Synopsis : A journey may take hundreds of miles, or it may cover the distance between duty and desire.

Sixteen of today’s hottest writers of paranormal tales weave stories on a common theme of journeying. Authors such as Kelley Armstrong, Rachel Caine, and Melissa Marr return to the beloved worlds of their bestselling series, while others, like Claudia Gray, Kami Garcia, and Margaret Stohl, create new land-scapes and characters. But whether they’re writing about vampires, faeries, angels, or other magical beings, each author explores the strength and resilience of the human heart.

Suspenseful, funny, or romantic, the stories in Enthralled will leave you moved.

Review : I’m not a lot into anthologies. I think this one is very intriguing with so much authors. Well, I didn’t know a big part of them but it was for me the opportunity to discover some new stories. Some of them were very interesting but it wasn’t the same thing for others. However it allows us to see the different worlds. I didn’t know if it was the fact that it was an anthology or if it was because I didn’t know the books based on the short stories (when it was the case), but it was difficult to get into it.

I didn’t know how to make a review about this one, so I decided to write a little something for each.
Giovanni’s Farewell by Claudia gray: I Think it was a really cute story about twins who realize for the first time they’re different from others, that they have something more. It’s a good start for a longer story and I would be curious to learn more about it.
Scenic Route by Carrie Rian : I don’t know what to think about this second story. We discover a post-apocalyptic world without having any explications about it, so it was difficult to understand what happens. It was just about the survival of two sisters in this world. I think we don’t have the time to really enjoy it as we only want to understand.
Red Run by Kami Garcia : This one was very cute. A young girl wants to destroy the ghost who killed her brother. But I think the heroine is very stupid ! (It’s right ! Who would go on a haunted road ? Except to be killed ?). It was very sweet and I’m intrigued about the ghost she meets.
Things about Love by Jackson Pearce : A nice love story. Juliet wants to understand Love, to know everything about it. She is a lovely girl but the other characters were less interesting compared to her.
Nierderwald by Rachel Vincent : It’s the most intriguing story full of myths and originality. But I think too it’s difficult to understand everything for the same reasons.
Merely Mortal by Melissa Marr : I really enjoy stories about fairies, and well it’s a cute story, more complete than others. But it was too a little too nimby-pamby.
Facing Facts by Kelley Armstrong : Ah this one, I’ve read some books of the series ! So I know a little more about the characters and it was really pleasant. This story is more adult than the others.
Let’s get this undead show on the road by Sarah Rees Brennan : I didn’t get into the story… I find that the characters were quite insipid.
Bridge by Jeri Smith-Ready : I find this story very original with this writing style, it was like a song or a poem, a nice idea. It was a really sad story and this style allows us to get into it rapidly, so we can understand the feelings of each characters.
Skin contact by Kimberly Derting : I really enjoy this little story which was very touching. A young boy was very afraid for his friend and he wants to understand what happens to her. Too bad that I didn’t understand the bound between the characters.
Leaving by Ally Condie : I just love this one, and it makes me want to read the series based on this story. The author has created a really intriguing world where the characters evolve in a way we don’t know anything about, so we want to learn more about it.
At the Late Night, Double Feature, Picture Show by Jessica Verday : The idea of vampires without fangs and with costumes for the Rocky Horror Show was very funny. And teens who become paranormal hunters, it makes me think of the Supernatural TV show.
IV league by Margaret Stohl : Hmmm I really don’t understand the story and so I don’t get into it. I don’t very like the main character so it was quite difficult for me.
Gargouille by Mary E Pearson : It was the same for this story, but it was very nice to have a story about gargouilles, it’s not very common.
The third Kind by Jennifer Lynn Barnes : We have a lot of questions about Kassie, about what or who she is.
Automatic by Rachel Caine : I need to read the Morganville series of Rachel Caine ! I’ve heard so much about it and I really love this author. This short story makes me want to know more.

4 thoughts on “Enthralled : Paranormal Diversions by Melissa Marr, Kelley Armstrong… (VO)

  1. Melissa (Books and Things)

    It seems that people either love or hate anthologies. I do like anthologies. Often I get introduced to characters or authors I want to read. For me it’s not about the story itself, but what I might get later. Yes, I’m bad that way.. LOL

    I like your short reviews on this one and the Rocky Horror one is a must for me to read! LOL

  2. Melliane

    I’m always mixed with anthologies… Sometimes we can have some good surprised, sometimes no. You’re right, it’s the same for me, but I think I must have more pages LOL. Yeah this one was really fun !

  3. Melissa (My words and pages)

    I usually review my anthologies this way as well. It’s easier and gives everyone an idea of what to find in the stories. I have this one on my want list, don’t know when that will be but it’s there. 🙂 Thank you for the insight into the book! Very helpful. 🙂

  4. Melliane

    I think It’s difficult to know the best way to review it, Thanks ! Yeah, I think too.

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