Follow Friday is a blog hop Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

Q: Letter to Santa: Tell Santa what books you want for Christmas!

It’s THE big question! I’ve a huge wishlist, but I think I will pick :

  • Hounded by kevin hearne

  • Revenge of the Spellmans by Lisa Lutz

  • Left Hand Magic by Nancy A Collins

  • Deadtown by Nancy Holzner

  • Shakespeare’s Landlord by Charlaine Harris

  • Rise the Night by Colleen Gleason


26 thoughts on “Feature & Follow Friday

  1. Lauren B

    Hope you get the books you want.
    Thanks for stopping by and happy reading.
    Following back.

  2. aparajita

    New follower,

    those are some nice choices. hope u get them all.

    CHeck out mine here

  3. aparajita

    Hi you haven’t still followed my blog yet.

    Le’ Grande Codex this Friday FF post

  4. Sarah (saz101)

    Oh, I love the Lily Bard books! Shakespeare’s Landlord is awesome. Hope Santa’s kind to you 😀

  5. Alison Can Read

    Hopping through. Everyone raves about Hounded. I should pick it up.
    My Hop

  6. Melliane

    @ sarah : I’ve heard so great things, now I’m very curious to read it. I’m glas you liked it. Thanks

    @Aparajita : really sorry, I think there was a problem. It’s done.

    @Alison can read : Yeah I’ve heard so great things now I want to know more

  7. Tristan

    Hey, I love your header it’s so pretty! I really want to read The Iron Druid books, they look great. Hope Santa comes through 😉 new follower
    Tristan @ Reads With Wreckless Abandon

  8. Melissa

    Great picks and thanks for stopping by my blog!!

  9. LaCherenda

    Hi! Your blog looks awesome. New follower 🙂

  10. Lindsay Cummings author

    I follow you here! happy friday! 🙂

    Stop by my blog and follow me back?! 🙂 I’m hosting a cover craze today! 🙂

  11. Preet @ A Written Rhapsody

    Great picks! New follower!

    A Written Rhapsody

  12. aLmYbNeNr

    Yay, you made a bullet list, like me! Have a great weekend!

    The Musings of ALMYBNENR

  13. Melliane

    @ Tristan : Thank you so much, it’s very nice.

    @ LaCherenda : thank you!

    @ aLmYbNeNr: Don’t you think it’s difficult to write juste some of the books we want? there are sooo many books. Thank you, yo you too!

  14. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh I might have to trap Santa on his way to your house and steal your package! Uh… he doesn’t read the comments here, does he?

    *looks scared*

  15. Chapter by Chapter

    I hope you get all the books you asked for and more! Some of those covers are pretty nice 🙂
    New follower
    MaryAnn @ Chapter by Chapter

  16. Moonlight Gleam

    New Follower!

    I really hope Santa grants you your wish!

    My FF Post

  17. Christy @TheReaderBee

    Thanks a great set of books! I hope Santa is nice and brings all the books you want! Thanks for hopping by!

  18. Melliane

    @ Melissa : don’t come near my house!!!! It’s always difficult there are so many books I want.

  19. Kathy

    Thank you for hopping by! I like Charlene Harris too. Hope you get these from Santa!

  20. Sarah Brown

    I really want to read the Coleen Gleason books, thanks for stopping by.

  21. Claire

    Good choices. I have read Deadtown and really enjoyed it.

  22. Rachel Brooks

    I hope you get all the books on your list for Christmas! These look like great choices!

    I’m a new follower 🙂

  23. Mimi Valentine

    LOOOL I know right??? This question is so hard because there are so many books to want! x) But those are all such awesome choices, especially Hounded which I’ve heard so many cool things about!!

    I hope you get all the books you want for Christmas, Mel! You definitely deserve it! 🙂

  24. Jamie Kline (Bookerella)

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog; old follower here! And thanks for introducing me to some books I hadn’t heard of before, will have to check them out!

  25. Missie

    You must read HOUNDED! I loved it so much, and I want everyone to love it too!

  26. Melliane

    @ Missie : It’s your reviews of the series which make me want to read it !I really need to have it! I hope it will be the same for me.

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