Welcome to Suzanne Johnson, the author of the awesome Sentinels of New Orleans series. Thanks to the author for her post. ———- Bienvenue à Suzanne Johnson, l’auteure de la fantastique série : Sentinels of New Orleans. Merci à l’auteure pour le […]
Buy links for the four stories: http://bit.ly/1DDTN4b ———- Many of my Weird Girls fans know that my master vampire, Misha, and Celia (golden tigress and main protagonist) share a very close friendship bond. What many don’t know is that in the original […]
Welcome to Viola Carr, the author of the awesome Electric Empire series. Her new book: The Devious Dr. Jekyll will be released in October. Thanks to the author for the post. ———- Bienvenue à Viola Carr, l’auteure de la fantastique série : […]
Bienvenue à Cindy Van Wilder, l’auteure de la série Outrepasseurs. Merci à elle pour ce joli post. ——– Quand Miss Melliane m’a contacté pour me demander si écrire un « guest post » à l’occasion de l’anniversaire de son blog m’intéressait, j’ai tout de […]
Blood or the crown? Royal families in fantasy Being the heir to the throne in a fantasy novel is a dangerous business. It’s highly likely that someone is trying to kill you. And more often than not, it’s one of your own […]
When I announced that I’d be writing books four and five of The Twelve Kingdoms, some people asked if that would end the series or if there would be more after that. I want there to be more, and said as much. […]
Nous sommes très heureuses aujourd’hui d’accueillir C.S. Pacat, l’auteure de la série Prince Captif, dont le premier tome “L’Esclave” et le second “Le Guerrier” sortent le 29 mai 2015 chez Milady Romance. Vous pouvez retrouver notre avis du premier volume ici. Merci […]