8 thoughts on “The Jessica McClain Ultimate Swag Giveaway

  1. miki

    Thank you a lot for the international contest ^^

    so i buy books in physical bookshops; the bookdepository ( for english books mostly), i’m not a fan of ebook because i can’t read properly on a screen so i need pdf that i can print and for those so far i only pick free one on smashwords

    i hope it answer the question

  2. Mirlou

    Merci pour ce concours!

  3. Déborah

    Merci pour ce concours 😉

  4. blodeuedd

    Ohh inT! Yes I am in! I really enjoyed book 1.

    I love paperback and I buy them online

  5. Wendy Darling

    How wonderful of you to offer this giveaway! I already have the first book so I’m not entering, but good luck to everyone. 🙂

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  6. wolfsrain

    Merci beaucoup pour ce concours, c’est juste géant ! ^^

  7. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I can’t wait for Cold Blooded!!!! Really enjoying this series!

  8. Alily

    Merci pour ce concours !
    Je tente ma chance ! 🙂

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