Shadow Falls: After Dark,  Book 0.5

Synospsis: He isn’t everything he says he is. He’s even more

Who is Chase Tallman, the newest member of Shadow Falls? What made him into the sexy, mysterious vampire he is today? And what led him to Della Tsang?

Step back in time and unearth the secrets that haunt him. The secret of how he became a vampire—and how he knows so much about being reborn. Secrets about his first love, his family–and what steers him toward Della, the beautiful, complicated girl he just can’t seem to stay away from. The one who makes him want things he thought he’d given up on long ago.

It all began with a research study, a palm reader, and a plane crash that sent him on a quest…for a love that’s unbreakable.

Review: I was immediately intrigued when I found out about this novella. I had a good time with the first volume and until the release of the second, I was curious to learn more about Chase. Oh yes, because it is a very mysterious character who hides a lot of things and this story allows us to learn a little more about his past and how he became the person he is today.

Now, we find the boy from the time when he was human and lived with his family like everyone else, trying to manage his older sister, to understand how to charm his first love and face the change in his life. Yes even in very few pages we learn a lot about this character that we knew practically nothing about.

It was a good introduction and despite the few pages, we have a good complete story, giving us a more comprehensive view of this character. I confess that I am now very curious to read the second novel to see if Chase is also present and thus learn more about him. If you like the series, this novella will be a nice complement.



20 thoughts on “Unbreakable by C.C. Hunter

  1. Kristi-The Book Faery

    I’ve read all the of C.C. Hunter’s Shadow Falls Books but I haven’t read the ‘After Dark’ ones yet! I’ve been dying to know how these are!

    It sounds good! Thanks for making Chase sound so … Appetizing? LOL! Great review Melliane!

    1. Melliane

      You’ll love them! I haven’t read the first series but this one is really good!

  2. Joy (Joyousreads)

    I stalled on this series after the first book. But I’m glad you’re loving them. Is this the adult paranormal equivalent of the YA series?

    1. Melliane

      nope it’s also YA. It’s just a spin off series.

  3. kindlemom1

    I was thinking I read this one but now I am not so sure. I need to check and if not read it because I love these small glimpses into new worlds.

    1. Melliane

      it was released today so I’m not sure you did.

  4. braine

    I’m hit or miss with novellas as some of them are just fillers. Its good that you enjoyed this one and that it actually have a purpose

  5. Carmel @ Rabid Reads

    It’s rare that good and prequel belong in the same sentence, and even more so complete, so your review has definitely piqued my interest. Plus, extra insight into a beloved character is a definite bonus as well. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Melliane

      Yeah it was nice. It’s interesting to learn more about Chase here.

  6. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    Do you think I can start with this one Melliane, or would it be better to read the first book to meet Chase before going back to this novella and getting a better feel for him? Either way, I’m intrigued by his character and am looking forward to giving this series a go!

    1. Melliane

      I think I liked the way I did it book 1 then this one.

  7. Stephanie Faris

    Mysterious characters are the best! Sounds like an interesting series.

    1. Melliane

      yes it was really nice.

  8. blodeuedd

    Hm…eh, I would rather start with book 1

  9. Tanja

    I still haven’t read anything by this author and I have heard a lot about her. This one seems like a really interesting novella and I love when we get a prequel to the series. Somehow it always makes things more interesting. Great review, Melliane 🙂

    1. Melliane

      you should try her, she is fun to read.

  10. LilyElement

    I love when novellas give a good, complete story. 🙂

  11. anna (herding cats & burning soup)

    I’ve not tried Hunter yet but want to eventually 🙂 Love when they add little novellas like that in and do a good job with them!

  12. Kirsty-Marie

    I love novellas that go into other characters stories that you don’t really know properly yet. I haven’t started any of the books yet, but glad it did that. 🙂

  13. Lola @ Hit or Miss Books

    Hmm, doesn’t look bad but not impressive either, IMO. I haven’t read the series although I want to…it’s just that it looks so much like what I already read before. :/

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