White Trash Zombie, Book 1

Synopsis: Angel Crawford is a loser.

Living with her alcoholic deadbeat dad in the swamps of southern Louisiana, she’s a high school dropout with a pill habit and a criminal record who’s been fired from more crap jobs than she can count. Now on probation for a felony, it seems that Angel will never pull herself out of the downward spiral her life has taken.

That is, until the day she wakes up in the ER after overdosing on painkillers. Angel remembers being in a horrible car crash, but she doesn’t have a mark on her. To add to the weirdness, she receives an anonymous letter telling her there’s a job waiting for her at the parish morgue—and that it’s an offer she doesn’t dare refuse.

Before she knows it she’s dealing with a huge crush on a certain hunky deputy and a brand new addiction: an overpowering craving for brains. Plus, her morgue is filling up with the victims of a serial killer who decapitates his prey—just when she’s hungriest!

Angel’s going to have to grow up fast if she wants to keep this job and stay in one piece. Because if she doesn’t, she’s dead meat.


Review: I’ve had this novel since it came out a few years ago. I had a good time with this author’s demon UF and I admit that I don’t read a lot of zombie novels, but they’re always fun and different.

Angel didn’t expect to wake up after a car accident, which she doesn’t remember much about, having become a zombie. Well, she doesn’t find out right away, but when she starts to feel like eating brains, she understands very quickly that something is going on. But when on top of that, she finds herself with a new job at the morgue and they get a lot of decapitated bodies, she soon realizes that there is a serial killer in town.

This was a fun novel and I’m quite curious to see what will happen to our heroine after all these changes in her life. And then zombies, right?


9 thoughts on “My Life as a White Trash Zombie by Diana Rowland

  1. Sophia Rose

    I thought this was a fun one, too. 🙂

  2. Anne - Books of My Heart

    oh I have all of these on audio (purchased) but haven’t started them yet! Glad it was fun for you.

  3. Mary Kirkland

    I remember this book on so many blogs a while back. That cover is hard to forget. lol

  4. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    I love this series….hope you continue!

  5. Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    I love this series! I am glad you liked this one!

  6. Greg

    Oh my gosh I’ve aways loved that cover.

  7. Carole Rae

    I should try this.

  8. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Ooh, this this is a cover I remember. I wanted to check out this series!

  9. blodeuedd

    These were so much fun!!

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