“In My Maybox” is a meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren 

Les traductions des livres en VO sont personnelles

Thanks to Santa, I have a lot of books. But this time they are all in french except one. Merry christmas to everyone!

Merci au père Noël, j’ai eu de nombreux livres, cette fois ci tous en français sauf un, Joyeux Noel à tous :

Twice dead (Haven,2) – Kalayna Price

Newly undead shifter-turned-vampire Kita Nekai is coming to grips with the reality that her cat has not awakened since her change.

What she needs is a little time to adjust to her new liquid diet and the increasingly complex attraction to her sire, Nathanial. What she gets is a headless harlequin. With the body count rising, Kita is dragged into a dangerous game of vampire politics. Her involvement draws the attention of an ancient vampire known as the Collector who has a penchant for acquiring the unusual – like a pureblood shifter-turned vampire.

Kita still has unfinished business of her own and finds herself deeper in magical debt.

It’s a bad time to be a kitten who can’t slip her skin.

Kita Nekai, changeforme nouvellement morte, n’est pas très contente que son chat ne se soit pas réveillé depuis son changement.

Elle a juste besoin de plus de temps pour s’adapter à son nouveau régime liquide et son attraction de plus en plus forte pour son sire, Nathanial. Ce qu’elle obtient est un Harlequin sans tête. Kita est enrôlée dans un jeu de politique vampirique très dangereux. Son implication attire l’attention d’un très ancien vampire connu sous le nom du Collectionneur et qui a un penchant for les choses uniques – comme par exemple un pur changeforme devenu vampire.

C’est une mauvaise période alors que le chat en elle ne veut pas apparaitre.

Ne dites pas à ma mère que je suis voyante, elle me croit à Vancouvers / Unpredictable – Eileen Cook
Sophie Kintock isn’t crazy, she just wants her guy back. And posing as a psychic to give his new girlfriend a fake reading designed to break them up isn’t going overboard, is it? Don’t answer that.

Faking psychic powers turns out to be easy and fun, especially after a few lessons from Nick, the cute (if a bit nerdy) skeptic, who knows all the tricks of the trade. But her readings do a lot more than she could have predicted-and she’s offered a job telling fortunes on the radio.

Now she must decide if she should accept her rising stardom in a less-than-honest line of work. And whether the best option is trying to rekindle her old flame-or finding romance with someone new.

And, most important, she needs to figure out whether the answers lie in the stars-or in herself…

Quand Doug la quitte après six ans de vie commune, Sophie, libraire à Vancouver, est prête à tout pour le récupérer. C’est pourquoi, lorsqu’elle apprend que sa nouvelle petite amie, la pulpeuse Melanie, s’intéresse au paranormal, elle une idée aussi folle que diabolique : proposer à sa rivale une fausse consultation de voyance destinée à faire rompre les tourtereaux. Mais rien ne va se passer comme prévu, car Sophie se retrouve vite dépassée par le succès inattendu de ses nouveaux talents… Eileen Cook signe une comédie désopilante portée par une héroïne au caractère bien trempé, maladroite et attachante à souhait.

Un pieu dans le coeur / Staked (Void City, 1) – J.F Lewis 

Being undead isn’t easy. All Eric wants to do is run his strip club, drink a little blood, and be left alone. Instead, he’s got business troubles (his best friend is souring on their co-ownership of the Demon Heart) and relationship troubles (his girlfriend is pressuring him to turn her so she can join him in undeath). And then there’s the memory loss: He can’t recall who he ate for dinner yesterday, much less how he became a vampire in the first place. But when he kills a werewolf in self-defense, things really get out of hand. Now he’s got a pack of born-again lycanthropes out for holy retribution–and his head. It’s almost enough to put lad off his appetite. Almost.

Incorrigible, blasé et totalement vamp.
Eric ne demande pas grand-chose : gérer sa boîte de striptease, boire du sang de temps en temps et qu’on le laisse tranquille. Mais ça ne peut jamais être aussi simple ! Sa copine, Tabitha, le tanne pour qu’il la transforme. Or, chaque fois qu’il vampirise une fille, il finit par la quitter.
Et ce garou qu’il a tué, c’était de la légitime défense ! Allez expliquer ça à la meute qui veut le venger.
Ça en fait des soucis pour Eric, surtout avec son léger problème de mémoire…
Jaz Parks n’en démord pas / Bitten to Death (Jaz Parks, 4) – Jennifer Rardin 
Jaz Parks here. My latest mission has taken me to the ancient Greek city of Patras; but instead of soaking up its splendor, I’m here to infiltrate a Vampere Trust. Only two vamps have ever escaped the tightly bound communities and lived to tell the tale: Edward “The Raptor” Samos, the most reviled criminal mastermind in recent memory, and Vayl, the CIA’s number one assassin who also happens to be my boss.

The Raptor is trying to take over Vayl’s former Trust. Unfortunately the Trust’s new leader has her own plans.

This job is going to be the death of me.

Pour ma dernière mission, direction l’antique cité grecque de Patras. Mais pas le temps de jouer les archéologues. Je suis chargée d’infiltrer une Alliance de vampires. Deux vamps seulement ont réussi à échapper au carcan de leurs communautés et sont encore là pour le raconter : Edward « le Rapace » Samos, l’esprit criminel le plus vil
de toute l’histoire, et Vayl, tueur numéro un de la CIA. Le
Rapace essaie de faire main basse sur l’ancienne Alliance de Vayl. Malheureusement, celle qui la dirige depuis peu a d’autres plans.

18 thoughts on “In My Mailbox

  1. roro

    enjoy alll new folowr

  2. Grace Fonseca

    Those are some awesome covers. Much prettier than the American Ones. Old follower. Great mailbox.

    My Goodie Bag/IMM post

  3. Melliane

    @ Grace Fonseca: I think I prefer the staked cover than the french one, but the others are really nice in french I agree!

  4. Claire

    3 great books I hope you enjoy them

  5. Nerd Girls

    Nice mailbox!

    Nerd Girls at Books to the Sky

  6. Jessica@a GREAT read

    OOh nice! Read all the Jaz Parks books! Great series! Love the Kalayna book! Fave series of hers really!

    Here’s my IMM

    Have a GREAT day & Happy Holidays!

    Old Follower 🙂

  7. aparajita

    ur IMM looks great (mine was only big because I decided to do one for the entire month)

    thanks for stopping by MY IMM HERE

  8. Rebecca

    Oh, Jaz Parks! I’ve been quite curious about that series for a while, but haven’t actually tried it yet. I hope you’ll enjoy all of your new reads! 😀

    Happy Holidays! My Christmas IMM!

  9. Melliane

    @ Jessica@a GREAT read : I really like her other series too! I really need to read all the Jaz Parks books.

    @ aparajite: Oh I understand now, it’s a nice idea too.

    @ Rebecca: the three first books were very nice, I’m curious for the others too. I hope you’ll try them soon. Thank you.

  10. Amanda

    Great books! I grabbed Twice Bitten this morning, can’t wait to read it.

    Thanks for stopping by mine. 🙂

  11. Jennie

    Great IMM! I haven’t read that series by Kalayna Price, but I’ve read grave Witch and it’s awesome! Hope you enjoy all your new books!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    My Cute Bookshelf

  12. Giselle

    Nice haul those are all new to me! Happy Holidays!

    Xpresso Reads

  13. Stepping Out of the Page

    Fantastic haul, I hope that you enjoy them all!

  14. Sam

    I haven’t read any of these but Void City sounds pretty interesting. 🙂

    Thank you for commenting on my blog. <3

    Sam @ Realm of Ficton

  15. Kah Cherub

    those are all new titles to me, but they look great. 🙂 thanks for stopping buy my IMM.

  16. Maria

    Hope you enjoy all your book, Happy Reading! 🙂

  17. Mimi Valentine

    Oh my gosh, all of these books sound so cool!! I don’t think I’ve heard of any of them before, but anything that has to do with vampires make my list of must-reads and the one about the psychic sounds SO SWEET!

    Awesome mailbox, Mel!! Don’t you just love Santa & Christmas? 😉 LOL I hope you love all of your books! <3

  18. Lalaine

    great haul!

    Happy Holidays,

    thanks for dropping by


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