Iced by Karen Marie Moning

Fever, Book 6

Synopsis: The year is 1 AWC—After the Wall Crash. The Fae are free and hunting us. It’s a war zone out there, and no two days are alike. I’m Dani O’Malley, the chaos-filled streets of Dublin are my home, and there’s no place I’d rather be.

Dani “Mega” O’Malley plays by her own set of rules—and in a world overrun by Dark Fae, her biggest rule is: Do what it takes to survive. Possessing rare talents and the all-powerful Sword of Light, Dani is more than equipped for the task. In fact, she’s one of the rare humans who can defend themselves against the Unseelie. But now, amid the pandemonium, her greatest gifts have turned into serious liabilities.

Dani’s ex–best friend, MacKayla Lane, wants her dead, the terrifying Unseelie princes have put a price on her head, and Inspector Jayne, the head of the police force, is after her sword and will stop at nothing to get it. What’s more, people are being mysteriously frozen to death all over the city, encased on the spot in sub-zero, icy tableaux.

When Dublin’s most seductive nightclub gets blanketed in hoarfrost, Dani finds herself at the mercy of Ryodan, the club’s ruthless, immortal owner. He needs her quick wit and exceptional skill to figure out what’s freezing Fae and humans dead in their tracks—and Ryodan will do anything to ensure her compliance.

Dodging bullets, fangs, and fists, Dani must strike treacherous bargains and make desperate alliances to save her beloved Dublin—before everything and everyone in it gets iced.

Review: I have long seen a lot of different reviews for this novel and it’s true that while I loved the first series, my interest quickly fell down to the view of the critics. I’m not saying that it’s a bad one but many were more than mixed. Someone gave me Burned and the reviews seemed better but before that I needed to read Iced.

As you can imagine, we do not follow Mac this time but Dani, a character we discovered previously. I thought we would see Mac a little more in the story but it is ultimately not the case. But back to our dear Dani as she will face many problems by herself. Indeed, Ryoadan is determined to hire her even if she doesn’t want to, and Christian wants her for more than a friendly relationship and everyone covets her weapon while the city begins to sink into the cold.

It was interesting to immerse myself in the world of KMM and to follow a different character and therefore a different perspective. I admit that my problem was about the attitude of Dani and the unhealthy side that we find by reading the novel. Everyone seems interested in sleeping with her and we could sometimes ignore it if she did not kept saying that she was only 14 years old. I admit that it was a bit disturbing.

So it was a nice story but I would have liked to be carried as for the other novels. However, I am curious to read more after such a purpose!




Iced de Karen Marie Moning

Les Chroniques de Dani Mega O’Malley, Tome 1

Résumé : Première année après la chute du Mur. Les Faes sont libres et nous traquent. Là dehors c’est une zone de guerre, et il n’y a pas deux jours qui se ressemblent. Je suis Dani O’Malley,le chaos des rues de Dublin sont ma maison, et il n’y a aucun autre endroit ou je préférerais être.

Dani “Mega” O’Malley vit selon ses propres règles, et dans un monde submérgé par les Faes Unseelies, sa plus grande règles est : faire ce qu’il faut pour survivre. Possédant de rares talents et l’épée de Lumière, Dani est plus qu’équipée pour la tâche.

Son ex-meilleure amie, MacKayla Lane, veut sa mort, les terrifiants princes Unseelies ont mis un prix sur sa tête, et l’inspecteur Jayne, à la tête des forces de police, est à la recherche de son épée et ne reculera devant rien pour l’obtenir.
Qui plus est, les gens meurent mystérieusement, pétrifiés par le froid partout dans la ville, figés sur place dans des paysages glacés, sous la barre des zéro.

Lorsque le plus séduisant nightclub de Dublin est recouvert de givre, Dani se retrouve à la merci de Ryodan, l’impitoyable et immortel propriétaire du club. Il a besoin de son esprit vif et de son exceptionnel capacité afin de comprendre ce qui gèle les Faes
et les humains, et Ryodan fera tout pour s’assurer de sa docilité.

Esquivant les balles, les crocs et les poings, Dani doit faire de traîtres marchés et nouer des alliances désespérées pour sauver son Dublin bien-aimé avant que tous et tout ne se retrouvent gelés.

Avis : J’ai longtemps vu des avis très différents pour ce roman et c’est vrai que même si j’ai adoré la première série, mon intérêt est vite retombé à la vue des critiques. Je ne dis pas qu’il n’y en a pas de très bonnes mais beaucoup étaient plus que mitigées. On m’a offert il y a peu Burned et les avis de celui-ci semblaient meilleur mais avant il fallait bien que je me lance dans Iced.

Comme vous vous doutez, nous ne suivons pas Mac cette fois-ci mais Dani, un personnage que nous avions découvert précédemment. Je pensais que nous verrions Mac un peu plus au cours de l’histoire mais ce n’est finalement que de loin. Mais revenons à notre chère Dani qui va devoir affronter un grand nombre de problèmes à elle toute seule. En effet, Ryoadan est déterminé à l’embaucher quoi qu’elle désire, Christian lui veut une relation plus qu’amicale et tout le monde convoite son arme tandis que la ville commence à sombrer dans le froid.

J’ai trouvé intéressant de me replonger dans l’univers de KMM et de suivre un personnage différent et donc un autre point de vue. Mon problème je l’avoue c’est l’attitude de Dani et le côté malsain que l’on retrouve un peu en lisant le roman. Tout le monde semble intéressé à coucher avec elle et on pourrait en faire abstraction parfois si elle ne répétait pas sans cesse qu’elle n’a que 14 ans. J’avoue que ça m’a un peu dérangée.

Du coup c’était une histoire sympa mais j’aurais aimé être emportée comme par les autres romans. Je suis cependant curieuse la suite après une telle fin !



Stacking the Shelves #40


Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
Giveaway – Concours

By the Light of the Moon (Lakeside, 1) – Laila Blake

Withdrawn and with a reputation for her strange, eccentric ways, young Lady Moira Rochmond is old to be unwed. Rumors say, she has been seen barefoot in the orchard, is awake all night in moon-struck rambles and sleeps all day. Some will even claim her ghostly pallor and aloof manner are signs of illness, of a curse or insanity.
The hopes of the peaceful succession to her father’s fief lie in an advantageous marriage. Moira, however, has a hard time attracting suitors. When one does show interest, her family pushes for a decision.
Almost resigned to the fact that she has no choice but to play the part she has been given in life, Moira is faced with Owain. A member of the mysterious Blaidyn creatures and a new guard in her father’s castle, specifically tasked to keep her safe. He is different from other people she knows and when one night under the full moon, she makes the acquaintance of the wolf who shares Owain’s soul, she starts to trust him and seek his presence. As he becomes one of the few individuals who doesn’t make her want to hide and retreat, she wants to learn more about him and they grow closer until they share a kiss one night under the moon.
Faced with feelings and desires that overthrow everything she thought she knew about herself, Moira knows non-the-less that they have to be kept utterly secret. However much they try, however, they continue to be drawn to each other until one night, Owain discovers something about Moira that shakes him to core.

Une passion hors du temps (Highlanders, 4) – Karen Marie Moning
En dépit de la farouche beauté des paysages, ce voyage en Écosse, en compagnie de couples du troisième âge, ne s’annonçait guère passionnant pour Gwen Cassidy ! Jusqu’au moment où, telle Alice basculant dans le terrier du Lapin blanc, elle est propulsée dans un déroutant pays des merveilles…
En voulant rattraper son sac tombé dans une crevasse, Gwen bascule dans le gouffre. Sa chute réveille un mystérieux Highlander, qui dormait au fond de l’anfractuosité !
De fait, un sort jeté cinq siècles plus tôt a plongé Drustan MacKeltar dans un sommeil surnaturel. Lorsqu’il reprend conscience, Drustan n’a pas la moindre idée de ce qui lui est arrivé. Mais la délicieuse créature qui lui est tombée dessus lui paraît tout à fait fascinante, avec ses idées extravagantes et ses vêtements si incroyablement impudiques …

 Dragon Bound (Elder Races, 1) – Thea Harrison

Half-human and half-Wyr, Pia Giovanni spent her life keeping a low profile among the Wyrkind and avoiding the continuing conflict between them and their Dark Fae enemies. But after being blackmailed into stealing a coin from the hoard of a dragon, Pia finds herself targeted by one of the most powerful—and passionate—of the Elder Races.

As the most feared and respected of the Wyrkind, Dragos Cuelebre cannot believe someone had the audacity to steal from him, much less succeed. And when he catches the thief, Dragos spares her life, claiming her as his own to further explore the desire they’ve ignited in each other.

Pia knows she must repay Dragos for her trespass, but refuses to become his slave—although she cannot deny wanting him, body and soul.

 After Dark (Execution Underground, 0.5) – Kait Ballenger

Shadow Hunter

Vampire hunter Damon Brock’s first assignment with the Execution Underground is Rochester, New York, a city crawling with the undead. But he isn’t the only hunter in town gunning for vamp blood. Tiffany Solow is fierce and ruthless when it comes to slaying the monsters that destroyed her family-and she works solo. But being alone is no longer so desirable when she meets the mysterious hunter who wants more than just her turf. As they work to massacre the local covens, the line between good and evil blurs when they are forced to decide between their lifelong beliefs… and their newfound hearts.

 Pitch Perfect (Boys of Summer, 1) – Sierra Dean

She’d be the perfect catch if he could take his eye off the ball.

Emmy Kasper knows exactly how lucky she is. In a sport with few opportunities for women at the pro level, she’s just landed her dream job as head athletic trainer for the San Francisco Felons baseball team. Screwing up is not an option.

She’s lost in thought as she pedals to the spring training facility, her mind abuzz with excitement as she rounds a corner—and plows head-on into two runners. The end of her career dances before her eyes when she realizes she’s almost run over the star pitcher.

As Tucker Lloyd watches the flustered Emmy escape with his bandana tied around her skinned knee, the view is a pleasant change from worrying about his flagging fastball. At thirty-six, the tail end of his career is glimmering on the horizon. If he can’t pull something extraordinary out of his ball cap, the new crop of rookies could make this season his last.

The last thing either of them needs is a distraction.

The last thing either of them expects is love.

Warning: Contains a down-on-his-luck pitcher, a good-girl athletic therapist, chemistry that’s out of the park and sexy times that’ll make them round all the bases.