Enclave by Ann Aguirre

Razorland, Book 1

Synopsis: In Deuce’s world, people earn the right to a name only if they survive their first fifteen years. By that point, each unnamed ‘brat’ has trained into one of three groups–Breeders, Builders, or Hunters, identifiable by the number of scars they bear on their arms. Deuce has wanted to be a Huntress for as long as she can remember.

As a Huntress, her purpose is clear—to brave the dangerous tunnels outside the enclave and bring back meat to feed the group while evading ferocious monsters known as Freaks. She’s worked toward this goal her whole life, and nothing’s going to stop her, not even a beautiful, brooding Hunter named Fade. When the mysterious boy becomes her partner, Deuce’s troubles are just beginning.

Down below, deviation from the rules is punished swiftly and harshly, and Fade doesn’t like following orders. At first she thinks he’s crazy, but as death stalks their sanctuary, and it becomes clear the elders don’t always know best, Deuce wonders if Fade might be telling the truth. Her partner confuses her; she’s never known a boy like him before, as prone to touching her gently as using his knives with feral grace.

As Deuce’s perception shifts, so does the balance in the constant battle for survival. The mindless Freaks, once considered a threat only due to their sheer numbers, show signs of cunning and strategy… but the elders refuse to heed any warnings. Despite imminent disaster, the enclave puts their faith in strictures and sacrifice instead. No matter how she tries, Deuce cannot stem the dark tide that carries her far from the only world she’s ever known.

Review: After hearing so many great things from Marcela and Sullivan Pig about this book, I knew I had to try it pretty fast. Okay I admit that I did not expect that Sullivan Pig would send me the book, which is why I started it much earlier than expected. I also want to thank her because I didn’t have the opportunity to read a lot of post-apocalyptic YA novels and this one is a really good example of the genre.

We discover Deuce, a girl who was a Brat until today and who had her initiation to become a hunter, something she dreams to be since childhood. It must be said that people are categorized in this world, there are those who are destined to have and raise children, others to hunt as our heroine, but also some who can read or even other activities that might be useful. Our heroine will have to team up with Fade, this mysterious young man who was not raised in the enclave. Everyone is really cautious toward him and therefore we have many questions too. But evolving with him, will make her realize that the world she knew is so far as perfect as she thought and that the elders do not have answers to all her questions. A terrible upheaval in her life that will change her destiny. A new world opens up to her, full of opportunities and promises. Something we will discover throughout the novel, discovering the characters and their feelings.

The world that Ann Aguirre has created is sublime and it was a great pleasure to discover it. It’s always interesting I think to have a world so well built and so different from the one we live in. We can imagine all the details and problems when we read it. It was a lovely discovery and the author was very successful in bringing out the changes and the landscapes our heroes discover. However, I was a little bit disappointed to not really know the reason for the Apocalypse, or how humans had become “freaks” because I was very curious to learn more. Well I wonder if the author keeps it for later and I wait with curiosity to know the end of the story.

Deuce was a very interesting character to know and follow. She radically changes throughout the story, but she does not always understand what is happening or what she really feels. Fade and her form a nice duo, and I really liked the appearance of the other characters in the story. I’m quite curious now to find out more in the second volume, the end opens up new possibilities and I would love to know everything.



Enclave de Ann Aguirre

Razorland, Tome 1

Résumé : La guerre. Les épidémies. En un mot : l’apocalypse. La surface de la terre est devenue inhabitable.

Les rares survivants se sont réfugiés dans le monde d’En-Dessous, à l’abri d’enclaves souterraines reliées par des tunnels. Trèfle a toujours connu la loi de l’enclave. Elle y a toujours obéi sans discuter.
Elle est devenue Chasseuse. Le rêve de sa vie. Avec Del, son coéquipier, elle se voit investie d’une nouvelle mission : protéger l’enclave de la menace constante des Monstres anthropophages qui errent En-Dessous. Mais si Trèfle est docile, elle n’est pas aveugle. Et le courage qu’elle mettait au service de la loi qui régit la vie dans son enclave va l’entraîner à se rebeller. Car au nom de cette loi, les Anciens condamnent des innocents. Après le massacre d’une enclave voisine, Trèfle fait une découverte
qui lui glace le sang:les monstres sont devenus
Pourtant, les Anciens ignorent ses avertissements. Pire, pour la faire taire, ils s’en prennent à l’un de ses amis. Trèfle n’y tient plus. Elle prend sa défense. Mais en se dénonçant pour un crime que personne n’a commis, elle est bannie avec Del. Cet exil vaut une condamnation à mort. Malgré cela, Del va lui apprendre que les mensonges des Anciens vont encore plus loin que ce qu’elle croyait, et que l’espoir brille peut-être au bout du tunnel…

Avis : Après avoir entendu tant de bien de Marcela et Sullivan Pig au sujet de ce livre, je savais qu’il faudrait que je le tente assez vite. Bon j’avoue que je ne m’attendais pas que Sullivan Pig m’offre le livre, ce qui a fait que je l’ai commencé beaucoup plus tôt que prévu. Je l’en remercie d’ailleurs car je n’ai pas encore eu l’occasion de lire beaucoup de YA post apocalyptique et ce roman est vraiment un bon exemple de ce genre.

On découvre Deuce, cette jeune fille qui n’était qu’une Brat jusqu’à aujourd’hui et qui passe son initiation pour devenir chasseuse, chose qu’elle rêve depuis toute petite. Il faut dire que les gens sont tous catégorisés, il y a ceux qui sont destinés à faire et élever les enfants, d’autres à chasser comme notre héroïne, mais aussi certains qui lisent ou autre activité qui pourrait être utile. Notre héroïne va devoir faire équipe avec Fade, ce jeune homme mystérieux qui n’a pas été élevé dans l’enclave et dont tout le monde doute. Mais évoluer avec lui, lui fera réaliser que le monde qu’elle connaissait jusque-là n’était pas aussi parfait qu’elle le pensait et que les aînés n’avaient pas réponse à toutes ses questions. Un bouleversement terrible dans sa vie qui changera son destin. Un nouveau monde s’ouvre à elle, pleins de possibilités et de promesses. Quelque chose qu’on découvrira tout au long du roman, en découvrant les personnages et leurs sentiments.

Le monde qu’Ann Aguirre a créé est sublime et j’ai pris un grand plaisir à le découvrir. C’est toujours intéressant je pense d’avoir un monde si bien construit et si différent de celui dans lequel on vit. On peut ainsi imaginer tous les détails et les problèmes quand on le lit. C’était une très jolie découverte et l’auteure a parfaitement réussi à faire ressortir les changements et les paysages que nos héros découvrent. J’ai cependant été un peu déçue de ne pas vraiment connaître la raison de cette apocalypse, ou de savoir comment les humains étaient devenus des “freaks” car j’étais très curieuse d’en apprendre plus. Bon je me doute que l’auteure le garde peut-être pour plus tard et j’attendrais avec curiosité de savoir le fin mot de l’histoire.

Deuce était un personnage très intéressant à suivre et à connaitre. Elle change radicalement tout au long de l’histoire mais ne comprend pas toujours ce qu’il se passe ou ce qu’elle ressent. Fade et elle forment un joli duo, et j’ai beaucoup aimé l’apparition des autres personnages dans l’histoire. Je suis assez curieuse de pouvoir en découvrir plus maintenant par rapport au deuxième tome, la fin ouvre de nouvelles possibilités et j’aimerais beaucoup en apprendre plus.



Stacking the Shelves #29


 Endgame (Sirantha Jax, 6) – Ann Aguirre

Regret nothing.

Sirantha Jax has the J-gene, which permits her to “jump” faster-than-light ships through grimspace. She loves nothing more than that rush, but the star roads have to wait…

Her final mission takes her to La’heng, a planet subjugated during first contact. Since then, the La’hengrin homeworld has been occupied by foreign conquerors.

All that’s about to change.

Now, as part of a grassroots resistance, Jax means to liberate the La’hengrin. But political intrigue and guerrilla warfare are new to her, and this will be the most dangerous game she’s ever played—spies and conspiracies, a war of weapons and hearts, and not everyone is guaranteed to make it out alive…

 Trail of the Spellmans (The Spellmans, 5) – Lisa Lutz

FOR THE FIRST TIME in Spellman history, Isabel Spellman, PI, might be the most normal member of her family. Mom has taken on an outrageous assortment of extracurricular activities—with no apparent motive. Dad has a secret. Izzy’s brother and sister are at war—for no apparent reason. And her niece keeps saying “banana” even though she hates bananas. That’s not to say that Izzy isn’t without her own troubles. Her boyfriend, Henry Stone, keeps wanting “to talk,” a prospect Isabel evades by going out with her new drinking buddy, none other than Gertrude Stone, Henry’s mother.

Things aren’t any simpler on the business side of Spellman Investigations. First, Rae is hired to follow a girl, only to fake the surveillance reports. Then a math professor hires Izzy to watch his immaculate apartment while he unravels like a bad formula. And as the questions pile up, Izzy won’t stop hunting for the answers—even when they threaten to shatter both the business and the family.

 Bloodstone (Deadtown, 3) – Nancy Holzner

Boston’s diverse South End is known for its architecture and great restaurants, not its body count. So when mutilated human corpses begin turning up in the area, the entire city takes notice. The killer—dubbed the South End Reaper—uses a curved blade for his grisly work. And even though there’s no real evidence pointing to a paranormal culprit, the deaths are straining the already-tense relations between Boston’s human and inhuman residents.

As the bodies pile up, Vicky, her formidable aunt Mab, and her werewolf boyfriend Kane investigate, only to find that the creature behind the carnage is after something much more than blood…

 Kept (Coveted, 2) – Shawntelle Madison

Fresh from defending her pack in battle, Natalya Stravinsky, a whip-smart werewolf with a lovable neurotic streak, wants a little rest and relaxation. Once an outcast, she’s now eager to rejoin the ranks of her New Jersey pack, and has even gotten a handle on her obsessive urge to hoard holiday ornaments. Yet Nat barely has time to revel in her progress before the next crisis comes howling at her door.

Nat’s father has suddenly gone missing, captured by the Russian werewolf mafia. And as Nat steps up to save her dad from a mob boss’s deadly game, two men step in to play another round for her heart: her gorgeous alpha ex-boyfriend, Thorn, and her new flame, the sweetly sensitive wizard Nick. With her life growing more harried by the minute, Nat must stay cool, calm, and collected . . . or else risk losing everything.

 Moonshifted (Edie Spence, 2) – Cassie Alexander

After surviving a brutal vampire attack, Nurse Edie Spence is ready to get back to work—attending to supernatural creatures in need of medical help. But her nursing skills are put to the test when she witnesses a hit-and-run on her lunch break. The injured pedestrian is not only a werewolf, he’s the pack leader. And now Edie’s stuck in the middle of an all-out were-war…

With two rival packs fighting tooth and nail, Edie has no intention of crossing enemy lines. But when she meets her patient’s nephew—a tattooed werewolf named Lucas with a predatory gleam in his eye that’s hard to resist—Edie can’t help but choose sides. The question is: can she trust this dangerous new ally? And can she trust her own instincts when she’s near him? Either way, Edie can’t seem to pull away—even if getting involved makes her easy prey…

My first Santa gift, thanks Sullivan McPig

Archangel (Samaria, 1) – Sharon Shinn

And so it came to pass…
Through science, faith and force of will, the Harmonics carved out for themselves a society that they conceived of as perfect. Diverse peoples held together by respect for each other and the prospect of swift punishment if they disobeyed their laws. Fertile land that embraced a variety of climates and seasons. Angels to guard the mortals and mystics to guard the forbidden knowledge. Jehovah to watch over them all…
But an age of corruption has come to the land, threatening their peace and placing the Samarians in grave danger. Their only hope lies in the crowning of a new Archangel. The oracles have chosen for this honor the angel named Gabriel, and further decreed that he must first wed a mortal woman named Rachel.

It is his destiny and hers. And Gabriel is certain that she will greet the news of her betrothal with enthusiasm, and a devotion to duty equal to his own.

Rachel, however, has other ideas…

Stacking the Shelves #20


Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews


Between D&R
Grab the Code

Blessed by a Demon’s Mark (Kat Redding, 3) – E.S. Moore

In a job like this, there’s no retirement plan

Kat Redding’s life is dangerous enough when she’s hunting the rogue vampires who prey on Pureblood humans. But now that Kat is thinking of getting out of the killing business, she’s faced with a slew of new problems. Like the demon Beligral, who offers help at an escalating cost, and the werewolf cult with whom she’s entwined professionally and personally. And then there’s Countess Baset—the terrifying vampire who wants Kat to become her personal assassin.

It’s no wonder that Kat has been seeking refuge in the mysterious town known as Delai, a place where she can shed her Lady Death persona and live a life that’s as close to normal as she’s ever known. But even in this haven, something feels askew. Delai is a little too serene. And the more she discovers, the more Kat realizes that the only choice left to her is not whether to do battle, but which side she’ll risk her life to defend…

 Grimspace (Sirantha Jax, 1) – Ann Aguirre

By all accounts, Sirantha Jax should have burned out years ago…

As the carrier of a rare gene, Jax has the ability to jump ships through grimspace—a talent which cuts into her life expectancy, but makes her a highly prized navigator for the Corp. But then the ship she’s navigating crash-lands, and she’s accused of killing everyone on board. It’s hard for Jax to defend herself: she has no memory of the crash.

Now imprisoned and the subject of a ruthless interrogation, Jax is on the verge of madness. Then a mysterious man breaks into her cell, offering her freedom—for a price. March needs Jax to help his small band of rogue fighters break the Corp monopoly on interstellar travel—and establish a new breed of jumper.

Jax is only good at one thing—grimspace—and it will eventually kill her. So she may as well have some fun in the meantime…

 One More Bite (Jar parks, 5) – Jennifer Rardin

It’s Jaz Parks. I’ve already smoked the guy who was the pain in the CIA’s you-know-what for the past few years. But now, in the power vacuum left by the death of Edward “The Raptor”Samos, a struggle for supremacy has begun between his former allies: The Flock, The Valencian Weres and the Coven of Inverness.

The CIA feels the balance must be maintained. So when an agent planted among the Weres discovers a plot to assassinate the Coven’s leader, I and my vampire hottie (and boss), Vayl, are brought in to take out the woman hired to do the deed, a killer who might be as wily and Gifted as ourselves.

So it’s off to the Scottish Highlands for some twisted fun among murderers, demons and half-crazed relatives. Sometimes being a top-secret CIA assassin isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

 The Spellmans Strike Again/Les Spellman contre-attaquent (The Spellmans, 4) – Lisa Lutz

At the ripe old age of 32, former wild child Isabel “Izzy” Spellman has finally agreed to take over the family business. Let’s just say the transition won’t be a smooth one. Her first priorities as head of Spellman Investigations are to dig up some dirt on the competition—slippery ex-cop Rick Harkey—and to track down a stolen screenplay called The Snowball Effect. Next, faced with a baffling missing-persons case at the home of an aging millionaire, Izzy hires an actor friend to infiltrate the mansion as an undercover butler. Only he enjoys the role a little too much.

Stacking the Shelves #19


Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews


Between D&R
Grab the Code

 Enclave (Raroland, 1) – Ann Aguirre

In Deuce’s world, people earn the right to a name only if they survive their first fifteen years. By that point, each unnamed ‘brat’ has trained into one of three groups–Breeders, Builders, or Hunters, identifiable by the number of scars they bear on their arms. Deuce has wanted to be a Huntress for as long as she can remember.
As a Huntress, her purpose is clear—to brave the dangerous tunnels outside the enclave and bring back meat to feed the group while evading ferocious monsters known as Freaks. She’s worked toward this goal her whole life, and nothing’s going to stop her, not even a beautiful, brooding Hunter named Fade. When the mysterious boy becomes her partner, Deuce’s troubles are just beginning.
Down below, deviation from the rules is punished swiftly and harshly, and Fade doesn’t like following orders. At first she thinks he’s crazy, but as death stalks their sanctuary, and it becomes clear the elders don’t always know best, Deuce wonders if Fade might be telling the truth. Her partner confuses her; she’s never known a boy like him before, as prone to touching her gently as using his knives with feral grace.
As Deuce’s perception shifts, so does the balance in the constant battle for survival. The mindless Freaks, once considered a threat only due to their sheer numbers, show signs of cunning and strategy… but the elders refuse to heed any warnings. Despite imminent disaster, the enclave puts their faith in strictures and sacrifice instead. No matter how she tries, Deuce cannot stem the dark tide that carries her far from the only world she’s ever known.
 The Shattered Dark (McKenzie Lewis, 2) – Sandy Williams

McKenzie was a normal college student, save for one little twist: she’s a shadow reader, someone who can both see the fae and track their movements between our world and the Realm. It’s a gift for which she has been called insane, one for which she has risked family and friends—and one that has now plunged her into a brutal civil war among the fae.

With the reign of the king and his vicious general at an end, McKenzie hoped to live a more normal life while exploring her new relationship with Aren, the rebel fae who has captured her heart. But when her best friend, Paige, disappears McKenzie knows her wish is, for now, just a dream. McKenzie is the only one who can rescue her friend, but if she’s not careful, her decisions could cost the lives of everyone she’s tried so hard to save.

 Living the vida Lola (A Lola Cruz Mystery, 1) – Misa Ramirez

Meet Lola Cruz. After paying her dues as an intern, she’s now a full-fledged detective at Camacho and Associates. Her boss is Manny Camacho, a muy caliente former cop with a mysterious ex-wife, a Lara Croft look-alike girlfriend, and a sudden personal interest in Lola. Her first big case? A missing mother who may not want to be found. And to make her already busy life even more complicated, Lola’s helping her cousin plan her quinceañera, and battling her family and their old-fashioned views on women and careers. She’s also reunited with the gorgeous Jack Callaghan, her high school crush whom she shamelessly tailed years ago and photographed doing the horizontal salsa with some other lucky girl.

Lola takes it all in stride, but when the subject of her search ends up dead, she realizes she has a lot more to worry about. Soon she finds herself wrapped up in the possibly shady practices of a tattoo parlor, local politics, and someone with serious—maybe deadly—road rage. To top it all off, her treasured postcoital pictures of Jack are missing! Still, Lola is well-equipped to handle these challenges. She’s a black-belt in kung fu, and her body isn’t her only weapon. She’s got smarts, sass, and more tenacity than her Mexican mafioso-wannabe grandfather. A few of her famous margaritas don’t hurt, either.

 In a Fix – Linda Grimes

The start of an original new urban fantasy series starring human chameleon Ciel Halligan

Snagging a marriage proposal for her client while on an all-expenses-paid vacation should be a simple job for Ciel Halligan, aura adaptor extraordinaire. A kind of human chameleon, she’s able to take on her clients’ appearances and slip seamlessly into their lives, solving any sticky problems they don’t want to deal with themselves. No fuss, no muss. Big paycheck.

This particular assignment is pretty enjoyable… that is, until Ciel’s island resort bungalow is blown to smithereens and her client’s about-to-be-fiancé is snatched by modern-day Vikings. For some reason, Ciel begins to suspect that getting the ring is going to be a tad more difficult than originally anticipated.

Going from romance to rescue requires some serious gear-shifting, as well as a little backup. Her best friend, Billy, and Mark, the CIA agent she’s been crushing on for years—both skilled adaptors—step in to help, but their priority is, annoyingly, keeping her safe. Before long, Ciel is dedicating more energy to escaping their watchful eyes than she is to saving her client’s intended.

Suddenly, facing down a horde of Vikings feels like the least of her problems.

 The Mermaid of Brooklyn – Amy Shearn

In this beautifully written novel that blends the whimsy of The Time Traveler’s Wife with an indelible portrait of motherhood, a young woman strives to pick up the pieces after her husband mysteriously leaves—and she finds strength from the unlikeliest of allies. 
Jenny Lipkin is an average, stretched-too-thin Brooklyn mom, tackling the challenges of raising two children in a cramped Park Slope walk-up and bonding with the other moms about breastfeeding while spending endless hours in Prospect Park. All she really wants is to survive the sweltering New York summer with a shred of sanity intact. But when her husband Harry, a compulsive gambler, vanishes one evening without a word, Jenny finally reaches her breaking point. And in a moment of despair, a split second decision changes her life forever.

Pulled from the brink by an unexpected (and, as it turns out, sometimes annoying) supernatural ally, Jenny is forced to rethink her ideas about success, motherhood, romance and relationships. Confronting her inner demons—of both the mermaid and non-mermaid variety—is no easy task, and eventually Jenny has to come to terms with who she truly is, for better or worse.

 Ashes of Honor (October Daye, 6) – Seanan McGuire

It’s been almost a year since October “Toby” Daye averted a war, gave up a county, and suffered personal losses that have left her wishing for a good day’s sleep. She’s tried to focus on her responsibilities—training Quentin, upholding her position as Sylvester’s knight, and paying the bills—but she can’t help feeling like her world is crumbling around her, and her increasingly reckless behavior is beginning to worry even her staunchest supporters.

To make matters worse, Toby’s just been asked to find another missing child…only this time it’s the changeling daughter of her fellow knight, Etienne, who didn’t even know he was a father until the girl went missing. Her name is Chelsea. She’s a teleporter, like her father. She’s also the kind of changeling the old stories warn about, the ones with all the strength and none of the control. She’s opening doors that were never meant to be opened, releasing dangers that were sealed away centuries before—and there’s a good chance she could destroy Faerie if she isn’t stopped.

Now Toby must find Chelsea before time runs out, racing against an unknown deadline and through unknown worlds as she and her allies try to avert disaster. But danger is also stirring in the Court of Cats, and Tybalt may need Toby’s help with the biggest challenge he’s ever faced.

Toby thought the last year was bad. She has no idea.

In My Mailbox

“In My Maybox” is a meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren
(repris en français par la bibliothèque de Lilie
Les traductions sont personnelles 

Blue Diablo (Corine Solomon, 1) – Ann Aguirre 
“Right now, I’m a redhead. I’ve been blonde and brunette as the situation requires, though an unscheduled color change usually means relocating in the middle of the night. So far, I’m doing well here. Nobody knows what I’m running from. And I’d like to keep it that way…”

Eighteen months ago, Corine Solomon crossed the border to Mexico City, fleeing her past, her lover, and her “gift.” Corine, a handler, can touch something and know its history—and sometimes, its future. Using her ability, she can find the missing—and that’s why people never stop trying to find her. People like her ex, Chance…

Chance, whose uncanny luck has led him to her doorstep, needs her help. Someone dear to them both has gone missing in Laredo, Texas, and the only hope of finding her is through Corine’s gift. But their search may prove dangerous as the trail leads them into a strange dark world of demons and sorcerers, ghosts and witchcraft, zombies—and black magic…


“Aujourd’hui je suis rousse. J’ai été blonde et brune quand la situation le requérait, bien qu’un changement de couleur signifie se trouver un autre endroit en plein milieu de la nuit. Jusque là je m’en sors pas mal. Personne ne sait ce que je fuis. Et j’aimerais que cela reste comme ça… »
Dix-huit mois plus tôt, Corine Solomon a traversé la frontière de Mexico City, fuyant son passé, son amant et son « don ». Corine, une handler, peut toucher un objet et savoir son histoire – et parfois, son futur. Grâce à son habilité, elle peut retrouver les disparus – et c’est pourquoi les gens n’arrêteront jamais de la rechercher. Des personnes comme son ex, Chance…
Chance, qui par malchance se retrouve devant sa porte, demandant son aide. Quelqu’un cher à leurs coeurs a disparu à Laredo, Texas, et le seul espoir de la retrouver est le don de Corine. Mais leurs recherches prennent un tournant dangereux quand elles les mènent dans le monde étrange et sombre des démons, sorciers, fantômes, zombies – et magie noire.
 Getting over Mr. right – Chrissie Manby

Have you ever had your heart broken? How did you get over it?
If a pint of ice cream cheered you up and you were able to delete his number and start again then . . .
You’re a weirdo and this book is not for you.

But if you reacted with denial, begging, or a spot of casual witchcraft, then you’ve come to the right place. This is one woman’s journey from love to lunacy and back again. If you ever recall past heartbreaks with acute embarrassment and an urge to go into hiding, this will make you feel better. Sure, you may have sent his new girlfriend a bunch of dead roses, but did you spend a grand on psychic hot-lines and a voodoo curse?
Avez-vous déjà eu le cœur brisé ? Vous en êtes vous remis ?
Si une pinte de crème glacée vous a remonté le moral et si vous avez été en mesure de supprimer son numéro et de recommencer ensuite. . .
Vous êtes bizarre et ce livre n’est pas pour vous.
Mai si vous êtes dans le déni, suppliant, ou si vous vous essayez à la sorcellerie, alors vous êtes au bon endroit. C’est le périple d’une femme de l’amour à la folie, et vice versa.Si jamais vous vous rappelez vos déchirementspassés avec embarras avec un besoin urgent de disparaitre, vous vous sentirez mieux. Bien sûr, vous avez peut-être envoyé à sa nouvelle petite amie,un bouquet de roses fanées, mais avez-vous dépensé de grosses sommes avec un médium par téléphone et tenté une malédiction vaudou ?