Synopsis: Four friends. One luxury getaway. The perfect murder.

French Alps, 1998

Two young men ski into a blizzard… but only one returns.

20 years later

Four people connected to the missing man find themselves in that same resort. Each has a secret. Two may have blood on their hands. One is a killer-in-waiting.

Someone knows what really happened that day.

And somebody will pay.

Review: Ah, a foreign novel set in the Alps in France… How can I resist it?

This novel is divided in two: the present in 2020, where two couples go to a luxury chalet for business. We follow mainly Ria and Hugo, husband and wife. Ria seems to hide many secrets and we will discover them during the novel. Another part takes place in 1998 and presents us the disappearance of two brothers during a ski descent and everything that happened afterwards.

It was a very intriguing novel, whether it was the past or the present, many events will be revealed to us little by little. I was very curious to find out what had happened so many years before to upset the present.

I had a good time with this thriller and I will be happy to discover other novels of this author.

7 thoughts on “The Chalet by Catherine Cooper

  1. Lover of Romance

    ooh such an interesting concept, you definitely have me intrigueod with the two storylines in different time era’s. Hope the conclusion delivers fully for you!

    Great review

  2. Anne - Books of My Heart

    It’s exactly the sort of thrller I love to read.

  3. Sophia Rose

    Looks like you found another fab thriller. 🙂

  4. Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    This does sound like a really good read!

  5. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    OOh, this one sounds right up my alley!

  6. blodeuedd

    Sounds like a good thriller then

  7. Carole Rae

    How fun! Love the setting. I put it on my TBR list

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