Heaven’s Queen by Rachel Bach

Paradox, Book 3

Synopsis: From the moment she took a job on Captain Caldswell’s doomed ship, Devi Morris’ life has been one disaster after another: government conspiracies, two alien races out for her blood, an incurable virus that’s eating her alive.

Now, with the captain missing and everyone — even her own government — determined to hunt her down, things are going from bad to impossible. The sensible plan would be to hide and wait for things to blow over, but Devi’s never been one to shy from a fight, and she’s getting mighty sick of running.

It’s time to put this crisis on her terms and do what she knows is right. But with all human life hanging on her actions, the price of taking a stand might be more than she can pay.

Review: This is a novel that I was impatient to receive! Yes, I, the anti sci-fi girl found herself beaten by KO by this series by Rachel Bach. In fact, I can even say that I’m glad I did not read it when it came out … Why? Well, the reason is simple, how could I have waited for the 3 books? Yes, because the wait would have been horrible! The end of Volume 2 brought a lot of new questions and problems and I was really curious to be able to dive into this third and last volume! I often worry about the conclusions, but I must say that I did not even ask myself the question here, I was so much eager to get into the novel. Once again I am conquered and this end is just perfect! Now, I admit that I want to discover the other stories of the author, those written under her other pseudonym Rachel Aaron. If they are as good, what more could I ask for?

So we find our heroes Rupert and Devi on a whole new planet and it seems that during their jump almost 1 year has passed. Everyone thought they were dead, and that also means that they do not know what becomes of the Captain who is the only one who made promises to Devi. But their return re-attracts the attention of their enemies and even if the young woman does not know if she can trust Rupert again, he will do everything to prove to her that he is capable of everything for her.

I really enjoyed that a big part of the story puts both of them mainly forward. I love them a lot and even if they try to forgive and move forward, it’s not that easy. Our two heroes will have to face a lot of trials together, to trust each other and especially to share what they know. There will be several very difficult choices but Devi is determined in her goals and her promises are very important to her.

You’ll understand that I’m conquered and I had a great time with the whole series. I hope it will one day be translated into French! It’s a real gem! I’m sure you’ll fall in love with our two heroes!


Heaven’s Queen de Rachel Bach (VO)

Paradox, Tome 3

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : À partir du moment où elle a pris un emploi sur le vaisseau maudit du capitaine Caldswell, la vie de Devi Morris n’a compté que des désastres les uns après les autres : conspirations gouvernementales, deux races extraterrestres essaient de la capturer et un virus incurable la dévore vivante.

Maintenant que le capitaine a disparu et que tout le monde – même son propre gouvernement – est déterminé à la traquer, les choses vont de plus en plus mal. Le plan sensé serait de se cacher et d’attendre que les choses se tassent, mais Devi n’a jamais hésité à se battre, et elle en a marre de fuir.

Il est temps de mettre cette crise de son côté et de faire ce qu’elle sait être juste. Mais avec toute la vie humaine suspendue à ses actions, le prix à prendre pourrait être plus que ce qu’elle ne peut payer.

Avis : Voilà un roman que j’attendais de recevoir avec impatience ! Oui, moi la frileuse de science-fiction s’est retrouvée battue par KO par cette série de Rachel Bach. En fait, je peux même dire que je suis contente de ne pas l’avoir lue quand elle est sortie… Pourquoi ? Eh bien, la raison est simple, comment aurais-je pu tous les enchainer sinon ? Oui, parce que l’attente aurait été horrible ! La fin du tome 2 apportait son lot de nouvelles questions et problèmes et j’étais vraiment curieuse de pouvoir me plonger dans ce troisième et dernier tome ! Je m’inquiète aussi souvent des conclusions, mais je dois dire que je ne me suis même pas posée la question ici, tellement j’étais impatiente de me lancer dans le roman. Une fois de plus je suis conquise et cette fin est juste parfaite ! Maintenant, j’avoue que j’ai envie de découvrir les autres récits de l’auteure, ceux écrit sous son autre pseudonyme Rachel Aaron. S’ils sont aussi biens, que pourrais-je demander de plus ?

Nous retrouvons donc nos héros Rupert et Devi sur une toute nouvelle planète et il semblerait que leur saut ait fait passer presque 1 an. Tout le monde les croyait morts et ça signifie aussi qu’ils ne savent pas ce qu’il devient du Capitaine qui est le seul à avoir fait des promesses à Devi. Mais leur retour ré-attire l’attention de leurs ennemis et même si la jeune femme ne sait pas si elle peut refaire confiance en Rupert, il fera tout pour lui prouver qu’il est capable de tout pour elle.

J’ai beaucoup apprécié qu’une grosse partie de l’histoire les mette tous les deux principalement en avant. Je les aime beaucoup et même s’ils essaient de pardonner et d’avancer, ce n’est pas si simple. Nos deux héros vont devoir affronter un grand nombre d’épreuves ensemble, se faire confiance et surtout partager ce qu’ils savent. Il y aura plusieurs choix très difficiles mais Devi est déterminée dans ses objectifs et ses promesses sont très importantes pour elle.

Vous l’aurez compris, je suis conquise et j’ai passé un très bon moment avec toute la série. J’espère qu’elle sera un jour traduite en Français ! C’est un vrai petit bijou ! Je suis sûre que vous tomberez sous le charme de nos deux héros !


Honor’s Knight by Rachel Bach

Paradox, Book 2

Synopsis: The rollicking sequel to Fortune’s Pawn — an action packed science fiction novel.

Devi Morris has a lot of problems. And not the fun, easy-to-shoot kind either.

After a mysterious attack left her short several memories and one partner, she’s determined to keep her head down, do her job, and get on with her life. But even though Devi’s not actually looking for it — trouble keeps finding her. She sees things no one else can, the black stain on her hands is growing, and she is entangled with the cook she’s supposed to hate.

But when a deadly crisis exposes far more of the truth than she bargained for, Devi discovers there’s worse fates than being shot, and sometimes the only people you can trust are the ones who want you dead.

Review: When I tell you that I love this series, it’s true and I’m the first surprised! As soon as I finished the first volume, I rushed to buy this one and I can tell you that I rushed once again to buy the next volume! Yes, it’s impossible to wait any longer and I can not wait to read the end of the trilogy to find out what’s going to happen now!

The story resumes directly after the end of the previous novel. The author introduces us first of all to a chapter which does not directly concern Devi and which brings us some answers, although more questions about Ren. Ah Devi … The poor young woman really does not understand her loss of memory and what disturbs her even more is her reaction to the cook of the ship. I fully understand her astonishment because while she is convinced that she does not know him, as soon as she looks at him, strong nausea arises. Yes, you see, it’s a very strange feeling that we find there! But Devi is determined and she would like to understand exactly what is happening. Yet looking for the truth could be much more complicated than expected, but stubborn as she is, she will discover unsuspected things, things that will put her in a precarious situation. Her friends become enemies and conversely, full of new problems!

Once again, I was carried away by the story I loved! I love all the characters and I’m completely under the spell of Devi and Rupert! The author has many ideas in this series and I can not wait to get to know the whole story! I can only advise you to start it, you will not really be disappointed!



Honor’s Knight de Rachel Bach (VO)

Paradox, Tome 2

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Devi Morris a beaucoup de problèmes. Et pas le genre amusant, ou facile à tuer.

Après une attaque mystérieuse qui lui a fait perdre quelques souvenirs et un partenaire, elle est déterminée à garder la tête baissée, à faire son travail et à continuer sa vie. Mais même si Devi ne le cherche pas réellement, les ennuis ne cessent de la retrouver. Elle voit des choses que personne d’autre ne peut, la tache noire sur ses mains grandit, et elle est empêtrée avec le cuisinier qu’elle est censée haïr.

Mais quand une crise meurtrière expose beaucoup plus de choses qu’elle ne le pensait, Devi découvre qu’il y a pire sort que d’être tuée, et parfois les seules personnes en qui tu as confiance sont celles qui te veulent morte.

Avis : Quand je vous dis que j’aime cette série d’amour, c’est vrai et j’en suis la première surprise ! Sitôt le premier tome fini, je me suis précipitée pour acheter celui-ci et je peux vous dire que je me suis précipitée une fois encore pour acheter le tome suivant ! Oui, c’est impossible d’attendre plus longtemps et j’ai vraiment hâte de lire la fin de la trilogie pour savoir ce qu’il va se passer à présent.

L’histoire reprend directement après la fin du roman précédent. L’auteure nous présente tout d’abord un chapitre qui ne concerne pas directement Devi et qui nous apporte quelques réponses, bien que plus de questions au sujet de Ren. Ah Devi… La pauvre jeune femme ne comprend vraiment pas ses pertes de mémoire et ce qui la perturbe encore plus c’est sa réaction face au cuisinier du vaisseau. Je comprends parfaitement son étonnement parce qu’alors qu’elle est persuadée de ne pas le connaitre, dès qu’elle le regarde de fortes nausées surviennent. Oui, vous voyez, c’est un sentiment très étrange que l’on retrouve là ! Mais Devi est déterminée et elle aimerait comprendre ce qu’il se passe exactement. Pourtant, chercher la vérité pourrait être bien plus compliquée que prévu, mais têtue comme elle est, elle va découvrir des choses insoupçonnées, des choses qui la placeront dans une situation précaire. Ses amis deviennent des ennemis et inversement, pleins de nouveaux problèmes !

Une fois encore, j’ai été emportée par l’histoire que j’ai adorée ! J’adore tous les personnages et je suis complètement sous le charme de Devi et Rupert ! L’auteure a beaucoup d’idées dans cette série et je suis impatiente de connaitre l’ensemble du récit ! Je ne peux que vous conseiller de vous lancer, vous ne serez vraiment pas déçus !


Fortune’s Pawn by Rachel Bach

Paradox, Book 1

Synopsis: Devi Morris isn’t your average mercenary. She has plans. Big ones. And a ton of ambition. It’s a combination that’s going to get her killed one day – but not just yet.
That is, until she just gets a job on a tiny trade ship with a nasty reputation for surprises. The Glorious Fool isn’t misnamed: it likes to get into trouble, so much so that one year of security work under its captain is equal to five years everywhere else. With odds like that, Devi knows she’s found the perfect way to get the jump on the next part of her Plan. But the Fool doesn’t give up its secrets without a fight, and one year on this ship might be more than even Devi can handle.

Review: You know, I do not really like science fiction. Even worse, I hate everything about space, ships, aliens … Yes, I know, this book should be everything I hate. You probably wonder why I then set my sights on it… No, I did not receive this novel by mistake, I really put it on my wishlist! Why is that? I am crazy (no it is not true! Well, maybe …). In fact, on its release and as usual not necessarily looking closer to it, I saw a growing number of positive reviews and by seeing the novel turn on all the blogs, I thought why not? It must be said that I really began to be curious to see how the story was going to be despite my apriori. Well, I have to tell you right now that it’s a science fiction novel, that’s for sure, but I understand the amazement now. Yes, Rachel Bach has managed to make me appreciate all that I usually do not like and for that I must say that I did not think it would happen one day (like what, you should never say never!). So yes, I had a good time with Fortune’s Pawn and even more than that, I really liked the novel to order directly the second volume! Yes ! To this extend ! And I even hesitated to buy immediately Volume 3, but I thought that I was perhaps a little too greedy.

Devi is a mercenary who has great ambitions in life, she wants to be at the top but for that, it takes years of experiences that she does not have. However, one possibility is offered to her: to engage in the safety of the Glorious Fool. Indeed, a year spent there equals 5 years everywhere else. Why is that? This ship is considered cursed and it often happens that crew members never come back. But that does not scare Devi, oh no, our Devi she is very strong and determined. But she did not expect the ship to attract so many dangers, or for it to hide terrible secrets, secrets they are willing to keep at all costs. But as she begins to take an interest in Rupert, this cook with unsuspected talents, she will come a little too close to the truth.

As I said, I really had a good time with the story. There is a lot going on in the story and although the science fiction side is of course very present, the author does not go into too complicated explanations. I enjoyed following Devi, she is a strong, stubborn woman with one ultimate goal in life: to become a Devastator. She did not think that she was going to fall in love with Rupert, that enigmatic man. We want with her to discover what he hides behind his mask as well as some other characters and I confess that I did not expect such a secret. In any case, the story is really very well put together and I admit that I can not wait to read more. I was a little sad to see such an outcome of the story, but I’m curious to see what Devi has in store for the future!

It was a very good discovery and I’m glad I was surprised by something that is not usually for me.