Synopsis: He’s Pink, the personal enforcer for the boss of the New York mafia. She’s Gigi Rey, a supermodel known across the globe.

They live two entirely different lives but before the mob and the fame, they were Lev Arsov and Gigi Parker. Two people struggling to make it—who met by chance—before life got in the way.

Five years have passed since the nights they shared together, but Fashion Week brings Gigi back to New York and straight into Lev’s path once more, when her work obligations tangles with the mafia’s business. In this world, that’s never a good thing.

They aren’t the same people now. He’s a single dad doing whatever he can for his daughter. Gigi can’t walk down the street without the world watching. A lot has changed. The one thing that didn’t? How they keep finding their way into each other’s heads … and beds.

If only it was that simple.
If only the tabloids didn’t back them into a wall.
If only they saw it coming.

If only they could go back to the time before he was … Pink.

If only.

Review: I couldn’t wait to find out the story of Pink after seeing him appear so much in the novels and I must say that I am delighted.

The first part tells us about our hero’s past, his meeting with Gigi, his meeting with Andino, but also how he became Pink. But even more touching, we discover his little girl.

In the present, we witness their reunion, as if all this time hadn’t passed and I found it very nice to have a main character who loved his daughter more than anything else despite his work and a heroine who was a world-famous supermodel. When a world in plain sight meets a world hidden from everyone, things are explosive.

I really liked this confrontation even if things are far from being easy. Gigi and Pink are going through their own trials, but all this will bring them closer together.

Yes, it was a nice novel with slightly different ideas and I had a great time with the story.


9 thoughts on “Pink by Bethany-Kris

  1. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I’m glad you are enjoying these. Mafia is probably not my thing.

  2. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Glad you’re getting your mafia romance fix 🙂

  3. Jenea’s Book Obsession

    This sounds great!!

  4. Carole

    I haven’t read too many mafia romances but this sounds interesting. Pink and Gigi sound like an unlikely pair.

  5. Mary Kirkland

    I haven’t read this author yet but I’ve herd good things about her books.

  6. Nadene

    I am loving the sound of this one. I am going to add this to my wishlist.

  7. blodeuedd

    She is super famous, he should not be seen, hmm

  8. Felicity Grace Terry

    A ‘mafia’ romance with a male personal enforcer called Pink? Hmm! I’m intrigued.

  9. Carole Rae

    A very unique concept!

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