The Fractured Faery, Book 2

Synopsis: One wondrous faery with stupendous magical skills and a superior mind (not to mention incredible modesty). One drop dead gorgeous, green eyed stud muffin and his evil Fey brother. And the end of the world. Maybe.

Madrona might still not remember anything about her past, and she might be more of an evil villain than a fabulous super hero, but that doesn’t mean she can’t also be a super spy. With Rubus desperately searching for the magical dragon sphere which can return the faeries back to their homeland – and cause the apocalypse in this land – she doesn’t have much choice.

Someone with wit, intelligence and strength has to step up and save the world … and if that person happens to look super sexy while doing it then that’s just an added bonus.

Review: Madrona is back for this second volume! I had been a bit mixed by the first volume, even if I liked it. So I didn’t know what to expect with this one, but I have to say I had a great time.

Our heroine is still having trouble remembering her past, especially since she is now on Rubus’ cut. What if she tried to play spy to foil his plans? Very good idea ! But by rubbing shoulders with Rubus, she wonders if she’s not evil after all. Not easy to discover who you are when you know nothing about yourself! Worst of all, she learns a truth that could change everything!

This was a really nice novel and I was happy to find Madrona again. It’s not going to be easy for her and I thought it was interesting to have scenes from her past that, even though she doesn’t remember them, allow us to see some of her past actions in a different light.

Many things are initiated here and I wonder how the author will conclude her story with the third volume!

6 thoughts on “Quiver of Cobras by Helen Harper

  1. Sophia Rose

    Glad the series improved with this second book for you. 🙂

  2. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I love this title and cover. And I’m glad book 2 solidified for you, that seems to happen with most paranormal series.

  3. Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    I really need to read this author. This sounds like a good series. I am glad you liked this one even more than the first book.

  4. Lover of Romance

    What an interesting installment this one turned out to be here. I am glad that it turned out to be a solid win for you, and I hope the finale brings great rewards!

    Lovely review.

  5. Felicity Grace Terry

    Oh yes! I very much like the sound of this.
    I’m so pleased that this proved a better read after what sounded like a so-so first instalment.

  6. Blodeuedd

    I wonder what happens in the next then

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