Strange Angels, Book 1

Synopsis:  Dru Anderson has been “strange” for as long as she can remember. She travels from town to town with her father, hunting the things that go bump in the night and eat the unwary. It’s a weird life, but a good one–until it all explodes and a zombie busts into her new house. 

Alone, terrified, and trapped in an icy town, Dru’s going to need every inch of her wit and training to stay alive. Can she trust the boy who is just a little too adult–and just happens to get bit by a werwulf? Or the strange blue-eyed boy who tells her she’s heir to a long-forgotten power? Can she even trust her own instincts? 

Because Dru is not the first in her family to be killed by the darkness of the Real World. The monsters have decided to hunt back–and now Dru has to figure out who to trust, who to fight, and when to run. And not incidentally, she has to figure out how she’s going to get out of this alive. 

And she has to do it by sundown, or it’s all over… 
Review: I was very intrigued by this book before starting it. Lilith Saintcrow is a writer I really liked with her Dante Valentine’s series. Therefore I was quite curious to see how were her Young Adult books. But finally I think I expected a little too much for this novel. I don’t say it’s not interesting, not at all, it was a pleasure to read it but some points bothered me.
Indeed, I think that all the readers who have watched the Supernatural TV show, could only compare the two stories. Firstable, I saw the similarities with the hunters stuff which is very similar. But it’s not the only thing, there are some other elements too. Indeed, Dru like Sam and Dean, have a father who became a hunter to revenge a person of their family. I’ll not spoil everything and tell you the others because there are some which are linked to the story. The comparison isn’t really annoying, but it’s true that as I’ve watched the whole TV show, I prefer a little more this one. You’ll say that I chipote but I think there are some similarities too with another book… Indeed, there are some details about the vampires which make me think a little bit of Vampire Academy. But like before, I will not tell too much about it because we can see this at the end of the book.
You’ll say that I just announce the negative sides but there are also some positives. I really enjoyed the characters. Dru is a young brave girl who bears up behind the events and who tries to deal with every tests. It was interesting to learn more about her. (mainly that she always wants to go to the bathroom when she is stressed.)
Christophe and Graved seems to be very different but it’s not the case. It is quite funny too see them in the same room. I confess I have a little preference for Christophe. Indeed, I hope we’ll learn a little more about him in the second book. Graves, is an interesting determined boy, who wants to do big things for his life. We can see him evolve little by little in the story, learning about what and who he is.
What about the story ? I think it was interesting. We try to understand like Dru what really happens despite we can conclude about some elements before her. We discover a particular world where nothing is what it seems to be.
I’m very intrigued by the sequel which seems to be very different. I would love to discover the Dru’s new life and see what will happen to her now that everything is different.

7 thoughts on “Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow (VO)

  1. sonia

    Interesting review though I think I’ll skip this one. Her Dante ones sound intriguing, though…

  2. Melliane

    Yes I prefer the other one. But I’ve heard some great things about this one, maybe it’s just for me. I’ll see with the sequel.

  3. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I haven’t read the VA series yet, but it is on my wishlist. I also want to read this series as well. Oh and it sounds like it leads to an interesting sequel. Hm… I do need to move this one up on the wishlist.

  4. Melliane

    I’ve only read the first one for VA, I really need to read the next ones too. Yes I’m really curious for the sequel.

  5. Chrissie @ Once Upon a Series

    I’ve heard that book two is better – although I haven’t started this series yet. I’ve never watched Supernatural before so maybe I won’t be as bothered by some of the things that bothered you 🙂

  6. Melliane

    So maybe you’ll love it, it’s just a little upsetting to compare like that. Thanks it’s nice to know that the sequel is better even if you haven’t read it.

  7. Mimi Valentine

    YAY MELIIANE!! You read this book!! 🙂 I’ve had Strange Angels on my TBR list for such a long time now, and I honestly don’t know why I haven’t read it yet — it sounds so cool! Even though you felt it was a little too similar with Supernatural (which I haven’t watched yet either!), I still really like the idea of it!

    Awesome review, Melliane! 🙂

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