

  9. Heidi

    Such a good variety. I remember starting that Blackwell series, it was good.

  10. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Looks like a lot of fun books in that haul!

  11. She reads a book

    Régression est tentant !!

  12. lecture en blog

    Bonnes futures à toi ! Le second à l’air top

  13. ShootingStarsMag

    Ooh wow, you have some fun looking titles! Perfect for Halloween.

  14. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    Awesome haul! I want to try Blackwell.

  15. Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books

    I hope that you enjoy all of your new reads! Have a great week!

  16. Carole Rae

    Got some good ones there I can feel it!

  17. Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    Great haul Melliane! I’ve been wanting to try a Emma Hart book. I’ve heard good things. about her stories 🙂

  18. Joy // Joyousreads

    Interesting set of books!


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