Nikki & Michael, book 2

Synopsis: Life has never been so insane for Nikki James. There’s another teenager missing. She has another vampire to contend with. Her partner and best friend Jake is in the hospital dying. And a madman is kidnapping the wealthy. Just when it seems nothing else could possibly go wrong, Michael returns-but not for her. This time, however, Nikki has no intention of running from either the case or from what still lies between her and Michael. And she isn’t going to let him run, either. The last thing Michael Kelly needs is a confrontation with Nikki-especially when his control over his bloodlust is still so tenuous. But when a kidnapper steps up his agenda to murder, he’s forced into a partnership with Nikki to keep her safe. Soon Michael discovers the biggest danger he faces may not be from his need to “taste” her, but from his desire to make her a permanent part of his life-a life that is sure to get her killed. Nikki is determined to make Michael see that life apart is worse than death. But before she can make him see the light, a specter from Michael’s past rises that could destroy any hope she has of a future with him. Because this time the threat isn’t physical. It’s a matter of the heart. Nikki must compete with the woman-the vampire-for whom Michael gave up life.

Review: I admit that I was curious after the first book to explore the adventures of the second Nikki and Michael’s volume. The first novel was fun to read but it is true that it lacked a little detail for me to be completely carried away but I think I got it here.

Nikki took over the course of her life, although the absence of Michael is a little difficult. She regrets not having told him what was on her heart and she is angry with him for running away. But even if it’s his fault, it is equally difficult for Michael, and despite the love he feels for her, he refuses to force her to take part in his life as itā€™s very dangerous. Yet despite his absence, Nikki will still manage to investigate a story a little too much for her and at the same time it seems itā€™s linked to Michaelā€™s job. And despite his desire to stay as far away as possible from her, he is forced to return to work with her to protect her. And even if their investigations seem different at first, I was surprised to see how they were linked together. In fact, Nikki is looking for a young man who disappeared after a strange encounter on the net, kidnapped by vampires and for a girl who has not been seen for five months. Regarding Michael, he tries to find the responsible for the disappearance of several wealthy men in a big complex. And for that, he will have to team up with Nikki, pretending to be a couple on honeymoon, something that is much more difficult than he thought for his control.

I admit that I was quite intrigued to see how the stories were going to join and it’s really a great find from Keri Arthur. The plot is very interesting and we have a big villain. I confess that there are several things that I did not see coming but what is certain is that I was eager to see the evolution of the relationship between Nikki and Michael. I must say that itā€™s hard for Michael to admit that he needs her in his life. But it also goes both ways, but it must be said that when the woman is determined to have something, nothing stops her. The powers of our heroine are constantly changing and I was curious to see how it would all go. Indeed, she is able to do things that did not exist before. I loved the end of the novel, which ends quite well without cliffy and I’m curious to see what the author has for us in the future novels. It’s really a pleasure to read it and it is fun to discover each novel.



7 thoughts on “Hearts in Darkness by Keri Arthur

  1. Fuentes Lucie

    Salut Melliane et Vanessa,
    J’ai entendu parlĆ© de votre blog via Braine de Talk Supe qui m’a dit beaucoup de bien de vous… Alors me voilĆ  venu faire une petite visite. J’aime beaucoup la photo d’intro.
    Comme Vanessa, j’ai un penchant pour les mangas et les animĆ©s mais j’aime aussi le paranormal et la Fantasy. J’espĆØre qu’on aura l’occasion d’Ć©changer prochainement.
    Bonne journƩe Ơ vous deux,

    1. Melliane

      Merci beaucoup c’est gentil. Ca sera avec grand plaisir !

  2. blodeuedd

    I do have my eye on a Keri Arthur book…maybe after xmas šŸ˜‰

  3. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I have to admit, I’m not a huge fan of hers, but I’ve only read one series by her. You have made me reconsider with your reviews of her books. I do think I will try this series.

    1. Melliane

      I assure you it’s really different from her other ones.

  4. Melissa (My words and pages)

    These do sound good. šŸ™‚ Thank you for sharing them!

  5. Joy (Joyousreads)

    I haven’t read any of her books but I think I have a couple in my shelves somewhere. Though I haven’t really touched a vampire book in a long time, this one just piqued my interest.

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