We’re very happy today to present you Shauna Granger, the author of The Elemental series. Her second book, Air (Elemental #2), will be set to release on October 31th. (If you yant to see our review about the first novel, you could read it here).

We hope you’ll enjoy this interview.

How many books do you plan on writing? Do you already have an idea of what’s going to happen in each one?

Shauna Granger : I have always intended on this to be a five book series, one for each element. I do always have a vague idea about what the story is going to be about when I sit down to start the book, but until then, I have no idea, lol. I am currently working on the fourth book in the series but I have no idea what the fifth, and possibly final, book will be about. I need to know how this book is going to end before I know what the following book will be about. I know that sounds a little weird, but I’ve never been one who could write with outlines; I write organically, listening to the characters and just trying to keep up with them as the story unfolds. When I try to plan and outline a book I lose all sense of urgency to tell the story.

Could you tell us a little something about the second book?

Shauna Granger : The second book was a lot of fun for me to write; this book focuses on the Air elementals and I researched a lot of Irish folklore and got back to my ancestors’ roots for it. You’re going to find High fairies, brownies, house hobs, earth fairies, air fairies and many more species in this book. However, despite all the pretty, sparkly fun of those fairies book two, Air, also shows people their dark side. Readers will join the characters on a trip into the Sidhe (the fairy underworld), and see just what these creatures are capable of.

Has it been difficult to write the first book?

Shauna Granger : Once I realized that I wanted to write in the Fantasy genre writing the first draft of Earth was remarkably easy. For a very long time I tried not to write Fantasy because that was the genre I enjoyed reading the most and I was concerned there was nothing new I could bring to the table. It would be four years before I would finally allow myself to write Earth, but when I finally decided that was the story inside of me, I managed to write the first 10,000 words in under two hours. People tell you to write what you know, or write what you don’t know (meaning it’ll force you to do the research necessary to write that story), but I like to tell people to write the story you want to read. That’s my big secret.

Does the inspiration for the characters come from people you know?

Shauna Granger : Not really. Now, there are a few minor characters that are inspired by people in real life, but mostly they come from my imagination. Deb, the manager of the Oak, Ash and Thorn, is based on a real person who is a kind and loving person who I thought more people should know. A lot of the teachers in the books are based on my high school teachers. But as far as the main characters, if they are inspired by real people, it’s a bunch of people all rolled up into one fictional person. I like to take traits from people, whether it’s a sense of humor, a haircut or whatever, and mold them into one person.

– Do you need very specific conditions to write? With music? In a coffee shop? Where does the magic happen?

Shauna Granger : I do need noise to write. I create a playlist of music for each book so that if I’m in an unfamiliar place I can still get back into the mood of the story. If I am in my office, I’ll turn the music on and even turn on the T.V. so that there is enough noise that I end up blocking it all out and am able to focus solely on the screen in front of me. If I’m not in my office, I do make sure to take my music list with me because it’s like the actual voice and tone of the story I’m working on and thanks to that, I can work anywhere, anytime. I want writing to be my fulltime job, so I treat it like a job. I don’t have the luxury to wait for inspiration to strike or to be sitting in just the right place. I think that’s the difference between treating writing like a hobby or like a livelihood.

– What are your favorite books?

Shauna Granger : Oh my gosh, this is probably the hardest question ever. I love books so much. How do you decide! I guess your favorite books are those that you can read over and over again and never get bored, so with that in mind I know that all seven Harry Potter books are at the top of my list. And no, that answer is not to pander to the masses, I have probably re-read each of those books at least four times and I get lost every single time.

The incredible Neil Gaiman and his books would make my list, specifically American Gods and Stardust – if you’ve only seen the movie, you’re really missing something – and Neverwhere.

Kim Harrison and Jeaniene Frost are my two favorite Urban Fantasy writers right now, so Harrison’s Hallows Series and Frost’s Night Huntress (and the spin offs) are on that list too.

– Do you plan on writing for an older audience?

Shauna Granger : I actually do have a story in mind with an adult main character bouncing around in my head. I don’t think Young Adult books are just for teens so I don’t want to say that this next project will be just for Adults. But I am really excited to start writing the story. This book will also be an Urban Fantasy novel, full of magical realism where all the fantastical creatures, witches, fairies, elves, trolls and more are part of society, out in the open. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. I have absolutely no idea what the story is going to be about outside of what types of characters are going to be in it, and who the main character is, but I think it’s going to be great!

Thank you Shauna for aswering our questions !

Giveaway :

As a part of the tour, Shauna Granger will give the possibility to win one e-copy of her first book : Earth. So please to enter, leave a comment with a way to contact you (email address). This giveaway is international and closes on October 31th at 11:59PM.

You can win this e-book in each blog of the tour, so check them all !

There will be too two Grand Prizes. To enter the first one you must comment on each blog post of the tour for a signed print copy of soon to be released Air and a bookmark! Second Grand Prize is a signed print copy of Earth and a bookmark! Don’t forget to go on this blog on October 29 th.

Blog on the tour :

20 thoughts on “Book Tour Earth – Interview + Giveaway : Shauna Granger

  1. A Tale of Many Reviews

    Interesting interview! I learned new things about Shauna myself. 🙂 Thank you for participating!

  2. Mimi Valentine

    LOL I know, right? It’s so hard to just pick one favourite book — I can never do it either! I always end up listing so many! x)

    Earth and Air both sounds so good! I love the idea of elementals (because I’ve always wanted to control an element myself), and the covers for both books are so pretty! Awesome interview! 🙂

  3. Melissa (Books and Things)

    What a great interview! Love all the books you chose as well as the authors. So, of course that makes me curious about the book.

    books (dot) things (at) yahoo (Dot) com

  4. Kereesa

    Sounds intriguing!!


  5. Amanda

    Great interview! The favorite books question is always SO hard for me too! I have so many depending on my mood.

  6. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    Oh wonderful job! Both of you. 🙂 Love the sounds of this one. It’s new for me, but I love the idea of the elements. 🙂 Thank you!

  7. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    Oops. Forgot my email. 😉


  8. Shauna Granger

    Merci beaucoup pour cette interview merveilleux!

  9. Melliane

    @ Shauna Granger : Oh thanks to you !!

    @ A tale of many reviews : Thanks for hosting this event ! It was a real pleasure !

  10. Proserpine

    I don’t know about this author, but the books sounds great!I would love to read them all! Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. desitheblonde

    i love the blog contest and then i would love to read

  12. Hannah

    I wish I could write along to music to provide the right kind of feeling in my mind while I’m writing but I need a lot of quiet. 🙁

    Great post! This series sounds fantastic. Thanks for the chance to win. 🙂
    Jaedia at live dot co dot uk

    Once Upon A Time

  13. BlackWolf

    great interview!

  14. cent

    Merci beaucoup pour ce concours, je tente ma chance!


  15. Donna

    Sounds like a great book

  16. Veronica Morfi

    This sounds really great!


  17. Nimue

    Amazing that some people can write when it’s noisy!
    Thanks for this opportunity,
    endlessly.bookish (at) gmail.com

  18. Lisa Richards/alterlisa

    I love books about magic that are natural, as earth, fire, rain etc. Looking forward to checking out this series.


    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  19. Paige

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!


  20. Beverly

    Would love to win! Thanks for hosting.

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