Alexandra Sabian, Book 2

Synopsis : When Alexandra Sabian sinks her teeth into an investigation, she doesn’t let go.

Alex allowed a case of murdered vamps to get personal and is suspended from the Federal Bureau of Preternatural Investigation. Now she’s facing an official inquiry but has a chance to redeem herself. The catch: She must once again work with Varik Baudelaire, her former mentor and ex-fiancé, as he spearheads a search for a missing college student. But Varik has been keeping secrets from Alex and his mysterious past is on a collision course with his present.

When Alex and Varik discover a carefully handcrafted doll at a crime scene, neither of them can see how close the danger really is or that a killer known as the Dollmaker has made Alex the object of his horrific desire. Now the only way out of the Dollmaker’s lair is through the twilight realm of the Shadowlands, where all secrets—for better or worse—will be revealed.

Review : I confess that I don’t remember a lot of things about the first book so it would be difficult for me to compare the two of them. This story is a little different from some typical Urban Fantasy novels. It’s a book shared between two big stories, like in the first one, we could follow the evolution of the Alex and Varik relationship which is very intriguing since the beginning. In the second one, we follow a big investigation by the police. So I would say it’s more a mix between a detective and an Urban Fantasy stories. It doesn’t bother me at all, on the contrary I really like to follow a good investigation with a lot of elements and characters. Indeed, this one is very interesting, well done, and we keep wondering all along the story to understand the Dollmaker’s motivations.

We find all the characters from the first volume, and we discover some new ones too who will allow us to learn more stuff about the Varik’s past, a fact which was very interesting as he is a very mysterious man. We will learn too a lot of secrets he tries to hide and we wonder how alex will react when she will know the truth. I was also very surprised by some Emilie’s declaractions, I can’t wait to discover what will happen now that there are a lot of new problems.

In this second novel, Alex has become stronger, more determined to find the truth about her father’s murder but always in denial about his real nature. We learn so much about every characters, that them seem closer to us. We understand that they try to do their best although it’s not always in the good way. We find in this story a big bad guy with a lot of powers, some horrific habits and a big obsession for Alex. But more than that, Alex is always under the treat of a trial which could change her life forever and Emilie who would like to help her, but she finally initiates a story she could really regret soon enough.

Therefore it was a really great book and I’m very curious to read the sequel with everything that happens here !

10 thoughts on “Blood secrets by Jeannie Holmes (VO)

  1. Mimi Valentine

    LOL I do the same thing sometimes too! Especially when books are published so far apart, it’s so easy to forget a few things before the second one comes out! x)

    Awesome review, Melliane! I love the idea of vamps and mysteries all mixed in one — those are two of my favourite things! 😉

  2. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh this is another series I want to read. I’m also liking that despite the fact that you didn’t remember the first one it was still good. That really sells me. On my wishlist!

  3. Melliane

    @ Mimi Valentine : I think I read to much books lol, so after I forget a lot of things. Yeah it’s really nice to have a story like that ! Thanks

    @ Melissa (Books ans Things) : Yeah I know I like the first one ! Thanks goodreads for that LOL. I remember a little but not a lot. It’s a very nice series if you like the detective stories too !

  4. bookdout

    Since I love mysteries and urban fantasy this sounds perfect for me!
    *Bumping it up my list*

    Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

  5. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Oh very nice. 🙂 I want to get into this series….some day. ;D Thank you!!

  6. Melliane

    @ Bookdout : I do hope you’ll like it, it’s a great series !

    @ Melissa (My world…in words and pages) : It’s a thing I always tell to myself LOL

  7. Claire

    Great review! I’ve read the first book and enjoyed it but I hadn’t realised the second one had been released. Yet another book for the tbr pile.

  8. Melliane

    Thanks ! We can always have some suprised sometimes, I hope you’ll like this one too ! I would be curious to read your opinion about it !

  9. Candace

    I’ve seen this one around lately and I’m happy to learn a bit more about it and get a better idea of what to expect if I read the series. I hate when I can’t remember all the details of the first book but that usually happens and it tends to come back to me as I read. Anyway, great review!

  10. Melliane

    it’s a really nice series if you like investigations and Urban fatasy books. It’s always a problem for me, I read to much and after a while it’s difficult to remember the story. I don’t know if it’s the same for you… Thanks for stopping by our blog.

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