Synopsis: Ro, a struggling writer, knows all too well the pain and solitude that holiday festivities can awaken. When she meets four people at the local diner—all of them strangers and as lonely as Ro is—she invites them to an impromptu Christmas dinner. And when that party seems in danger of an early end, she suggests they each tell a ghost story. One that’s seasonally appropriate.
But Ro will come to learn that the horrors hidden in a Christmas tale—or one’s past—can never be tamed once unleashed.
Review: I was expecting a horror novel because of the cover, but I was surprised when I found out that it wasn’t really the case. How could I resist Krampus? I admit I was intrigued and quite curious to see how the author would integrate him into the story.
We find a character who is going to get caught up in the past after a horror story exchange. This was an enjoyable novel to read, although I didn’t get hooked as much as I would have liked. It’s a short story, so it’s a quick read.
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer
I totally imagined a horror novel based on the cover.
Sophia Rose
Yes, it does look creepy. The Krampus legend interests me, too.
Anne - Books of My Heart
Horror is just not my things.
Mary Kirkland
I’m glad you liked it even though it wasn’t what you thought.
I expected horror too
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum
This was on my radar too, but I also thought the same as you about this being a horror. I think it would be a bit too unexpected for me.
Carole Rae
Krampus!!!! And yes, I was expecting horror based on the title and cover.
But I have added this to my tbr pile. 🙂 Thanks!