Synopsis: Sisters Nora and Delia have been given the chance of a lifetime – to escape their poor Irish farm and travel on the Titanic to a new life in America. Delia is to become a treasured governess for a rich family, while Nora has only a lowly maid’s position.

But when disaster strikes, and Delia dies, a small misunderstanding leads to Nora taking Delia’s place as governess. As Nora grows closer to her charge, and the girl’s father, will she be able to reveal the truth to find a chance at happiness? And what will happen when she finds out that Delia is actually alive, and coming to take what is rightfully hers…?

Review: I’m always very intrigued by novels about the Titanic, so I threw myself into this one with great pleasure.

We follow the lives of two sisters that everything opposes: Delia and Nora. As they both have to board the Titanic to live a new life in the United States, Nora as a nanny in a big family and Delia as a maid for a difficult family. But Delia has always been abused by her mother and sister, and although this life is not going to be easy, she hopes to finally be free of her past. However, the Titanic crossing will change everything when Nora is presumed drowned. Driven by a strong sense of guilt, Delia will pretend to be her sister and finally have the life she hoped for. However, the truth may explode at any moment.

I had a great time with this novel. I loved discovering this new world with Delia, a place where she can finally be the woman she always wanted to be. The lie she is living is eating away at her, but she doesn’t know how to set the record straight without losing everything.

This was a very sweet story that I’m glad I discovered. A good novel!



9 thoughts on “The Titanic Sisters by Patricia Falvey

  1. Lover of Romance

    I am happy to see that this one here worked out for you so well. It definitely sounds fascinating and I do love titanic themed stories.

  2. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I don’t read a lot in this genre but it sounds fascinating.

  3. Mary Kirkland

    Once you get waist deep in a lie like that, it’s hard to get yourself out of it.

  4. Maureen @ Maureen's Books

    This book sounds very interesting. I also love stories about the Titanic.

  5. Greg

    Glad this was a good one!

  6. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I’m always wary about Titanic stories because most of them end up being so sad, but this doesn’t sound bad!

  7. Felicity Grace Terry

    I too enjoy a good book featuring the Titanic and as its been a while since I’ve read such a novel I’m tempted by this.

  8. Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    I think that this sounds really interesting. I like the fact that it involves the Titanic and the assumed identity is a great twist.

  9. blodeuedd

    I could read this

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